a long ago story…

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  • #56387
    Silent One

    Excellent as always.  Looking forward to the chance to read more.


    Aw shucks <blush> Thanks Silent One!

    You know, I remember reading YOUR stuff too…and you needn't live up to your name.  'Bout time we see some of your classics reappear too!  🙂

    Meanwhile, I apologize for the delay, but I'm moving next weekend, so I'm trying to pack everything, work hard, and grab occasional story writing time!  I'd love to finish before I move, but I don't know how realistic that is.  :-

    In the meantime, keep enjoying the story!  Thanks very much for all your comments!


    Silent One

    Aw shucks <blush> Thanks Silent One!

    You know, I remember reading YOUR stuff too…and you needn't live up to your name.  'Bout time we see some of your classics reappear too!  🙂


    I appreciate the interest in my work but I honestly don't know if I'll ever go back to posting my fiction again.  I've toyed with the idea a few times and I have a number of aborted attempts scattered about my hard drive.  I just haven't been able to recapture the muse since I left in mid 2000.  When I left I left behind two unfinished stories and as a writer those unfinished stories eat at me.  I've found myself completely unable to write anything else because the unfinished works hover in the back of mind demanding release but I've never been able to bring myself to finish them because some emotional baggage from that time is still firmly associated with them.  Yea, I know this is probably something far more in depth than you were expecting by way of reply but I've only recently come to realize what the core of my on going writers block has been about.  Maybe someday I'll contribute again but I wouldn't want anyone to hold their breath or anything.


    Alas, I can relate.  Took me a while to get back to it as well.  But even if you never post again, it's nice to have your "voice" back with us for a time!  :-*

    Hmm.  I'm getting really behind…I should stop reading forums and get back to the MSWord doc…


    Silent One

    Alas, I can relate.  Took me a while to get back to it as well.  But even if you never post again, it's nice to have your "voice" back with us for a time!   :-*

    Hmm.  I'm getting really behind…I should stop reading forums and get back to the MSWord doc…


    My voice has been with Amaz0ns since it was the She Grows forum a couple of years ago, I just lurk a lot more than I used to :).  And by all means, get back to your doc.  ;D


    Gah. I come and I see that the ending is gone. :'( Now… To wait.


    Hey folks!  Just thought I'd poke my head in and let you know that the move is finished…but everything is still sitting around the new apartment in boxes.  :-

    Might be another week or so before I get back to writing, but thanks for your patience!



    Ah, a GTS situational update!  ;D  8)

    Thanks for keeping us abreast . . .  😉

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Is the week up yet?  Is it?  Is it?  Is it?

    Anxiously yours,




    *Checks for story* Not today. :'(

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