A New Story by Me

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  • #31623
    Matthew Lim

    This story is great Solomon.

    Please tell me the announcment of your return is a sign that "Early Parole" might finally be finished.  😀



    I thought some eldritch horror swallowed you up in the byways of the Miskatonic.

    Very nice to have ya back.

    The back and forth between yourself and your muse was the last story I remeber you penning.

    The drought that was drier than a wart hogs backside has certainly come to an end! -unintended pun and all-

    Thanks for the cute story.  😀
    You keep writing and I'll keep reading.


    Yay, my hero is back!  Your career started at about the same time I stumbled onto FMG, and you're still one of the best.  It's been many a year since you posted a story, but I'm glad to see you back in action.



    Whoa… I return to find a new SOLOMON story!? Score!!

    Seriously, Im friggin excited… when I started researching FMG stories online (nearly a decade ago), yours were my hands down favorites (and remain today). Youll probably chuckle at this, but something I love about Hemingway was his ability to describe such a vivid scene with a small amount of text – perfect example is "The old man and the sea." And you definitely have that incredible ability. Congrats on hatching another fine story, and we hope to see more in the near future!


    Great story!

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