A note to Pimp Neon Black

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  • #29924

    Just wanted to say congratulations, Neon, on the events of last weekend. I hope all went well and that you will all be extremely happy together


    My congratulations also 🙂 We haven't met, but I've peeked at your LJ and was very moved by what I've read there. I'll introduce myself properly once I find my footing here ^^;


    Just wanted to say congratulations, Neon, on the events of last weekend. I hope all went well and that you will all be extremely happy together

    Thank you, dear friend, for your kind words.
    They do mean a lot to my's most blackened heart.

    No doubt our dear mutural friend, Shadow, informed you of the event -since he did pass on a message of luck & congradulations from you.

    Yes. It did indeed go very well.
    Possibly the greatest day of my's most faulted existance.

    It was a small gathering of 20 or so of my's dearest friends and comrades. Shadow of course was my's best man and he did a most excellent job.

    We were married in the Register General's Office (no fancy ceremony) and then to a friend's place for the celebrations.
    As a wedding gift, my's old employer gave us a holiday at his beachfront house in Byron Bay, New South Wales -a most experience and beautiful peace of property.
    Abigail and I's shall go next week, when I's have completed all of my's current work commitments.

    Next, we shall go to China and back to England for two more marriage ceremonies for our mutural families.
    A traditional Chinese Wedding for my's Maternal Grandparents, cousins (& extended family) and my's fomer masters and an old fashioned Church wedding for Abigail's parents, as well as my's European-based friends and adopted family.

    And to Mikazuki: thank you as well.
    I's do apologise for not updating my's Live Journal as frequently as I's would wish but I's do thank you for taking the time to read my's ramblings.
    If you wish to introduce yourself, there is no greater time than the present. If you wish other conversations, then please feel free to send I a private message.
    Soon there shall be more updates of my's current days upon my's Live Journal, until then:


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