A Photo Update…morphs anyone?

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    Wow, that’s an awesome picture Dave. I’m almost jealous of you Strawberry Riddick :p. And by almost, I mean I am but would never admit it. Opps.


    A very nice work, dear David. A very nice work indeed.

    Though it would, strangely enough, appear that I’s will be in Iraq before our dear Strawberry will.

    This is make about the 8th time in almost 10 years.

    Last time was last year, bodyguard work for some Saudi Arabian businessmen. Same work this time again with the same men.

    5,000 dollars for 2 days work (though that money does include all expenses, travel and accomodation). That money shall go someway to counter the depts recently incurred and it shall be a pleasure to be working for my’s old employers again.

    Though it is a pity that I’s will not have the chance to encounter you there directly, dear Strawberry, but you are wished the best of luck once you reach that shattered land.

    Maybe I’s shall find my’s self back there when you are posted and we can have many discussions of the ideas that you do share here.

    Until such time:

    Peace be on you.

    The Pimp NeonBlack


    I can already see Dave formulating a new comic book series

    called "The Cronicles of Strawberry Riddick" LOL πŸ˜†

    Or "Uber Strawberry: Marine Supreme Fighting Machine"



    wow this is good stuff, really nice job with the drawing man, that would be neat if there was a comic about her lol πŸ˜€


    Heh, UberStrawberry makesa more statuesque American icon than Lady Liberty any day πŸ™‚

    Trent Harlow

    Hey Strawberry have you see Lisa Bickels? She’s a bodybuilder/Marine.


    How about a strength feat now?

    Maybe lifting an enemy war tank?

    Maybe something more creative?

    What do you think Strawberry?




    Well, I have been looking to create a comic for some time, and to use myself as a character never crossed my mind but would make things a hell of a lot easier. I wouldn’t have to worry about what the character might do, or if it’s in-line with that character’s thought process. I would just say "Hmm, what would I do? Oh, hell yeah," and draw/write it up.

    So…I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I’d rather use myself as a character in a comic book before anyone else does, but I’m happy to see any fanart that comes in πŸ˜‰ Of course, suggestions for storylines are always welcome.

    I did end up looking up Lisa Bickels, and it’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who had the idea of going into the Marines AND being an uber-fighting machine. All the other female recruits, save for one, are complete wusses. They shy away from everything. Harrington and I get along great because we have the same train of thought…real fit for the Marines, moreso than the girls that whine about their make-up or are afraid of playing paintball (yeah, it happened). When I get out of boot, you all know I’m going to toss on a ton of muscle. I plan to get a shirt made that says "Body by the United States Marine Corps"…what do you think?



    ok if i were a photographer id totally do a photo shoot…of a buffed up strawberry…

    keep your spirits up in the core…dont let them set fire to your hair or anything

    πŸ˜‰ go for it strawberry….write a panel or comic of an uber marine strawberry….who knows it might take off?

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