A second story

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    Oh, no! Good luck Michelle!

    Please don't be a muscle girl cut down in your prime. 🙁



    Michelle stood and stared, as if paralysed. The marines instinctively readied their rifles, aiming at her. One of them shouted:
    “Hold it right here! Put your hands where I can see them! Don’t move!”
    “Who are you?”
    The second marine stared at the apparition. Clearly, the sergeant could see her too, so she must be real. Even though it was very odd, it was also rather charming to see such a fine girl in her white underwear in the middle of Russia. He smiled.
    “Sarge, I don’t know about you, but I think that she’s quite the babe.”
    “Shut up, private. Russia ain’t the place for stupid jokes!”

    Michelle complied. She put up her hands, still surprised at the sound of familiar language and answered:
    “My name’s Michelle Wang, I’m from Ithaca, NY. I work for the GIC.”
    “What the fuck are you doing here? Are you alone?”
    “I came here to research a story. Our car broke down. Can you get us back to civilisation? There’s a friend of mine back there. He’s American too.”
    At this moment, Lemontov climbed out of the helicopter. He had observed his former visitor for a few minutes and had finally decided that whatever she had found was definitely worthwhile. He walked over to the sergeant.
    “Sergeant, I know these people. What they say is true. Let’s call the captain and get out of here.”
    The sergeant turned around. He looked down on the pale Russian. At last, he spoke with great care:
    “Dear civilian. Even though I am unaware how you came to believe that you were calling the shots around here, I suggest that you SHUT THE FUCK UP! Thank you. Now, back to the girl in her underwear…”
    He was interrupted again. This time, a screaming, half-naked man came running, barely evading a falling truck.
    “Holy shit! Shoot! Shoot!” The marines opened fire, but surprisingly, both the man and the woman dropped to the ground fractions of seconds before the bullets actually left the barrel. Michelle and Calvin instinctively laid down, wondering what they were doing. Shouting above the gunfire, Calvin desperately tried to tell his partner that Ekaterina was coming, just as the titanic woman raced around the corner, carrying the steel door with her. Her gigantic muscles were pumping, her shoulders were swaying at full speed. As the bullets approached, she swung the door in front of herself, using it as a shield.
    Lemontov panicked, jumped into the helicopter and shouted:
    “Let’s go, we don’t have time. We must get away now!”
    The sergeant, realising the futility of the small-arm gunfire, made a quick sign to the pilot, who swivelled the aircraft’s machine gun at the fast-approaching assailant. Just as he locked her, she jumped up, throwing the door like a discus. While the rotating gun-barrels were gathering speed, the door smashed into the automatic cupola.
    Michelle and Calvin got back up. She gave him a hard look and shouted:
    “Okay, marines, start your machines, we’ll try to buy you some time.” With that, she started to run at Ekaterina, who had just landed.


    Wow!! What a turn of events!! Will there be a continuation?

    ze fly


    Next part…

    Open warfare

    As the hulking woman turned around to face her assailant, Michelle threw her fist at her. Whether she was still reluctant to hurt another human willingly or whether she was just unlucky, she merely managed a glancing blow. Ekaterina rolled her shoulders, stretched her neck, and grabbed the lither woman’s arm. She grinned evilly and pulled. With an awful sound, Michelle’s arm jumped out of it’s socket. She howled in pain, but the muscular monstrosity in front of her unleashed a volley of punches at her without flinching.
    She fell into the snow, the whiteness starting to dance as the helicopter’s rotors started to turn. Michelle desperately tried to concentrate, her body numbed by pain. Just as Ekaterina’s yard-wide shoulders began to eclipse the sun, the enormous woman collapsed. Clearly, Calvin had jumped at her, kicking her into the back of the head. He stumbled over to Michelle, helped her up and was instantly thrown to the ground as Ekaterina grabbed his leg and whirled him around as a throwing hammer. He screamed as he cycled faster and faster, his pitch heightening as he realised that she was going to throw him into the chopper’s rotor.
    Analysing the situation in split-seconds, Michelle quickly scooped up some snow, shaped a ball from it and hurled it at Ekaterina. The sadistic beast was clearly more surprised than hurt, but still let go of her victim, projecting the helpless young man into a nearby snowdrift.

    Michelle darted forward, evading the other woman’s lounging attack and rolled, her arm dangling at an odd angle from her shoulder. Her pain strangely numbed to a mere “information” that something was wrong. She could sense the exact location and pinpoint it’s most painful area. Ekaterina turned around, but was swept back to the ground as the helicopters started taking off. Indeed, the second team had returned from the base’s exploration and had climbed back into their machine. Michelle stood up, her hair billowing in the draft. She ran towards the first machine, closely followed by her antagonist. Just as Ekaterina was about to grab her, the second helicopter loosened a hail of bullets at the broad-shouldered assailant.
    She dived for cover, rolling sideways and dodging as good as she could. With a final summersault, she managed to throw herself behind one of the ruined concrete walls that encircled the front of the complex. The deadly projectiles ricocheted off her shelter, but she kept her cool. At last, the chopper had gained enough attitude to stop firing. The hulking woman got up, brushing off the snow and gravel from her clothes. She cleared the remaining pieces of concrete from her hair, calmed down, then proceeded to return to her partner. She’d have to get a trip to America as soon as possible. No one except her would profit from their research.

    “Whoa, lady, you put up quite a fight!” The sergeant was apparently quite impressed. “You workin’ out?” Michelle was just catching her breath as the machines soared into the greyish sky. The team’s medic clambered over to her and gave her a good look. Instantly, she asked:
    “Your arm has been dislocated. Can I put it right?” Michelle gave the short-haired woman a nod, turned away and winced as she proceeded to go chiropractic on her. Soon the pain subsided.
    The sergeant had called the captain, who was on the other helicopter, by radio and reluctantly passed the headset over to Lemontov who was still sitting there, amazed. After a few words, he returned the headset and said:
    “We’re heading home. I guess that the operation was successful. You“, he looked at Michelle and Calvin, ”have found what you were looking for. I must say that I am surprised. At the same time, our military friends have managed to stay alive and mostly unhurt. Would you allow me to bring you back to the United States with my own airplane? I guess that you are more than willing to leave this ghastly place as soon as possible.”
    Calvin nodded. Michelle, who was still flexing and unflexing her recovering arm, mumbled approval.
    One hour later, they were safe and sound in Lemontov’s private business jet.

    ze fly

    🙂 Thank you!!
    Can't wait for the rest. 


    At long last, the next part. Get some numbers!

    The long way home

    When the machine reached it’s cruising altitude, Michelle removed the belt on the passenger seat and examined the plane’s luxurious interior. There was a sofa, a conference table, a kitchenette and a folding bunk. Everything was cramped but clearly well-made. Seconds later, the attendant came in. She was a petite blonde, with a perky nose, a perpetual smile and an adorable Russian accent. As she came in to ask whether she could help, she stopped in mid-motion. Clearly, she was surprised.
    Michelle was wearing some of Calvin’s clothes, and she was filling them out perfectly. Her broad shoulders stretched the t-shirt a bit, giving the “Calvin and Hobbes” cartoon a slightly distorted look. Also, Calvin’s cargo pants were stretched to the max, her enormous thighs filling the trouser legs to the brim. Next to her, Calvin was just getting up. His muscles had grown to match and had given him the traditional superhero physique. Oddly enough he had to get into the plane by stepping sideways. He had squeezed into the biggest clothes Lemontov could buy in town. Since he couldn’t try them on in the shop, he was still forced to refrain from sudden movements for fear of destroying his shirt.

    The attendant hesitated for a second, then asked:
    “Would you like a drink?”
    Calvin looked at her, smiled, and replied:
    “A glass of beer would be great. What about you?” He turned to Michelle.
    “Mineral water please. Where’s Lemontov?”
    The woman busied herself with the drinks and replied:
    “Mr. Lemontov is in the cockpit, planning the route. We’ll have a stop in Japan to refuel. He also said that I should take your measurements so that we can order some clothes there.”
    She served the drinks, then waited. Michelle took a sip and said:
    “Well, Lemontov is certainly courteous and well-organised. If you don’t mind, I’ll go first.” The woman produced a measuring tape and replied:
    “Very well. Let’s get in the back. I guess you’ll like some privacy.” Calvin gave her a longing look, implying that he’d seen most there was to see, but the attendant was adamant.

    The rear part of the passenger cabin was equipped with a more comfortable bed as well as a folding curtain to shield it from view. Michelle sat down. The woman, who revealed her name to be Milena, pulled the curtain hedging out the other passengers. Michelle stripped down to her panties. The other woman stared. The young woman’s torso was entirely bereft of breasts. Instead, her large pectoral muscles gave her a clean-cut, perfectly muscular cleavage.
    “Wow, you’re huge!” Michelle blushed. “Let me get your measurements!” With astounding quickness, the attendant began checking the muscular woman’s dimensions. She struggled a little to wrap the tape around her chest, but finally exclaimed: “45 inches, waist is, um,… 27 inches and hips are 42 inches. Wow.”
    Michelle gaped. Compared to her old 32-25-33 look, she seemed to have turned into a different person.
    “I think you’ll have to measure my thighs, my arms and my neck too, because I don’t think I’ll get something off the rack from now on.”
    Dutifully, the other woman bent down and measured her thighs: “27 inches. That’s insane: they are as big as your waist! As for the arms: 18 inches! 18 inches! What happened to you?”
    “It’s hard to explain. Can you please do the neck so that I can get back to my seat. I don’t want to sound harsh, but I’m really tired.” (And I don’t want to be reminded permanently that I look like a freak, she added to herself.)
    Milena nodded, discovered that her guests neck was a good 17 inches around and jotted it down. She felt a little awkward and was quite happy when her first “test subject” was back out. Indeed, Calvin’s enormous body seemed to fascinate her and she felt strangely allured by his massive back.
    Meanwhile, Michelle laid down and instantly fell asleep, only occasionally waking for a few brief moments and wondering where the others had gone to.


    Mmmm, nice measurements! I'm intrigued to see where this story is going. Thanks for updating, El_Roy!


    The instances of returning

    When the plane finally landed in New York after a further stop in Los Angeles, Michelle was smiled. At last, she was home. The whole awful adventure was slowly fading. She’d go home, get her cat from her neighbour, type her report and get it published. She’d try her best not to think about her changed body, about Calvin’s heroic ambitions and the fact that he’d spent most of the flight fucking the attendant. As she clambered out of the plane, a limousine drew up, the chauffeur held the door open for her to get in, and Lemontov, who had curiously spent the whole flight on the phone, ushered her in.
    She resisted his gentle persuasion easily, turned around and said:
    “I’d rather take a taxi now. I’m tired and my cat’s still at my neighbour’s so please, go without me.”
    Lemontov looked crestfallen:
    “I would love to bring you there. I actually have business with your aunt, and since you live close by, I might drop you off.” Michelle wondered: how did he know were she lived? He must have checked on her ID while she was asleep.
    “I’d prefer the taxi all the same. Now, if you don’t mind…” She easily picked up her luggage with one hand, gave Calvin a harsh look as he walked down the stairs and left. Calvin gave Lemontov a wondering look.
    “What happened?”
    “Nothing. Can I drop you off somewhere?” Calvin nodded and clambered into the car.

    Michelle still felt awful: She was unsure whether the chemicals she had been subjected to were dangerous or not, her body had been transformed into something entirely unlike herself and nobody cared. As she passed the customs office, the agent on duty gave her a strange look, but found nothing except for the documents written in Russian. Showing her her press card, she explained that those were historic documents she had bought in Russia for an article. The woman was interested at first, but since the material was hardly recent and inconspicuous, she nodded and sent her away.
    As the muscular woman left the airport, she got herself a cab and rode off. The cabby was impressed to say the least. He was a short, dark-skinned man with curled hair who spoke English with a bizarre Arab-British accent.
    “Well Ms., are you into sports? You sure look the type! It’s not weight-lifting, but let me guess…” She tried to ignore him, but the guy had clearly bitten the hook. He leaned out of the window, added a short “Oy, get off the road you bloody little bugger!”, then quickly returned to his guessing.
    “Are you a shot-put specialist? A boxer? Like Layla Ali? You don’t look like a bodybuilder, they’re usually skinnier.” He ranted on, enumerating endless possibilities, even circus strongwomen. Michelle was slowly becoming angry. In a desperate effort to make him shut up, she just nodded once at random, which turned out to be a big mistake.
    “So you’re a wrestler! That’s great! Do you fight private matches too?” Michelle felt as if she had been strangely teleported into the awful “nudge, nudge”-sketch by Monty Python which Calvin quoted wherever possible.

    At last, she got home. She slammed the taxi cab’s door far too strongly, causing the window to crack and sending the driver into a surprising quiver of lust. She got inside and caught herself trying to sneak by the security guard. Of course, Orville Johnson got out of the restroom just as she was calling the elevator. He looked at her, failed to recognise her and shouted:
    “Stop! Don’t move! You ain’t gettin’ in here, kiddo!” He fumbled for his nightstick. Michelle tried to calm him:
    “Mr. Johnson, it’s me, Michelle Wang from number 24. I only wanted to get home quickly.” She waited for a few seconds as the information visibly sunk into the older man’s brain.
    “You don’t look like her, buddy. Come closer slowly, so I can take a look at your face.” Michelle tried to get her driver’s license out, but he instantly threatened her with his club, so she put her hands up. At last, the microscopic kindling of recognition lit in Mr. Johnson’s brain.
    “Well. You are Ms. Wang. That’s a surprise. What happened to you? You’ve been working out? Cos’ I do, you know.” He flexed his arms and bit his moustache.
    “It’s a long story. For now, I just want to go to my apartment, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    She got into the elevator, rode up to her level and unlocked her door. As she opened, there was an odd noise inside. Somebody giggled and there was a crash.


    A giggle, eh? Not a sound that tells of doom… 😉

    Well, whatever it is, I look forward to it! Thanks for posting.

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