A new picture from me :D

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  • #5832

    Thank you sir!!


    Thank you all :D. I’ve just finished another picture, which can now be seen here http://www.deviantart.com/view/19548812/.

    Cynthia sounds like a big girl.


    I really like the 2nd one a lot! Then again, I’ve always been one for more realistic rediculous growth… 😉


    Excellent stuff as always.


    Thank you all :D. I’ve just finished another picture, which can now be seen here http://www.deviantart.com/view/19548812/

    An excellent illustration, dear Bass.

    Exqusite detail on the abdominals and obliques but the wrists and forearms are a little lacking and could do with some improvement, but the abdominals and the obliques more than make-up for any other minor fault that mine eyes may preceive.

    Thank you very much, dear Bass.

    And, yes, Cynthia is indeed a big girl.

    I’s now only dread for her future children and the heights they may achieve thanks to their collective genetic heritage.


    The Pimp NeonBlack

    Matthew Lim

    Awsome drawing Bass. It’s great to see you’re taking your art towards different directions. I have to agree with Pimp on the forearms and also the thighs. A helpful bit of advice would be to look through an anatomy book and do some sketches out of that to practice drawing the body in different poses and going back to make sure you’re drawing the muscles correctly. It’s a little exercise I do every now and then to keep myself fresh on musculature. A couple of good books for this would be Burne Hogarth’s "Dynamic Anatomy" and Sarah Simblet’s "Anatomy for the Artist." Other than that I can’t complain, you’ve made awsome leaps and bounds since you first started posting on Wreck’s forum.


    I really like the second drawing too! I love the manga + muscles style you’ve got. She’s so gorgeous! Thanks!


    Thanks everyone 😀

    Thanks for the advice KisstheManiac. Actually I have been trying to do a little study on anatomy to make the pics look better, and I’ve done some more tweaks on the picture. It actually makes it seem like an all new picture, which it sorta is, just with a similar pose.


    you’ve made awsome leaps and bounds since you first started posting on Wreck’s forum.

    Yeah, what a long time that’s been :D.


    Wow! That’s some fantastic refinements! Love it!


    Your style is getting better and better every time !!!

    Really do love the 2nd and 3rd drawings

    I read you were asking for your old pictures, I got some from your first webpage, I’ll send them to you next week

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