A Most Helpful Student

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  • #2588

    Whatever it is, it’s a solid effort. I liked it, though it waould have been cool to see her defy his wishes and grow more!

    Yes, ‘twould be nice for such an effect but it was not wanted nor desired for this story.

    If you would as so kind to go back and re-read the tale, you would notice that their barrier to such an event -in terms of plot and chemistry. In the guise of an anti-OD agent in-built to the formula.

    But I’s am glad that you did enjoy my’s little scribblings.


    The Pimp NeonBlack


    As per the previous trollish post about this story being pedantic, I thought it might be worth my ranting time to note on the lexicology of trolls as exhibited in this circumstance..

    def. Pedantic

    "Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules: a pedantic attention to details."

    So this text, a growth story, is very concerned with book learning? At the risk of being pedantic, perhaps the words you were looking for troll, were "verbose" or "grandiloquent" Also interesting to note that "pedantic" itself is such an obscure word that anyone that uses it is self-incriminating, so to speak.

    Bravo on the story Pimp! Bravo!!


    Be careful mvdr as trolls are known for their miraculous powers of regeneration. Please be sure to burn the body after you defeat it, it must be rendered to ash.

    Anthony Durrant

    You’ve given her a masculine surname. Being female, she should have an "a" suffix (pronounced "ah") at the end of the name; hence her last name should be Katalina Tromomskya.

    Deadly Pixxxie

    I liked the story. It wasn’t too long, nor was it too short and the muscle growth scene was just long enough.


    You’ve given her a masculine surname. Being female, she should have an "a" suffix (pronounced "ah") at the end of the name; hence her last name should be Katalina Tromomskya.

    I’s was not aware of that fact, dear Glammazon.

    I’s in fact did not even choose the surname but rather take it as a suggestion from The Shadow. That is not asigning him blame but he is rather more creative when it comes to constructing monikers and has had far more recent dealing with Polaks in order to conjure an appropriate name.

    But thank you for you post. It will sure be remember for future endevours.


    The Pimp NeonBlack

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