A morph and a query

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  • #43332

    Enahanced muscles or not, this girl has got what must be one of the top ten Best Smiles in The Known Universe (Eroticon VI included). My problem: can't find out who she is!! the photo was taken by Walt Ostarly, and I think she appears in the front page medley on his site's front page – at http://www.waltostarly.com/ – but I couldn't find a trace of her in the galleries. Anyone has any idea who she is?


    No idea, I'm afraid, but that's a great morph!


    For once, I can be of actual assistance!  Her name is Jen Cook – she may be found at her own website – http://www.jen-cook.com – or simply google Jen Cook and you will get a host of links.  She is a very beautiful woman to say the least.  And yes, to the delight of us all I am sure, she has a sister who is remarkably attractive as well.  Great morph by the way,

    Smithy18us (aka – pickadilly6)


    Mr. P. – you are a king amongst men! Though all my visit to her site did was increase my misery… She's beautiful, she "cooks all damned day long" and she's going to be a psychotherapist (!!!) – the holy freakin' trifecta! what more could any Yatz ask for?!  Now all I have to do is convince her we're soul mates, and we're on.
    re sister: I've just been thru her bio, and she mentions mom and dad and little bro, but no sis. I have a hunch I'll have to shelve those plans for a three-way.


    Sorry, I could have sworn I saw a picture featuring her and her sister – perhaps I was mistaken (read: dreaming…).  Oh well, look at it this way – it is probably for the best there is only one of her – most men would not survive such a multiple encounter as you describe! Good luck to you on your soul-mating, and glad I could be of some help,
    Smithy18us (aka, Pickadilly6)


    I have to say, that has got to be one of, if not the best morphs that I have seen in a VERY long time! Awesome work. Hopefully, we can see more images of this caliber from you in the future.

    ze fly

    Enahanced muscles or not, this girl has got what must be one of the top ten Best Smiles

    Hell! the job you did on her helps a lot to find her even more attractive: hence the word enhanced *sigh*

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