A little gift to PCC

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  • #18675

    I thought i'd try my hand at creating one of PCC'c characters on this game. I hope you guys like it and i hope she looks ok i never saw her from the waist down so i improvised a little. Well i present to you the Polymer City Champion. [Pic#2] Lynn Deanna Jones!


    What game is this?

    I had "Day of Reckoning"…
    but this looks a lot better.

    I have xbox, and gamecube.

    Great pics btw.  Thanks.


    It's on PS2 the best wrestling games always are. The gamecubes were a close second but the smackdown series has always been a step ahead. And the xbox wrestling games blow exept for the fact that you can use your own music i had fun with that. But yeah it's on PS2. Sowwies 🙁

    The Muffin man

    It's on PS2 the best wrestling games always are. The gamecubes were a close second but the smackdown series has always been a step ahead. And the xbox wrestling games blow exept for the fact that you can use your own music i had fun with that. But yeah it's on PS2. Sowwies 🙁

    No Mercy was the best of all time 😛


    *drooling while having seizure*


    No Mercy was the greatest! That is until smackdown came along. It revolutionized wrestling games by giving a tv style presentation like with the peoples elbow. And it got rid of that let me grapple hug you and then pull you into a rock bottom as with smackdown you could make them miss and then catch em with a finisher, and all the manorisms were there from the way they walk to little things like the rocks flippy kick. Plus is did god in the market after most people got tired of playing WCW revenge with a different sticker on the cartridge. 😛


    I liked No mercy alot… hey i have two questions… the first is can you buff the divas up or clone them and buff them up.. and the second is how is the life determined is it a spirit meter? which I think was one of the best ways they could do it I hated having an actual energy bar… thanks


    Tara you've gone and made me proud.

    As someone who has wasted much too much time in the Create A Wrestler mode on PS1's Smackdown 2 and N64's No Mercy I've seen the ins and outs of player manufactured pugilist freaks. To make a point we've had fatal three ways between monotheistic heavy hitters and Santa Claus.

    You've done a fitting tribute and managed to keep her looking as if she could captain an Airship flying the Jolly Roger!

    ARRRR  😎


    Very cool Tara!!

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