A bunch of new sketches

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  • #41091

    Jed, I really dig your stuff. I love how you treat larger than life women as a legitimate subject for art and not just fetish.
    You will be recognized.



    All fine work!  I particularly like the second one (superheroine) and the fourth one (waitress), though I can't pin down why.  It could be the great muscular definition, the bare abs, or perhaps I just really like pictures of girls holding things above their heads.  ;D
    At any rate, keep up the good work!

    Rock Martin

    Jed, I really dig your stuff. I love how you treat larger than life women as a legitimate subject for art and not just fetish.
    You will be recognized.


    What do you mean by "just fetish"?


    Jed, I really dig your stuff. I love how you treat larger than life women as a legitimate subject for art and not just fetish.
    You will be recognized.


    Indeed. And I think I got the title for your first Time/Newsweek cover story: Paul Gauguin on steroids

    BTW, I just got to know: what the hellis it that that superheroine-type girl in the second sketch is lifting?!


    BTW, I just got to know: what the hellis it that that superheroine-type girl in the second sketch is lifting?!

    Judging from the small pebbles falling from it, I think it's a large boulder…


    Eric F., EnhanceMan


    These are all very impressive. The second one from the top has legs that look like a Burne Hogarth anatomy study. Love the natural looking gestures. Good work all around.

    Indeed. And I think I got the title for your first Time/Newsweek cover story: Paul Gauguin on steroids

    BTW, I just got to know: what the hellis it that that superheroine-type girl in the second sketch is lifting?!

    Judging from the small pebbles falling from it, I think it's a large boulder…

    Eek!  My sources are showing!  I love Gauguin (Also Gaston Lachaise, who if you guys haven't seen his stuff, I am sure you would dig:
    NSFW link: http://images.google.com/images?q=gaston%20lachaise&hl=en&lr=&sa=N&tab=wi ), and I was just cribbing from Hogarth because I was foggy on how the muscles go on the thigh.
    Anyway, thank you all for the discerning commentary and feedback.  I like the attention to detail you guys pay, as well as the frank admissions of what sort of imagery presses your buttons.
    I think the line between art and fetish is pretty blurry- see Gaston above- with art being the level of skill shown in making something, and fetish being an obsessive interest in subject matter, regardless of artistic qualities.

    And the supergal is lifting a very hastily drawn boulder, I think.

    Rock Martin

    Eek!  My sources are showing!  I love Gauguin (Also Gaston Lachaise, who if you guys haven't seen his stuff, I am sure you would dig:
    NSFW link: http://images.google.com/images?q=gaston%20lachaise&hl=en&lr=&sa=N&tab=wi ), and I was just cribbing from Hogarth because I was foggy on how the muscles go on the thigh.
    Anyway, thank you all for the discerning commentary and feedback.  I like the attention to detail you guys pay, as well as the frank admissions of what sort of imagery presses your buttons.
    I think the line between art and fetish is pretty blurry- see Gaston above- with art being the level of skill shown in making something, and fetish being an obsessive interest in subject matter, regardless of artistic qualities.

    And the supergal is lifting a very hastily drawn boulder, I think.

    Is it wrong to have muscle women as subject matter if you really like to draw them?


    Is it wrong to have muscle women as subject matter if you really like to draw them?

    I don't think so.

    That Guy

    8) nice  8)


    Shit! How did I miss this? Great work! ^__^

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