A Horror FMG?

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  • #20823

    So i've been inspired to write a horror fmg story and was wondering how much, if any, interest there would be in a story like this.  it's very gory and graphic, think zombie movie gore, there's torture and pain involved, and there's quite a bit of messing with your head, think hellraiser. 

    I wanted to create a poll but they're not working right now, so please respond to this topic and let me know if i should post the story here or save it for somewhere else. 



    As sub-genres go, that’s certainly a different approach to the subject.  About the only two that I can even recall that tried to blend (no pun) horror with FMG was a novella by Silent One called “Danger: Biological Hazard” that was originally posted on the Everything Grows forum and another posted on the Savage Impulses II forum, (whose title eludes me at the moment), as a Star Trek-ish story line involving an alien and Human female who get merged in a transporter accident.  The upshot being she’s turned into a Savage She-Hulk-like superbeing.

    As for the intensity of the graphic-ness of the gore, you might want to check first with Lingster via a private message, clarify what you have in mind and to make certain that it’s alright with him to post such a story here.

    Otherwise, if you've got your creative muse all a-energized, I say go for it.  😎

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Well, if you counted Denise Masino's Blood and Kisses, that be something for a while.

    David C. Matthews

    Well, I'm not a fan of gory horror, but (as AlexG said) if this has you inspired, go ahead and write it! Check with Lingster as to what's acceptable, but I imagine you're safer with prose than with art; I doubt that artwork in this vein* would pass muster. (Just load up on the disclaimers at the beginning, of course.)

    *I made a funny!! 😀


    Rats, forgot to duck!


    Right on!

    Once I'm done with it i'll load up on the disclaimers and run it by Lingster first. 

    I like it and I think that any fan of Horror Movies will like it too…thanks for the input.

    Silent One

    a novella by Silent One called “Danger: Biological Hazard” that was originally posted on the Everything Grows forum

    AlexG, your memory never ceases to amaze me.  😀

    Being a fan of the horror genre I can cay I'd love to see something like this. And if anyone is interested I can repost Danger: Biological Hazard.  (Since it's been at least six years since I posted it the first time.)  I think it ran about 12 chapters and I know I have the text files around somewhere.

    Rob Smith

    I'd be interested in the "Danger: Biological Hazard" report.

    — Rob


    AlexG, your memory never ceases to amaze me.  😀

    Being a fan of the horror genre I can cay I'd love to see something like this. And if anyone is interested I can repost Danger: Biological Hazard.  (Since it's been at least six years since I posted it the first time.)  I think it ran about 12 chapters and I know I have the text files around somewhere.

    😉  Figured you'd appreciate the **Shameless Plug**, but in truth, it's as I said, there's only a few that have tapped FMG + Horror combo.

    Also, just in case you don't, I checked around here and I still have a copy of it on a diskette.  And be certain to post it in the Other Growth Fiction forum, it's the closest that we have to the old Everything Grows . . .  😎

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    This sounds like variations of what happens in the genetic engineering stories. For example, Resident Evil had the T-Virus. Perhaps we can have a story where one or two women become super strong instead devolving into zombies or monsters.


    Anyone have a copy of the Star-Trekish story? Sounds kind of good.

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