A Photo Update…morphs anyone?

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  • #5949
    David C. Matthews

    When I get out of boot, you all know I’m going to toss on a ton of muscle. I plan to get a shirt made that says "Body by the United States Marine Corps"…what do you think?

    LOL… lovin’ the idea!


    DC: Good, good, glad someone saw that I wanted an opinion 😀

    GOLD: I’m thinking of just doing small 3-panel comics or 10-page stuff. What do you think? Any other suggestions anyone?


    I say go for it, even if it just is a three of four panel strip once or twice a week. Or even that 10 page you were talking about.


    easier to start with a 3 panel comic…thats weekly especially when you get buzy with the marine core


    easier to start with a 3 panel comic…thats weekly especially when you get buzy with the marine core

    That’s a good point.

    I was thinking about it while I was at MEPS…I wonder, how should it start?


    strawberry riddick comes upon a patch of glowing strawberries just outside a military base eats one….and becomes

    UBEr Strawberry lol

    just a thought….i guess youd have to get powers or something from strawberries heheh

    The Muffin man

    Here’s an idea:

    Strawberry(we’ll call her Berry for short) was injured seriously in battle. Although not killed, drastic measures were taken. She was injected with a serum to heal her body. Thus, she was able to work out much faster!

    Unfortunetly, due to how muscles grow and build up, the serum thought her body was falling apart. In a matter of days, her body had bulked up quite a bit. Still remaining as feminine and lovely as ever, she had put on a good 70-80lbs of muscle(much less considering most of her body fat ‘melted’ away). Her body decided to fix this problem. It strengthened her muscles! Now, she had the power to lift 30 tons, and similar to the Hulk(or the Saiya-jins from DBZ to be more accurate :P) the more her body got beat up, the stronger she got. Although THIS was temporary, it does come in quite handy.

    Now, Berry has become the Mighty Marine!

    😛 Hey if ya don’t mind, I could add her to a story I’m writin based off my City of Heroes character.


    Mighty Marine?


    Strongberry Shortcake? 😆


    I was thinking of something a bit more realistic, like we happen upon our hero after she’s been working out a good deal…something happens to make her want to defend the nation, like corrupt officials or something. I was thinking that she would be more like the ultimate spy (don’t laugh! Some of us didn’t want to be ballerinas when we were kids!!), as she could still use her feminine wiles, but at the same time she’s incredibly buff and driven by integrity…to the point of head-stomping the bad guys into the pavement 🙂


    Nice variety of ideas here. I’d throw in one of my own but I doubt my style would work well for this what with my tendancy toward canniblistic villians with improbible technology. Still it’s got me thinking. Right sorry back to the people with a point to make.

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