A short scene for a possible/future Tetsuko story

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  • #30061
    David C. Matthews

    I do a lot of writing of little, short scenes, "vignettes" I guess you coud call them, of my characters. They're bits of action or characterization that usually just kinda come to me, and I write them down to save them to incorporate into possible future stories. I usually don't have any plan to share them as is (preferring to spring them on an unsuspecting readership at the appropriate moment  :-D), but when femXman posted these two pictures at this thread, the second one looked so uncannily like something I had in mind for one of these vignettes that I felt like I had to go ahead and post this.

    It's very short, it's not a finished plot by any means, and the story that follows this scene could be almost anything, but hey, I figured someone might get some kicks out of it.


    One day in the Lab, Tetsuko suddenly begins an unexpected growth spurt that causes her already huge muscles to grow even bigger, until the sheer mass renders her unable to move her limbs, while her chest and shoulders start to grow so big they threaten to literally smother her! “SONYA!!” she screams in terror…

    …bolting upright in her bed, sweating. That dream again!!

    “…for like the fourth time this week!”

    Sonya frowns; she’d been listening intently to Tetsuko’s description of the recurring nightmare. Though her many doctorates do not include psychiatry, Sonya feels certain the dreams are indicative of Tetsuko’s ambivalent feelings toward her body and her powers.

    “Sonya… would it be possible to reverse the effects of that formula?”

    Even as Tetsuko asked the question, Sonya realized she should’ve anticipated it. Tetsuko was experiencing a veritable roller-coaster of emotion regarding the effects of Sonya’s formula. Some days Tet-chan gloried in her muscularity, and spoke of becoming a competitive bodybuilder, certain she could win any contest she entered. Similarly, she thrilled in using her superhuman strength, especially when she could use it to the benefit of those who needed help; she'd even spoken (only half-jokingly) about getting a costume and becoming an "actual" superheroine. But there were times (and they seemed to be at least as common as the positive feelings) when Tetsuko would slip into a deep funk about how that serum had “ruined” her body and her life.

    “Tet-chan… I’m not going to say it can’t be done. But since I have no idea how the transformation occurred in the first place, I have very little hope of finding a reversal agent. It’s funny… most people would be thrilled to be able to increase their strength and muscularity as quickly as you did.”

    “Yeah, until you actually have to live in that body… and hear the nasty and hurtful things people say about you.” She turned suddenly to face Sonya. “And they don’t care whether you hear them or not! They don’t give a fuck about your feelings! People who’d never dream of hurting anyone else’s feelings out of ‘political correctness’ think it’s perfectly OK to speculate out loud about whether I’ve got a clit or a dick!! Sometimes I think that the next person who calls me a ‘steroid queen’ is gonna find herself – -”


    “Yeah… women are the worst. I mean, I can kind of understand why guys – most guys, at least – don’t like muscles on women. That whole ‘beauty queen – supermodel’ image, and all that. But you should hear some of the nasty comments other women make about me! I’d’ve thought women at least would be supportive of someone who didn’t conform to the stereotype of what a female is ‘supposed’ to look like.”

    “I can understand a little of what you’re going through there, Tet-chan," Sonya replied. "If you could hear the comments I hear about me based on the size of my bosom…”


    “Yeah! First thing you learn when your breasts start blossoming… and I’m surprised you haven’t run into this yet… is that everyone wants to make assumptions about you based solely on the fact that you’ve got ‘big titties’. That you’re stupid, that you’re a slut, that you’re obsessed with sex; all these outrageous lies. Well, maybe not the ‘sex-obsessed’ part…” she looked at Tetsuko and chuckled. Then, serious again, “I’ve had colleagues with whom I’ve carried on extensive written correspondence who, when we finally meet in person, tell me they are outraged that I’m so 'well-endowed', as if my figure somehow casts aspersions on the seriousness of not only my own work but theirs as well!”

    “What were you supposed to do, cut off your breasts?”

    “YES!! One in particular said she was having difficulty accepting my intelligence because my breasts were so big. She actually suggested I get them reduced so people would take me more seriously.”

    Tetsuko could only gape.

    “Yeah, that was my reaction too!" Sonya said. "The hell with that shit! I’m not mutilating myself just to conform to what someone else thinks I ‘should’ look like. My bosom is just as much a part of what I am as is my intellect.

    “That’s something you’re going to have to accept as well, Tet-chan: that like it or not, your strength and muscularity are now just as much a part of who you are as your brains and personality.” She laid a comforting hand on Tetsuko’s shoulder. “And I’ll be happy to give you any help you need in coping with it all.”
    Hey… if anyone's inspired to write a continuation, or a story around this scene, feel free. Tetsuko hasn't been the subject of a lot of fanfic yet…


    Personally, I'd love to see the dream sequence "or somebody's going to be in trouble"! (DCM's line, not mine!)


    I really liked it.  It was exactly as long as it needed to be :D, and it also made a really powerful point.  If I could think up a great plot for a Tetsuko story, then I'd probably have a shot at it!


    It sounds like an excellent concept, D.C! 

    Given how your 'what if' Sonya FMG short turned out, I can't wait to see what you could do with this one!



    Don't leave us hanging like that – get on with it man! 😀


    I know I promised DCM a Tetsuko story some time ago… and I'm kicking one around in my noodle.  I just have to put it out in print… and take care of Dyna Vs. Mezaros and others.


    An interesting introduction, reminiscent of the recent X Men movie.

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