- This topic has 9 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 4 months ago by
November 3, 2005 at 10:27 am #16823
ParticipantBefore I begin my story, I have a few things that I want to say. I'm gratefull that so many people wanted to join my Yahoo group, The Perfume Factory. Unfortunately, I can't approve anyone unless they answer the questions that the group emails them. Because of the way that Yahoo is set up, applications to join a group expire after 2 weeks. I apologize to those that were rejected because they didn't answer the questions in time, but anyone can reapply. If you never got the questions, then your computer probably registered it as junk mail, or you chose to not recieve any emails from the group. I sent a reminder to answer the questions to everyone who applied, so if you didn't get it, then please make sure that you use a working email address or give me one so that I can contact you. My email is gblock01@gmail.com , if you have any comments or concerns.
Since someone in this group pointed out to me that you attract more flies with honey, I figure that I should post, at the very least, the first chapter of my story to get more people interested. This story is definitely NSFW. I willingly admit that the this chapter is a little long, and that the ending scene is a little extreme, but I think that it works well. It's actually long enough to exceed the 40000 character limit, so don't be thrown off by the fact that it will span a couple of posts under this topic. For those of you that haven't heard about the group that I am advertising, the group's writers will be expanding on one of Solomon's stories, "The Perfume". This story will obviously have some distinct similarities to it, so please do not view this as a rip-off. Also, there are a couple of offensive comments that I made in the story, as well as a bit of cussing. I hope that that doesn't put anyone off. I stand by what I say, and I needed some of the characters to say the things that they did for their developement.
And now, without further ado (and to wake up my audience), here is the first chapter.
It was after midnight. During that pre-dawn hour where the shadows of the night are at its deepest, just before being vanquished by the light of the coming day, few people are awake. In ancient times, this twilight hour was considered a time of dark magic and forbidden secrets. How times have changed since those innocent days. Jinn Skye stirred from his musings, turning to the dimly lit screen in front of him. It looked odd, how the faint luminescence that flowed from the computer screen gave no light to the deep shadows of his room. Even in the feeble light, any onlooker would only see a boy in his late teens, just entering man-hood, in nothing but boxer-briefs, bent over the screen. You would have to be standing in front of him to see what was on the screen. Jinn was the only person awake a this time of night, or morning, really. That was fine by him. Many people would not understand him. Precious few could. Hunching over the screen, he focused his attention on the soft glow of his computer’s monitor.Depicted on the monitor was what many would consider a strange sight. On the screen was an image of a nude woman. That in itself was not so odd on an eighteen year-old’s computer screen at this hour. What made the picture so unusual was the fact that the woman, while undoubtedly beautiful, looked like her skin was about to explode from containing a combination of large, hard muscles as well as a set of very large, but very fake, breasts. She was standing in a highly erotic pose, showing of every bulge and curve of her glorious body. She was standing with her back gracefully arched, thrusting her breasts out, while she had one hand exploring the hard crevices of her body while she had the other massaging her bountiful chest. It was one of the few pictures that Jinn had ever seen like that, where the heavily muscled amazon actually looked like a woman, not just a man with a woman’s body. To make oneself look as good as the one in the picture in front of him, the bodybuilder had to take especially good care of their body. Naturally, that required more work than most people were willing to put in, so gems of this genre were exceedingly rare.
Jinn couldn’t help but stare in awe as his eyes drifted from section to glorious section of this anonymous woman’s body. His gaze slid over the smooth features of her face and moved down to her torso. His eyes caught on her heavy cleavage. They looked so fake that it wasn’t funny, but the thought of a woman that strong having breasts that big was certainly an arousing thought. Not even a second after his eyes fell on the woman, he was sporting a massive erection. He eagerly scanned over the rest of her body, but his eyes always drifted back to her gigantic chest. He shivered in ecstasy, feeling ready to cum, right then and there. He ran to the bathroom quickly, so as to avoid any incriminating evidence of his nocturnal activities. It would not be good if his guardian found out what he was up to when everyone was supposed to be asleep.
After he took care of business, he stayed in the bathroom for a bit, resting, as usual, in the heavy mists of euphoria that usually accompanied his night-time quests for pleasure. Still feeling a little drained, he decided to walk around for a bit in the bathroom, just to get his juices flowing again (no pun intended). As he passed by the mirror, he paused to look at himself. What he saw in the reflection from the full-body mirror was the image of a fairly handsome young man, with just a hint of a beard growing in. His gaze swept over his body, showing him a well developed physique that he had obtained from years of care, basically ever since he fell in love with muscle. He had always wanted to be huge, but he found that he loved his slim body the way that it is. After all, what good are massive muscles of you can’t move with the agility that the martial arts that he loved demanded? His eyes scanned his moderate height and ended centred on his face. His shaggy, dark brown hair framed his unblemished face, highlighting his eyes. His eyes collected the light in the room, making his normally brown eyes shine with a golden gleam. His eyes were the only truly remarkable thing about him, at first glance anyway. As far as he could tell, he only had two physical gifts, both of which caused more than their share of embarrassment. His eyes were the only one that could be seen on a regular basis.
Feeling recuperated, Jinn walked out of the bathroom. Right into someone. Surprised, Jinn jumped back. As his eyes adjusted to the glare of light in the whitewashed hallway, he heard an almost mocking peal of laughter. He could recognize that laugh anywhere, no matter how faint it was. Jinn’s eyes finally adjusted on the violet eyes of an almost too handsome young man. His features were so fine as to border on a woman’s beauty. Despite being a year younger than Jinn, Chaud Stryke already had a much more “adult” look about him. His massive, muscular frame made him look more like a bodybuilder in his late twenties instead of seventeen and the quarterback of his High School football team. The only thing that disrupted that image was the fact that he kept his hair dyed a crimson color. Despite what most people thought, his violet eyes were completely natural.
“Well look at the ever alert Jinn, the great martial artist!” Chaud laughed. “Just finishing some late-night business, or were you really just going to the bathroom? Come on! I need to know if it is safe!”
Jinn shot a venomous glare at Chaud. “Bite me! You know full well what I was doing and I know full well that you were waiting for me! What are you doing up at this hour? You know what Prauge thinks of being up so late.”
Chaud chuckled. “Oh? What are you doing up so late? Maybe I should go tell Prauge myself.”
Jinn couldn’t help but laugh at that absurd comment. “Sure, go ahead, but he hates tattle-telling more than being up late. And you’re no favorite of his.”
Chaud winced visibly, “Touché. You got me. I just can’t ever seem to beat you in an argument. Or a fight for that matter. Anyway, I’ll be serious for once. I got some issues, and I need some advice. You’re the smartest guy that I know, aside from Prauge, of course, but there’s no way in hell that I’m going to go for him for help.”
Jinn sighed. He figured that this was where that conversation was going. Ever since Jinn figured out that Chaud’s attitude was a façade and confronted him about it, Chaud attached himself to Jinn, not entirely unlike a leech. Since that moment, they have, whether Jinn wanted them to be or not, as close as brothers could possible get, despite the fact that they were not related by blood in any way. They loved each other as brothers, up to and including the fights that they got into. Jinn always came out on top, despite Chaud’s superior strength. They also knew each other’s darkest secrets. Again, not that either one of them wanted to admit it, but Chaud really looked up to him. “Fine. Alright. Just turn off the light and come into my room. And be quick about it ”
Jinn walked back to his room in darkness, followed closely by Chaud. They walked in, Jinn sitting on the chair in front of his computer and Chaud taking a seat on Jinn’ bed. Chaud grimaced when he saw what was on Jinn’s computer screen. “You know, I don’t think that I’ll ever understand your fascination with those women. Why do you love muscle like that? It’s just disgusting!”
Jinn sighed again. They went through this every time that they talked like this at night. He decided that he wouldn’t take it tonight. “Do you really think so? Oh I didn’t realize that you felt that way Maybe I should be like you and, oh, I don’t know… fuck every blonde bimbo that I see! Yeah, I think that conforming to your ideals is a great idea!” Jinn dimly wondered if he had carried the sarcasm too far.
A look of surprise mingled with one of hurt passed across Chaud's too handsome features. “Jeez, sorry. I didn’t realize that it was such a big deal.” Jinn moved to apologize, but Chaud interrupted him. “I know, I know. You’re very sorry and it will never happen again. Got it. It’s late. I bug you about it a lot. I understand. Right now, I need help. We can fight later. What I need help with is dealing with a particular ‘blonde bimbo’, as you so delicately put it. I believe that it is one that you are very familiar with.”
Jinn didn’t miss the emphasis on that last sentence. He was obviously talking about his girlfriend. It was common knowledge that the two of them had a very intimate relationship, but Chaud was one of the few people who knew how intimate it really was. His knowing was mostly due to his room being next to Jinn’s. “What’s the problem with Mayim this time? Or more to the point, what did you do this time?”
Chaud winced. “What is it with you? How do you always get it right? Anyway, all that I did was mention that she was working out an awful lot lately. Suddenly, she got pissed at me, slapped me in the face for no reason, slugged me in the gut, and the walked off as if nothing happened! I could use a little clarification, here.”
Jinn sighed a third time. This was an ongoing battle between Chaud and Mayim. Mayim Aquus was a very proud individual who cared for Jinn deeply. He deep affection was often shown when they were in bed together. He never met a woman quite like her. “Knowing you, Chaud, you said something along the lines of ‘Hey Mayim! You’re looking hot today. It’s great that you’re working out to loose some of those unwanted pounds.’ The way that she reacted was no small wonder, especially since she isn’t trying to lose weight, but to gain it. You know that she has been working out to build muscle. Why do you have to put your foot in your mouth every time that you open it around her?”
Chaud winced again. “God dammit! How the hell do you keep doing that? You’re too perceptive for your own good! You know that right? That was almost the exact wording! You make it sound like it’s my fault that she responded that way. I still can’t figure out how you convinced her to start working out. Your secret desire seems to be contagious. Well, you won’t be getting me! Give me a nice, slim, big-titted woman any day.”
Jinn sighed yet again. This was going the exact same way that all of their other talks were going: straight to hell. “First off, it is your fault that she reacted that way. When you put yourself into those situations by playing as “the ass”, you do more harm than good. Second, you do have a ‘slim, big-titted’ woman any and almost every day of the week. The third thing is that you know as well as I do that she loved bodybuilding before I met her and that she only started working out once she found out that I love women with muscles. The last thing is that is that I didn’t figure anything out. Mayim told me. She used something called the “internet” to do it. Any idea what that is?” Jinn knew that it was a mistake the instant that those last few words passed his lips.
Chaud’s face paled as the last words sank in. Even though he put his usual cocky grin on, anyone could see the barely contained rage in his eyes. “I get it. So sorry to take your time. Thank you for the help. Go rot in hell.” With that, Chaud left the room. He at least had the sense not to slam the door. Jinn glanced at the clock. It was already after one o’clock in the morning. Shit. We did it again. Oh well. He’ll forget about it by noon tomorrow. Whether he really forgets or not, it doesn’t really matter. He won’t ever go to Prauge, so he’ll always come to me instead. If only he wasn’t such an ass all of the time. Hmmm… I’d better get to sleep. Summer officially starts tomorrow and I’ve got a date with Mayim in the afternoon. I want to enjoy part of the day before I have to meet her. Settling into his bed, Jinn’s last thought was of his conversation with Chaud.
Jinn woke up, bright and early, at six o’clock in the morning to the not entirely dulcet tones of his alarm clock. FUCK! I forgot to turn my alarm off. Oh well. Since I’m already up, I might as well get dressed. Grumbling to himself, Jinn forced himself out of bed and stumbled down the hall to the bathroom. About twenty minutes later, Jinn walked out feeling awake, if not entirely refreshed. Deciding that now would be a good time to get some breakfast, Jinn went downstairs quietly. There was no sense in waking everyone else up.When Jinn walked into the kitchen, he was greeted heartily by his guardian and landlord, Prauge Gutrot. Prauge was an older man, well into his forties with an enormous belly. He was not exactly over-weight, anyone could see the heavy muscles that roped his arms. Still, his beer-belly dominated every other feature of his large body. He kept his black hair short, in a buzz cut and had a rather long black beard, with numerous streaks of gray starting to show. If he was only four feet tall, instead of his five feet, six inches, his stout frame would make him a comical image of a classic D&D dwarf. His Irish up-bringing and accent only served to further the illusion. It was unusual for Prauge to be up so early. Jinn vaguely wondered why that was. Prauge was notorious for sleeping like a rock, much to the detriment of those near him. The man’s snore sounded like someone was sawing through a knot in a lump of hardwood against the grain. He never woke up early, he claimed, because everyone else’s snores disturbed the quiet of the morning. Jinn knew full well that the real reason was because he was always up late worrying about his charges here at the foster home that he ran.
Jinn had first come into Prauge’s care shortly after being orphaned at the age of five. Jinn looked up to Prauge as a father, whenever he wasn’t thoroughly annoyed at his constant meddling. Chaud’s story was a bit different. He was abandoned by his parents, probably because of his unnaturally colored eyes. He tried to rob Prauge when he was only ten. He failed at stealing, but he managed to evoke Prauge’s pity and the large man took young Chaud under his wing. Chaud never forgave him for the pity that he showed, even though it gave him a chance at a decent life. Sometimes, Chaud’s pride and or ego were disgusting.
“Well, boyo? What’r you doin’ at this wee hour of the morn? I would’ve figured that you’d be sleeping in. Tryin’ to sneak out, eh? You’ll have to get up earlier than that to get past me, boyo!”
Jinn couldn’t help but smile. Despite Prauge’s gruffness, he loved all of his charges dearly, Jinn most of all. Jinn was hard pressed to hide anything from Prauge, and the reverse usually held true. They would joke around like this fairly often. “Relax, Prauge. I’m just down here to get something to eat. You know, you worry more than a Jewish mother.” Jinn could still remember his own mother’s “worry-wart” moments, if only vaguely.
Prauge laughed his usual booming laugh. Jinn winced, praying to whatever deities are out there that no one else woke up. This place was a madhouse every morning during the school-year, and it was only slightly better during the summer. Prauge had to pause to catch his breath. “I’ll never get used to that tongue of yours,” Prauge panted. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, though. I don’t worry about any of you. I’m just anxious to get rid of you ungrateful brats!”
Jinn laughed inwardly. Prauge would never admit that he shows any emotion. Anyone with eyes can see how deep his emotions are. He decided that it was best not to irritate Prauge so early in the morning. “Whatever. I’m just going to hang out here for the morning and then go meet up with Mayim later today.”
Prauge smiled at Jinn. He had his usual lecherous gleam in his eyes. “Ah! That lass! She’s got a nice body on her, eh boyo? I wouldn’t mind snuggling in with that filly one bit!”
Jinn’s face turned scarlet, instantly. “Prauge! How could you say that? You’re old enough to be her father! That’s disgusting!”
Prauge laughed in Jinn’s face. “I know that, boyo. I just wanted to see how deep your feelings for the girl ran. It’s good that you feel that way. Make sure you remember those feelings in the years to come,” Prauge tossed a couple of twenty dollar bills towards Jinn. “That’s for babysittin’ over the weekend. Now get out of here. The there’s too much to do outside to be wasting the day inside. Maybe you should buy the lass a gift for when you see her. Enjoy yourself, boyo.”
Smiling, Jinn rushed outside into the brightening morning. As the door closed, the smile faded from Prauge’s lips. “Ach. That lad will go far. It’s good that he feels so strongly. The wily lass’d better not break his heart, or I break something of hers that won’t be repaired so easily.”
Jinn strolled down the street, humming to himself. The day was going great so far. School was, officially, out for the summer. His guardian wasn't bothering him about every little thing for once. Prauge was just a little too good at that. And to top things, he had just finished having a late lunch with Mayim. They had agreed to see each other later that evening, in Jinn’s room…oh Just thinking about her made shivers of pleasure run down his spine. Not only was she drop-dead gorgeous, but she was even interested in bodybuilding He had never met another woman like that before Well, maybe Eliza, his best friend Sean's girlfriend, but she wasn't interested in him that way. Mayim had been weight training for almost a year now and was showing remarkable progress. She still had her normally slim figure, but you didn't have to get close to her to know that she had been working out. Despite her slim physique, her muscles were very solid. It showed even from a distance Her long, luxurious blond hair contrasted sharply with her deeply tanned skin, allowing for her toned body to appear even more defined. The effect was astounding He could feel himself getting hard just thinking about her The way that her hips swayed just enough to show off the tone of her long legs… the way that her beautiful, rounded breasts would rise and fall with each breath… the way that she moans in pleasure whenever they had se… STOP THAT!He had to get himself thinking on another train of thought before he found himself in a VERY embarrassing situation… not that anyone would really say that he had anything to be embarrassed about. But the woman was so gorgeous Just the way that both of their hands fondled her firm… ENOUGH! Lord! I can't get this woman out of my thoughts. I need to find something to distract me. As these thoughts passed through his head, he found himself standing in front of a newsstand.
He blinked in surprise. He wasn't even aware that he had been wandering around aimlessly. That was a bad enough idea as it was in this part of town. He may have had the ideal fighter's body, but that didn't stop the thugs with weapons. He looked around to get his bearings. As he looked down the street, he could have sworn that he saw the familiar swaying walk of a raven-haired individual, but she was gone before he could do anything. He turned back to the news stand. Sitting there among the piles of magazines, was an odd-looking old man. The old man was sitting there, scratching his snowy beard, staring at Jinn as if the geezer was waiting for him to do something. Shifting around uncomfortably, he walked up to the newsstand.
There was the usual assortment of magazines, although their seemed to be more health and muscle magazines than anything else. Jinn looked up from the racks of magazines to look at the living fossil's face. Without realizing it, he gasped. The man's body and face spoke of extreme age, but his eyes… Jinn suppressed a shudder. His eyes were much too young looking for that body. They appeared as pools of black midnight, making his sun-darkened skin seemed almost bleach-white in comparison. I looked almost as if his eyes were draining all of the color form his body. That alone was enough to make most people freeze in their tracks, but his gaze would catch the rest. That penetrating glare seemed to look into the depths of his soul. It was almost as if his piercing perception could lay out every individual secret from the darkest corners of your mind. Jinn suppressed another shudder. Jesus What is this guys deal? What the hell is up with his eyes? With extreme effort, Jinn pried his eyes away for the old man's.
"Well, young'en? What do you want?" The man spoke in an almost comical back-country dialect. "This ain't no library! You either need to buy something or get!"
Jinn was taken aback by this man's gruffness. He was almost as bad as Prauge. He recovered quickly, mostly because his anger got the best of him. "Listen you decrepit old fossil! How can I buy anything if you won't let me look first?"
The old man just smiled, still scratching his beard. "So you got some fire in you after all, huh? Good, good. Well? Look around then! We ain't got all day!" He made a grand sweep of his hand, gesturing to all of the magazines. "We got magazines to satisfy all desires, here. You just find one that suits you."
Jinn looked around. There was indeed a large selection of magazines. His eyes strayed to the fitness section. Every magazine that there was had nothing but guys on the cover. He found himself staring at the magazines, wishing that there was a magazine there that featured female muscle. Suddenly, the old man rapped him on the head. "You some kind of faggot, boy? Why're you staring at them there pictures of muscled men? If yer some kind of man-lover, then you can forget about getting anything here! Now GET!"
Again, Jinn was shocked, and again, his anger got the best of him. This time, though he managed to control it….barely. Looking straight into the ghastly gaze of the old man, he calmly said, "I'm sorry sir. Jinn made sure to layer the sarcasm nice and thick. I didn't realize that you were so sensitive about your issues. I understand that it must be uncomfortable to be able to sit here all day with these fine pictures of men and not be able to jack off to them."
This time, it was the old man that was taken aback. His surprise soon turned into a boisterous belly laugh that didn't quite fit with his thin voice or his emaciated frame. "Yer definitely a live one! I haven't laughed that hard in years! Oh, that was great! Sorry 'bout that, it's just that old habits die hard. As do old ways of thinking. Just keep browsing."
Jinn turned back to the health and fitness section of the magazine stand. His eyes fell on a single, solitary magazine. He picked it up by the corner of its plastic wrapping and examined it. The back cover was blank. That it didn't have an advertisement on the back was odd on its own, but that oddity had nothing on the front cover. The picture on the front cover showed an absolutely massive woman standing with her arms on her hips with her chest thrust out. The clothes of the woman were stretched tight across the woman's massive muscles and gigantic breasts. Jinn could see her nipples poking out as well as every single ridge of muscle on her body. What made the picture so odd though, was that the woman didn't have the usual man's face on a woman's body that most massive bodybuilders had due to their low body fat percentage. Her face looked like it could belong to any average woman. To make things more interesting, she had that indefinable look to her breasts that screamed that they were natural. The title at the top of the magazine read Busty Brawny Babes . Jinn stared at it with his mouth hanging open. What the hell? I know that this magazine was not there a moment ago How did this get here?
Jinn turned to the old man, who was just smiling at him. Jinn fumbled with his wallet trying to get it open. Without saying a word, the man accepted the money and gave Jinn the change. He just kept smiling at Jinn the entire time. As Jinn turned to leave, he heard the old man speaking to him. "You enjoy that magazine, now. Y'hear? That there magazine is proof that things are changing in this world… yessir. Changing, indeed." As Jinn walked away, the old man's parting words rang in his ears like the bells of fate.
November 3, 2005 at 10:28 am #16824gblock01
ParticipantWhen Jinn finally found his way back to Prauge’s boarding house, the sun was just touching the horizon. Jinn went inside, trying to find out if anyone was home. It was a little too obvious that there was something under his shirt. When he got in, he noticed that there was a note on the wall by the stairs from Prauge. Jinn couldn’t believe his luck when he read its contents.
I’m taking all of the wee lads and lasses out of town for the next three days for a camping trip. I literally
dragged Chaud down the stairs to come with me. He’s the only lad old enough to watch the kids with me. You’re
house-sitting. No messes, got it boyo? If anything’s broken then it’s coming out of your hide. Say hi to Mayim for
me and give her my love. Tell her that I can’t wait until she starts to wear those g-string bikinis, okay boyo?
Have fun!
—Prauge”Ignoring Prauge’s crude humor, Jinn couldn’t help but smile to himself. Of all of the things that could possibly happen today, this was the best He deeply loved Mayim and she returned the emotion. They were together whenever they could be. That was usually in two places: either in the gym or in bed. This meant that he had free reign over the house for three days! He and Mayim could spend all of the time that they wanted together! Oh, this week was going to be great! Exited, Jinn went upstairs to his room.
It was well after sundown when Jinn ran downstairs to answer the doorbell. When he opened the door he was met by a vision that could only come from a dream. Standing in the doorway was the lithe form of an absolutely beautiful woman. She was relatively short, standing at five feet, five inches, but that did little to detract from the rest of her heavenly figure. Beautiful, long blond hair framed a flawless face with clear, blue eyes. Her full, sexy red lips were parted slightly as she breathed in and out, giving her a look that said that she was hungry for something other than food. Her small nose just accentuated the perfect balance of proportions in her facial features. Perky, C-cup breasts jutted out from a lightly defined chest, forcing the front of her white, low-cut, spaghetti-strap tank top forward, giving anyone near her more than ample view of very firm and very generous cleavage. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her arms were also highly toned, with a little definition that spoke of a lot of hard work and future promise. The tank top stopped just above her belly-button, showing off very firm abdominals. Her wide hips were encircled by denim “daisy dukes”, showing off her long, toned legs, as well as highlighting her perfectly rounded buttocks. She wore sandals on her slim feet with a slight heel. The heels were not enough to increase her height by much, but it put enough tension in her calves for Jinn to see the bulge of the modest muscle.Jinn stood there, gawking, unable to control himself. His eyes were pretty much glued to the large pair of bulges in her shirt. Rolling her eyes, the vision of loveliness lifted Jinn’s chin up until they were looking eye to eye. She smiled, showing two rows of perfectly straight, white teeth. “If you’re done undressing me with your eyes, love, how about we go upstairs and do it for real?” She spoke in little more than a whisper, but Jinn heard every syllable that passed through those succulent lips.
Jinn’s face quickly shifted to a cherry red. He would never get used to her straight forwardness. The woman laughed at his discomfort. “You weren’t that bashful when you were staring through my clothes. Or in bed, for that matter. Now, love, let’s go upstairs before that annoying guardian of yours finds us.”
Jinn finally found his voice. Having recovered from his embarrassment, he hardly stammered. “You don’t have to worry, Mayim.” Jinn suppressed a shiver at the mention of her name. He could still remember his thoughts from earlier. “Prauge took everyone on a camping trip for the next few days, leaving me to house-sit. We’re blissfully alone, for once. Oh, and when I said everyone, I meant everyone. Prauge took Chaud with him as well.”
Mayim’s sparkling eyes lit up at this. “Really? How’d Prauge get him out? I’d guess that he would have had to tie him up first.”
Jinn smiled at the vague joke. “Not really, but close. You know how strong Prauge can be when he wants to be. Oh Before I forget, in his message, Prauge says that he can’t wait for you to wear a g-string bikini for him.” Jinn quickly dodged the playful slap that followed his comment.
Open distaste distorted Mayim’s beautiful features. “I swear! That dirty old man gets on my nerves almost as much as Chaud, the bastard, does And yes, I know how strong he can be sometimes.” She unconsciously rubbed her left butt-cheek. “The man has a grip like a vice.”
Jinn smiled. How could he not? She invited those actions by the way that she dressed. “Oh, come one, Mayim! Be serious for once. Prauge isn’t that old! He’s in his early forties. And you should know better than to call Chaud a bastard. He doesn’t even have the faintest idea who his parents are, and calling him that just serves to remind him that he was abandoned as a toddler. You know that he only acts worse when that is brought up. You already saw what happens once! Wasn’t that enough? It took me three long weeks to convince him that you really didn’t know about his past and that you were sorry. I still don’t think that he ever really forgave you from that one time. That’s probably why he acts like such an ass, especially around you…well…more than he usually does, anyway.”
Mayim couldn’t stay angry after that guilt trip. “You know that you’re too compassionate sometimes, right? I know how he’d react, but he isn’t here, is he? Well, I guess that it your compassion that makes me love you so much.”
Jinn laughed out loud. “Quit lying You and I both know that there are only two reasons that you love me so much. The first is that we share interests.” The front door was still open. There wasn’t much point in letting the whole neighborhood know about their secret passion. “And the other, well…” Jinn shifted his jeans up theatrically. “I think that we can both appreciate how long the other has kept our relationship together.”
Mayim caught on quickly and decided to fight back. “Oh, I don’t know… this relationship seems kind of short-lived to me. This conversation seems a little limp. It just lacks passion.” Mayim’s smile faded as she saw his crest-fallen look. She dimly realized that she may have taken it a bit too far. Those jokes usually never bothered him, mostly because they just weren’t true. She wondered what was wrong. She moved closer and gave him a hug, pressing her firm breasts against Jinn’s strong chest. She began to stroke his back, not in an entirely innocent manner. Jinn said something, but she couldn’t make it out. She looked up at his face and realized what it was that he had said. “Gotcha.” Jinn proceeded to lift her up, throwing her over his shoulder and started to carry her upstairs. Getting over the initial shock, she began to laugh, issuing mock cries of distress. Before he got out of range, Jinn kicked the door closed and marched upstairs.
Jinn shoved the door to his room open and dropped Mayim onto his bed. Unlike the bed in everyone else’s rooms, his bed was a queen-size, as opposed to everyone else’s twin beds. He had paid for part of it from money that he had earned at a summer job after convincing Prauge that he needed a bigger bed because he tossed and turned all night. To prove his point, Jinn intentionally fell off his bed often enough that Prauge decided that it was a good idea to get one. Many bruises and a few weeks later, Jinn got a new bed and Mayim began to come over more often.
As soon as Mayim recovered, she sat up on the bed. She looked around Jinn’s room. It always amazed her how Spartan the room seemed. There was almost no decoration. The only decoration that Jinn had in his room was an ornamental katana that he had bought for thirty dollars and a quarterstaff. The staff, unlike the katana, could be used if it was necessary. Jinn’s martial arts instructor gifted it to him as a graduation gift when Jinn received his highest degree black-belt. Jinn’s most prized possession, his computer, was sitting on a desk in the corner, with a very comfortable looking chair behind it. Aside from that, a few books on the desk, and the bed, the room was completely bare.
Mayim leaned back on the bed to stare up at the ceiling. As she did, she felt something slick under her head. She got up and picked it up. What she saw struck her speechless. She found herself holding a magazine in a plastic shell with a picture of a heavily muscled and large breasted woman. She knew about Jinn’s interest in muscled women. If it wasn’t for that secret accidentally being divulged, they would never have gotten as close as they did. She had secretly harboured similar feelings for most of her life, though they weren’t sexual in the way that Jinn’s were. When she found out, Jinn was ready to break off the relationship right then and there. It was thanks to some very quick thinking on Mayim’s part that their relationship was saved. She revealed her feelings to Jinn, making him feel more at ease. Now that she had been able to share her love for muscle with Jinn, she felt free of the societal rule that said that women can’t have big muscles and be sexy. She began to work out. Unfortunately, like Jinn, she couldn’t build the huge muscles that she so dearly wanted very quickly. They toned nicely and she was definitely strong, despite her size, but she really had to work to gain and/or keep any additional mass. It was a wonder that her limbs were as hard and defined as they were.
That Jinn had a sexual magazine was no surprise, after all, he was a teenage male with sexual needs, and she couldn’t be there every second that he needed her. But the fact that he had a magazine like this astounded her She had never seen a magazine that advertised heavily muscled women in such a blunt manner. She wondered where she could get one. She heard a creak, turning and instantly flushing in embarrassment. Jinn was sitting in his chair, watching her. Smiling, he said, “I was wondering when you would notice that. I thought that you should see it before I looked through it. I thought that you might be interested. Apparently, that is a one-of-a-kind issue. From what I can tell, the pages are perfumed and no one produces that magazine. It’s odd, but you can guess why I bought it anyway. You can open it if you like.”
Mayim flashed him her most charming grin and set about to opening the magazine. She tried at it for five full minutes, hardly getting the plastic to stretch. Giving up, she faced Jinn with a puzzled look on her face. Jinn returned the look in kind. “Hmmm…hey, Mayim, give it to me. I have an idea.” Mayim complied and gave the magazine to Jinn. “I think that you might be opening it from the wrong side. If this doesn’t work, I’ll go get some scissors.” Jinn pulled on the other end of the plastic shell lightly. The plastic ripped instantly, making a loud noise. Both Jinn and Mayim were shocked. Jinn laughed nervously. “Heh, heh… it must have been stretched already and we didn’t realize it.”
Jinn flipped through the magazine. The pages were indeed perfumed. It was an exotic, spicy smell, kind of like a combination of sweet spices that were left out to dry. It wasn’t an unpleasant aroma, but it was a bit odd. It left Jinn feeling a little light-headed, but the feeling passed quickly. All of the pictures in the magazine were in extremely erotic poses that left Jinn with a raging erection and a deep hunger for more. He passed the magazine to Mayim, asking her to look through. Mayim sniffed the pages slightly to see what the perfume was like. Not even a second after the first whiff, she began inhaling deeply to smell more of the perfume. “Oh, Jinn! This just smells so wonderful! I’ve never smelt anything quite like it before! I wonder, do you think that I could buy it somewhere?”
Jinn shook his head. “I don’t think so. I couldn’t find the magazine anywhere on the net. I doubt that you would ever find that specific perfume anyway. Since it is a unique issue, it is very likely that the perfume is unique as well. Why don’t you flip through that magazine for a bit? Maybe you can get some new inspiration from the pictures on those pages.”
Mayim smiled and eagerly began to go through each picture, savoring over the ones that best reflected her dreams. As she sorted through her favorite images, Jinn moved from his chair and sat next to her, looking over her shoulder at the artistic figures printed on the fifty-four pages of the magazine. They stayed in that position for a good amount of time, wringing the last bit of pleasure out of each picture. Eventually, Jinn’s gaze shifted from the magazine. Before he realized it, he found himself staring straight down Mayim’s shirt. He could see the slight bulge of her pecs pushing her perfectly round breasts forward, making them appear bigger than they really were, as well as some of her flat stomach. He averted his gaze. Sometimes his libido sickened him. She was beautiful, and it wasn’t as if he had never seen her naked before, but now just wasn’t the right time. She dearly wanted to be like these women. To her, this was extremely serious. Now would be a very unwise time to interrupt her just because he was getting turned on.
He forced his wandering eyes to focus on Mayim’s face. Jinn couldn’t help but smile when he saw the child-like wonder that lit up her beautiful face. That look on her face brought back so many memories. The most clear of them was the time that they realized that they shared the same interests in strong women. Well…they weren’t exactly the same. She loved muscle and wanted to be huge. He, on the other hand, felt a bit differently. While he liked the idea of being big, he loved the idea of being with a massive amazon even more. It was a match made in heaven that could only get better as time moved on. As he shifted through his memories, he found himself wishing that Mayim was as big as she had always dreamed to be.
A soft noise shook Jinn out of his thoughts. Looking around, he tried to see what made that noise. The first thing that he noticed was that the magazine was laying closed on the floor. The next was that Mayim had a very odd look on her face. It was almost as if something was distracting her and calling her attention elsewhere. Jinn touched her arm, wanting to know if anything was wrong. She jumped at his touch. “My God! You scared the shit out of me! Why’d you do that?”
Jinn had to smile. “You know, you really don’t have to call me that. I know that you worship the ground that I walk on anyway, but…” Jinn dodged another playful swat. “Okay I’m sorry Happy now? You just looked so out of it. I wanted to see if there was a problem. Obviously, you’re fine.” Jinn bent over and picked up the magazine. He set it on his desk so that they wouldn’t accidentally step on it.
“Sorry, Jinn. I guess that I was out of it. The last thing that I remember before you touched me was an odd feeling. It just kind of washed over me. It’s kind of hard to describe. I guess a feeling of ‘contentment’ is the best way to put it. I just suddenly felt so relaxed. Sorry that I startled you.” She leaned over and gave Jinn a hug. Jinn eagerly returned it in kind, thankful for an excuse to feel her firm body. Mayim moaned softly into Jinn’s shoulder.
Worried that something was wrong, Jinn broke the embrace and looked into Mayim's eyes. There was something different there, but he couldn’t quite make it out. She had that spaced expression again, though. “Mayim? What’s wrong?” Mayim moved away from Jinn’s arms, standing up a few feet from his bed.
She moaned again. Jinn noticed that it didn’t sound like she was in pain. The moan sounded a little familiar to him, but he couldn’t quite place it. “I don’t know Jinn. When I gave you a hug, I felt strange again. It doesn’t hurt, though. It just feels weird. Actually, I feel kind of…horny.” She moaned again. Now Jinn knew the sound That was the same moan that she made whenever he was pleasuring her or she was pleasuring herself “Oh GOD!” she screamed. “It just feels so good!” She began feeling herself, starting at her firm stomach and then slowly working up to her breasts. Jinn could tell how excited she was getting. Her nipples were pressing up against her tank top as they hardened, showing up clearly against the light fabric.
Mayim wasted no time in massaging her breasts. She began to knead them together, moaning in pleasure with each hand movement. Soon, the moaning rose in volume and pitch to something that was just short of screaming from the pure ecstasy of it all. Jinn stared, eyes nearly popping from his head as his girlfriend took herself to higher and higher levels of carnal pleasure. Mayim had never used her “shy and demure” act around him, but he had never seen her like this before She never even took her clothes off Something about this just didn’t seem right. Despite his mixed feelings, his member wasted no time in responding to the sight in front of him.
Her body was now streaming with sweat as she kept building up her pleasure. She took one hand from her breasts and, with great effort, jammed it into her crotch. She began massaging her gentle parts under her shorts at the same time as her breasts. It took no more than a few seconds for a stream of pleasure to meander its way down her legs from the moisture-stained front of her “daisy dukes”. Her cries continued to rise in tempo as she began to work her body faster. Jinn’s brain was screaming at him that something was wrong, but it was nothing more than a whisper compared to Jinn’s baser instincts. Suddenly, Jinn realized what his brain was screaming about. She wasn’t just unnaturally pleasuring herself Her body was changing as the level of her pleasure rose It was occurring slowly, but she was changing nonetheless.
With each convulsion of her body, Mayim slowly stretched. Within a minute of her pleasuring herself, she had grown from her normal five feet, five inches to almost seven feet She didn’t even look like she was slowing down Her screams dropped in pitch as she grew taller, ever so slightly, but enough to give her voice a deeper, husky tone. Finally, her ascent slowed. She stopped just shy of the eight-foot mark, making her taller than the door to Jinn’s room. She towered over him, looking absolutely ridiculous in her clothes. She had grown almost three feet, drastically altering her proportions. Her shorts, which normally stopped about half-way down her thighs, now barely served as underwear. Her shirt looked a little better. It just looked like something that she would work out in. It normally stopped at her belly button but now stopped just below her breasts, making her tank top look more like a sports bra. Thankfully, she took her sandals off as she was looking through the magazine. Otherwise, it would be more than likely that the increase in the size of her feet would have completely obliterated the sandals. Her hair had also lengthened and thickened, leaving it hanging down at the center of her back, swaying with every motion that she made.
As she grew, Jinn noticed that the features of her face became more streamlined, giving her a more exotic look. As he looked upon her altered form, he saw that she was beginning to fondle herself with more force. Grunts began to accompany her cries as her body underwent another transformation. Jinn stared in disbelief as her already tight clothes began to tighten further. Still fondling her nethers, the hand that was kneading her breasts left that region and began to force her other hand in deeper, trying to invoke even more pleasure. Suddenly, she tore her hands from her crotch and began to massage the rest of her body, unconsciously spreading her juices across her exposed flesh. Admittedly, it was an odd sight, but the changes in Mayim's body had pushed her rational mind into the deep crevices of her psyche. She was not aware of anything other than her rapidly changing body. She began on her legs, then to her rounded ass and hips, and then up to her stomach. As her hands passed over her tight midriff, she shuddered in pure bliss. Gasping with the feeling of it, she moved to her arms and shoulders and then got her back as best she could. As her hands passed over each region of her body, Jinn could see that they were all becoming much more firm. Her hands then drifted back to her stomach, evoking more shudders and cries. Slowly, ever so tantalizingly slowly, she moved up to her chest. As soon as her hands brushed her breasts, they latched on. Her hands began to massage them again. As her hands kneaded them and played with her hard nipples through her shirt, she began to let out throaty screams of carnal ecstasy.
Then her body began to shift began to shift visibly. At first it was slow and subtle, but after it began, it picked up more and more speed. It started first with her legs. Her hands stopped rubbing her breasts and travelled down the increased length of her body to her long, slim legs. She began to rub her calves, slowly at first, but then faster with more force. He breathing came in labored gasps as she felt and saw her calves beginning to bulge. There wasn’t much to see at first, but Jinn’s eyes widened further (if that was even possible at this point) as he saw the muscular tissue beginning to expand. Mayim’s grip shifted to her thighs, where Jinn was treated to the sight of large slabs of muscle beginning to grow and overlap each other across her legs. He was astounded by the size of the muscles, let alone the massive veins that pumped life-giving blood into the expanding tissue. Her hands drifted up further, stopping briefly to caress her genitals, and began to feel-up her ass. Suddenly she convulsed, turning enough to show Jinn her rounded rear. He didn’t know if it was intentional or not, but he really didn’t care at that moment. The only thing that was distracting him from this spectacle was the painful hard-on that he was experiencing.
She rubbed her ass, crying out again, and bent over ever so slightly, again so that Jinn could see everything. As she caressed both of her butt-cheeks, they began to push outward. Her backside was very toned due to her constant working out, but this change was taking her shape into a whole new level. Her ass grew and swelled, rounding out into a perfectly shaped bubble-butt that most bodybuilders have to work hard to obtain and even harder to maintain. It flowed smoothly into her massive thighs, causing her legs to look sleeker than they really were. As she grew, her shorts began to get tighter and tighter, until it finally looked like someone had painted a denim pattern on her body. Jinn could see that it was beginning to dig deeply, and probably painfully, into her crotch. She bent over a little bit more to try to remove some of the pressure. The result of that action was a loud crack as the denim split at every seam, falling from her body in streaming ribbons. Jinn noticed that her lace panties were shredded as well.
At this point, Mayim was looking very strange, without clothes from the waist down, bulging with muscle, again only from the waist down. That didn’t last long, though. Her hands went to her stomach, massaging the soft tissue there. Suddenly she doubled over. Jinn was too enthralled with the show to be alarmed, when she got back up, Mayim was sporting a rapidly developing six-pack with ripped obliques. She kept feeling her stomach as it became denser and as it changed from a defined six-pack into a shredded eight-pack. Jinn could see the rivulets of sweat moving down her stomach, through the deep valleys of her abs.
Mayim convulsed again, this time bringing her arms out to her sides, keeping them parallel with the floor. Jinn could see the ropey tendons shifting in her arms as they began to change. It started with her shoulders. They began to bulk up, rounding out. As they gained mass, they seemed to fall in on themselves causing deep striations in the deltoids to appear. Her forearms and triceps followed suite, but her biceps stayed curiously undeveloped. Ever so slowly, she flexed her biceps. At first, it looked like nothing was happening, but as she moved her arms up, the biceps began to grow. Their twin peaks kept rising, higher and higher, growing denser and harder with every passing centimeter. Jinn’s throbbing member tried to keep it with the growth of her mountainous arms, but was restrained by Jinn’s jeans, much to his discomfort.
She suddenly threw her arms forward. It took Jinn a few seconds to realize that it wasn’t her arms thrusting forward It was her arms being thrust forward Her back was quickly expanding into the V-shape that denoted the most serious of bodybuilders. Layer after thick layer of muscle swelled on her back. Suddenly, her arms were forced back the other direction as her pecs began to fill in. She cried out in her new, husky voice as her breasts were squashed by the ever-tightening fabric. Her nipples were poking the fabric painfully, sending her mixed feelings of extreme pleasure and extreme discomfort.
Panting heavily, Mayim straightened to her new full height, her head almost brushing the ceiling. She shuddered as her muscles finished their swelling. Jinn could see that the fact that her shirt hadn’t popped off at this point was restricting her movement and breathing. Before he could get up to help his gigantic girlfriend, she let out a huge gasp.
Before Jinn’s eyes, Mayim’s breasts, which were two of his favorite parts of her anatomy, began to swell. This in itself didn’t surprise Jinn. Seriously, what could after this turn of events? But the speed with which they swelled took him aback, not to mention the size. Mayim arched her back in yet another convulsion as her body underwent yet another transformation.
Her shirt began to grow tighter around her upper torso. Twin spheres rose from her chest, throbbing as they grew. With each throb, they thrust out just a little but farther. She screamed in a mix of brutal pain and euphoria as her breasts grew out in all three dimensions. Her white tank top continued to be stretched to an almost impossible extent. As her breasts grew outwards as well as forward, the white material stretched to near translucency. Jinn could now she the deep tan color of her flesh as well as the darker color of her areoles as her nipples poked through. Mayim’s growing pains were rewarded be a slight ripping noise as a tear began to form in the middle of her shirt. As the tear widened, Jinn was treated to a quick peep-show of the incredible depth of her chest. The tear slowly widened, giving more and more relief as it did so. Before the shirt tore halfway through, Mayim doubled over again. This time, though, the shirt didn’t stretch with her. With a crack only a little softer than the one that her shorts caused, her shirt fell free, leaving her massive breasts hanging in midair, seeming to defy gravity due to the support that they got from her pecs. Feeling yet another urge, Mayim began to pleasure herself again.
Her breasts continued to swell as she fondled them. Her massive mamaries were each at least as big as basketballs when her shirt split. Now, as she played with her extremely sensitive breasts, they began to grow even faster. They pushed forward, forcing Mayim’s hands away from her body. Jinn couldn’t see it very well, but ever time she pushed her swelling breasts together, they moved a greater distance apart from each other. They pushed out to either side as Mayim kneaded them together, giving her more surface area to probe. Her breaths came out in ragged gasps as her engorged breasts continued to swell and round out. Finally, they stopped growing, but her fondling didn’t. Her breasts were now well past the size of beach-balls, and yet they seemed to weigh nothing, jutting out as perfectly round, extremely firm spheres of female flesh. Her hands began to explore the rest of her new body, but one of them was always massaging her massive mammaries.
Jinn resembled nothing more than a landed fish. His skin was alternating between being a pale white from shock and a deep vermillion from how much his girlfriend’s beauty had increased. His eyes were watering from being held wide for so long and his mouth was hanging open. His dick was straining against the confines of his jeans, but Jinn was too distracted to do anything else but gape. The once small Mayim now stood eight feet tall, was more densely muscled than any morph that he had ever seen online, and her tits were so big now, that Jinn wasn’t sure that they could ever find a bra to fit her (not that she would ever really need it with those pecs) Now the most beautiful woman that he had ever laid eyes on was standing in his room, pleasuring herself of all things Her body was magnificent It was better than anything in that magazine Wait…the magazine? Acting on impulse, Jinn got up for the bed, ignoring the pains from his engorged member as it rubbed against the fabric of his boxers. I remember seeing a story about something like this on the net! If I remember correctly, the whole thing focused around a perfumed magazine. This is too much to simply be coincidence!
Jinn picked up the magazine. Afraid of what he might find, he hesitantly opened to the first picture in the magazine. With Mayim’s moans as a background noise, what he saw on the page in the magazine would have been funny if it wasn’t so serious. Where the picture of the first model in the magazine was supposed to be, was a picture of the beautiful behemoth that was standing behind him. The picture showed her enjoying her new endowments while still showing off every inch of her muscular frame. Jinn stared at that picture for an indeterminate amount of time before a breathy voice behind him said, “Wow Is that really me? I had no idea that I looked that good. It’s kind of hard to see anything below my chest.” Jinn jumped about a foot into the air. The new and improved Mayim laughed, causing her new bust to jiggle enticingly. “Sorry, love. I can’t believe that that happened, though I read that story too, but, of course, I dismissed that as pure fiction. Oh!” Mayim let out another moan of pleasure. “This body feels so good Too bad it won’t last…Ah! This cry came out as more of a scream. “My skin is just so sensitive Just moving, no matter how slight, causes the kind of pleasure that you wouldn’t believe. Just my muscles rubbing together, not to mention… my… breasts… AHHHH!” She sounded close to having an orgasm. Jinn stared up into the face of his love, contorted with the pure physical pleasure from her massive body. She turned back to him, smiling as if she planned to do something that he could do nothing about. Jinn thought that he knew what was going through her mind.
Mayim reached forward and picked Jinn up. He felt so light! “Come on, lover. Why don’t you help me explore this new body of mine? It’s just so big and hard. And my huge breasts are so firm! Oh! It just feels so good! I’m just so strong! And my muscles are just so huge!” As she finished her last sentence, she flexed on mighty bicep in front of Jinn’s face. He came in has pants instantly. Oops, maybe she carried that a bit too far. Oh well, he had more where that came from anyway. “Come, love. This new body needs some lovin’ and you’re just the man for the job.” She quickly ripped Jinn’s clothes to shreds, freeing Jinn’s throbbing manhood. “Oh? All prepped and ready, Jinn? Good. I don’t think that you’ll be forgetting this night anytime soon.” She added that last part with a wink. “Let’s find out just how sensitive this body really is.” She sat on Jinn’s bed, tossing him onto it in the process. She smiled at him as she turned the light off.
TO BE CONTINUED……… but you'll probably have to join my group to see the rest.
November 3, 2005 at 3:09 pm #16825El_Roy_1999
ParticipantNice. I like the growth description a lot. Very visual!
November 4, 2005 at 10:47 am #16826sicktick
ParticipantI like the pun for a name, Mayim Aqua, cleaver. Few people would get it but thats good, Water Water.
November 4, 2005 at 5:40 pm #16827gblock01
ParticipantCongradulations! You are the very first person to get that. Now can you get the puns for the other three characters? Like Mayim, Jinn's first and last name are puns. For Prauge and Chaud, it is only their first name. I'll go ahead and give you one hint. For Prauge, look to the same culture that Mayim's first name was pulled from. For Jinn and Chaud, you will have to look elsewhere. Good luck.
There is a reason for the names that I gave them, and it has nothing to do with this story. If you can get the puns, you might be able to figure out why. If you can't figure out why I gave them those names, then just ask me. I'm more than willing to share this. The only reason that I'm having you go through the trouble of figuring it out yourself, is because I want to see if you can get into my mindset. There is a reason for that too, but I'm not telling yet.
November 5, 2005 at 4:52 am #16828Max
ParticipantYou really like to tease. Don't you?
November 5, 2005 at 7:59 am #16829gblock01
ParticipantSorry. I don't mean to tease so much. It's just so addictive.
Well… That and it keeps people coming back for more. The point of this is to advertise the material on the group, after all.
November 5, 2005 at 9:58 am #16830BlackKusanagi
ParticipantGot some niceness on you Gbllock..wanna see more. ^_^
November 5, 2005 at 6:01 pm #16831gblock01
ParticipantI haven't decided what I'm going to do from here yet. I've already started on the next chapter and I have written another story for a contest on the Coin of Chaos Yahoo Group under the name dragoon0123456789. I'm thinking about writing other stories, if not other series. For those interested enough to read this, if I do write more stories, I will refrain from using any main character except for Jinn and possibly Mayim. There are two reasons for this. The first is that I have a number of different screen names, so you can find my work more easily, no matter what name I use. The other though, is another puzzle that I will let anyone curious figure out. It's not that I really enjoy keeping people in the dark, it's just that it is something that I am not comfortable with saying myself. At least not to anyone that I don't know personally. If, however, someone were to guess it, I would explain it in full.
November 5, 2005 at 6:16 pm #16832The_Pimp_NeonBlack
ParticipantVery nice, dear gblock01, most excellently written. I's shall wait patiently for when next your Muse doth sing and inspire you to write more of this brilliant tale.
Kudos to thee.
The Pimp NeonBlack -
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