a story

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  • #33548

    Susan spend each day at high school the same.  She had tailored her schedule to emphasize her strengths, and obvious to anyone who saw her, they where not physical.  This most classes involving subjective matter where systematically eliminated and science and math became the sole focus of her study.  It was if she had been bred for the purpose of absorbing this type of knowledge.  And judging by her athletic and social skills, she reasoned, there was little else she was good at.  Her mind had already showed the manifestations of an grown individual, however her body lagged painfully behind.  Her chest and hips showed little will to separate themselves from the dull appearance of her body.  Susan, as a result, saw no reason to attempt to show off her body in anyway and soon became resentful of the females blessed with a fuller figure.
    The school day progressed and Susan knew she could not spend the entire day in a lab or a classroom, in fact her next class was gym.  Susan hated her gym class for several reason, the first being Veronica and the second being the mandatory showers following class.
    Veronica was essentially a foil to Susan.  Her body was mature beyond their shared junior year.  Her breasts jutted out from her body filling up a double d cup easily.  Her hips had the flow of a sensual river that ended in a tight, large and full butt.  Her face, despite appearing almost angelic in quality, showed the potential for the bitch Veronica had become.  Veronica had also developed two conditions as a result of her body.  The first was that she expected much to be given to her based sheerly on her physical looks.  The seconds, as a result of her first, created an inferiority complex with people like Susan who had the one of the few things her looks couldn’t acquire for her; genuine book knowledge.
    This lead to a ritualistic torment of Susan in the showers.  Veronica would strip down gleefully, watching her large breasts create envy in even the bustiest of girls.  Despite their enormous girth, they showed a keen resentfulness of gravity and remained firm.  This was the case with all of Veronica body’s, very tight.  In the shower, Veronica would slowly lather her body up, always in the immediate vicinity of Susan.  On this particular day, Veronica was teasing herself by playing with her breasts and making soft noises emphasizing her erotic pleasure.  Susan was forced to stare at her flat and underdeveloped body with the woman she envied flaunted her ambundant assets right in her face.
    Susan was almost too meek to muster a response and was forced to endure this torture for another couple minutes before she could not repress it anyone.
    “You stupid slut, you think your genetic gifts give you the right put everyone else down in this school?” Susan screamed.  “You are nothing but a pretty face with big tits that won’t get anywhere in life when you can’t fuck you way out of whatever problems your retarded mind gets you in!”  Susan punctuated this outburst by swinging wildly at Veronica face.
    Now, Veronica took a certain deal of pride in the condition she kept her body in.  She had obviously been born with a better body than Susan but also strived to keep in shape.  As a result, Susan punch did little more than surprise Veronica for a fraction of a second before she brushed the feeble blow off. Veronica quickly disposed of Susan in the scuffle, but not before brushing her massive chest against Susan non-existent one.  Susan was left to watch from the floor as Veronica squeezed herself into another one of her tight outfits than showed off her outrageous curves/
    The worst part for Susan was the fact that the events at school where not the worst part of her day, she almost dreaded going to her home.  Both of her parents had been rather involved hippies in their hayday.  Their liberal interpretation of the world was often in.direct contrast with the style Susan had become most comfortable with.  Their beliefs in the creation of a subculture to subvert the values of a flawed mainstream culture had lead to their affixation with many mystical aspect of spiritualism.  As much as Susan loved her parents and respected all the investments they had made in her, both financially and emotionally, their irrational fetish with the trends of their youth irked her to an indescribable  In fact she believed as much as she was fighting an unwinnable battle against her body and Veronica, her battle to relate to her parents on a more emotional level was even more of a lost cause.
    It was only natural that Susan’s parents began to notice the distance in the methodology of thought between their daughter and themselves.  The also noticed, with a great deal of worry, Susan’s envious outbursts against the more physically endowed.  The anti-social behavior that it created in their daughter sparked a recurring debate among her parents.
    “Should we show her the gift yet?”
    “No, I don’t think she is emotionally mature enough to handle it”
    “We can’t shelter her forever.”
    “So be it, then”


    Interesting beginning. It's always nice how a little catfight spices the best FMG stories. Please continue your story. I will like to read more about this 'mysterious gift'.



    That's a good start, right there. I'd love to see more! Thanks for posting. 😀


    The debate between the parents, which had occurred numerous times and threatened to break the two apart was finally settled.  The next morning, the parents confronted Susan about what they felt where her problems.  In typical fashion, Susan was resentful of any of the advice given to her.  She had long ago decided, the emotional decision making process of her parents was irrational and rarely presented any solution.  The way the conversation started that morning, it appeared to be no different.
    “Dear, you’ve got to open up and share your gifts with the world.  You have to compromise a little bit if you wish to spend your life with other people”
    “I agree with your mother, you can not be the best at everything, you have to accept where your gifts give you the advantage and where you must concede to the gifts of others”
    This was not the first time Susan had heard this conversation and nor did it figure to be the last.  She remained steadfast in her belief that she should not have to recognize superiority in any one trait in any one person.
    “Now dear, we have noticed that you have time and time disregarded our advice, so we are going to leave you a trinket that we hope shows how much we care.  This necklace was given to us in our younger says.  The man who sold it to us, told us it would help the wearer see the best traits in people and allow you to see how the traits may help you.”
    They presented Susan with the necklace.  Susan politely thanked them and observed the spectacle that had presented her.  It was actually a pretty necklace that Susan decided should be worn that day.  As the put the necklace on she muttered to herself.
    “God, I wish I could believe in the necklace the way my parents do and keep their open mind.”
    It was a normal day in school for Susan, except several of the classes she dreaded, especially her literature class and her art class where not nearly as bad as she anticipated.  Im fact, she though if she had gone into class with a complete distaste for them, she might have enjoyed them a bit.  Thankfully she did not have gym that day and could go home and relax, after actually enjoying an entire day at school.
    When she got home, Susan noticed that her normal regimen of watching television did little to entertain her.  She tried to watch the History Channels, got bored, then she tried TLC, and got bored even faster.  This was strange to Susan, it was 4 in the afternoon, there was nothing to watch on tv, there was not homework to do, no test to study for and dinner was for a couple hours.  She was bored.
    She wandered around the house for a while before stopping at her father’s book shelf and she picked up on of his philosophy books.
    “Can’t hurt to get in his mind” she thought, and started reading.
    It was only after she was called about 4 times for dinner that she put down the book.  And all during dinner she shoveled the food down her throat at breakneck speed with the intent of reading that book until she fell asleep.  In fact that night, she did not fall asleep, she read the book for the entire night and was forced to chug several cups of coffee to attain a functionable state for school.
    For the second day in a row, school wasn’t that bad.  She enjoyed all her classes and even talked to people she had regarded as dumb before.  In fact, her outgoing nature that day allowed her to sit with people at lunch and allowed her to share her intelligence, which she admitted to herself, was much better than keeping it in herself.  However, it was almost time for gym and she moaned to one of her new friends, Claudia
    “I hate gym, I just want to go home and finish that book I was reading.”
    As Susan walked to her locker to get her gym clothes, she started to realize her great day was going to have to come to an end.  At least today was a Friday and she was actually going out with some people this weekend.  But her mind stayed put on the presented ans she dragged her feet towards gym.  As she was about to enter her class, a shrieking bells erupted through out the school.
    “Students, line up, no talking, this might not be another fire drill.  There was none scheduled for today” Mrs Henderson, the gym teacher bellowed in her unnaturally deep voice. 
    The entire class was forced to watch as fire trucks whipped down the street at breakneck speed and firemen piled out and searched the entire school.  After it was revealed that a freshman had pulled the alarm on the dare, the entire school was sent home a couple minutes early.
    Susan resumed her reading and soon had finished that book when she decided it might be worth her while to read another one of the books.  In fact, Susan pulled another all-nighter before crashing at 7 in the morning on Saturday and sleeping until she was woken for dinner.  This was for the most part, an dinner that was not noteworthy at all until Susan’s mother pointed out something that caught Susan’s attention.
    “Did that necklace change color?  Yesterday, when we gave it to you, it matched your shirt perfectly, and I thought what a coincidence, but today it matched your shirt again.”
    Susan hadn’t noticed any change in the color and just thought maybe her mom’s eyesight was fading with her mind.


    Another interesting and mysterious chapter. It will be great to see more of the power of the necklace. I just hope it works the way I'm thinking  😀

    I will be looking forward for the next part.



    Off to a great start!

    One small request – can you change the name of this thread to the title of the story?  I don't want to lose this in a sea of threads titled "my story," "story," "new story," a story," or any of those other nondescriptive indiscernible titles.

    Again, fun read.



    That weekend Susan neglected her new found friends in favor of her new found love for the thinking of her parents.  As she was reading her third book, sometime very late on Saturday night, fatigue was beginning to catch up on Susan.  She was downright exhausted and her body was beginning to protest the constant intellectual stimulation she was putting it through on a weekend. 
    Susan changed decided just to just fall asleep in her bed without changing out of her clothes.  As she pulled the comforter over her body she thought out loud,
    “I wish I was one of those people who barely needed to sleep, I don’t want to have to stop reading this book”
    She then turned out the lights and waited to fall asleep.  However, much to her dismay, she woke up an hour later and could not fall back asleep.  In fact, she felt awake in refreshed, like she had a full nights sleep.  Susan tried to fall back asleep, but she could not shake the feeling of being completely awake and decided to resume her reading, in hopes that maybe the book would help her fall asleep.
    Much to her both delight and worrying, Linda read the book well past sun rise and only put it down when a crippling pain in her stomach reminded her that she hadn’t eaten in a good deal of time.  However, when she went down to the kitchen all that was left was a little bit of raw meat and a note from her parents telling her that she was on her own for dinner and most of the night.
    Susan’s mind was reeling, for all her smarts, she wasn’t exactly an Iron Chef.  In fact, she thought it would be painfully obvious to her parents that she didn’t even have the slightest idea of how to cook.  But Susan’s mother assumed her culinary skill was innate and genetic and that Susan should at least have the common sense to look in a cook book to figure out what she was going to have to do with the food.  So angered was Susan by this, she started muttering curses towards her parents.
    “What the fuck where they thinking?  They think they can just give me a necklace and expect its okay just to leave me alone with out telling me.  Maybe if those cheap assholes had left me some money I could go get some food, but I flat fucking broke.  God fucking damn it, I wish I had paid attention in home economics, or at least could cook like my teacher.”
    After this rant, Susan decided she was too tired to cook and decided the time was ripe to just watch some television.  After watching the food channel for a hour, Susan’s hunger drove her to try to cook the ground beef she had received.  Once she was in the kitchen, Susan felt oddly, it was like she didn’t have to think to do anything.  Some subconscious process took over in her mind and she decided she would make some tacos.  Despite the fact she had never even used the stove at her house, Susan browned the meat perfectly, pan fried some peppers and onion and had herself a decent meal in no time.  In fact, she thought as she ate the food, this is better than most of the stuff my mom makes.
    After stuffing her face with food, and then burying her nose in another book, Susan decided she wasn’t going to go out that night and that she was going to watch some television.  The night wore one slowly as once again her normal favorite channels failed to interest her.  In fact one thought kept going through her mind as she channel surfed, and this was the something her mother always told her about Susan’s brain rotting, when she thought Susan was watching to much television.  Yet despite her new outlook on television, she couldn’t bring herself to completely ignore the device she had invested so much time in. 
    As the evening turned into late night and the late night turned into very early morning, Susan was still sitting in front of the television.  She had settled in watching some absurd special on celebrities and there break ups.  Part of Susan’s mind told her to change the channels because she people she regarded as physically superior to her fueled an irrational jealously.  But she watched on, and kept a calm temper, until her favorite star came on.  Susan look at her face and hair and just marveled.
    “I wish had her blonde hair, and not this mousy brunette mess” Susan self consciously muttered to herself.
    After the show was over, Susan decided to call it a night completely and went to bed.  For the second night in a row, Susan found herself awake after only a brief reprise into sleep.  However when she went in the bathroom to brush her teeth, she looked into a mirror and her eyes fell upon her hair and she let out a scream.
    “My hair is blonde!!”


    That's lovely. Great new chapter. Now that she has a magic necklace, lets wait and see what she will do with it.



    Wow… Excellent build-up!! Can't wait for more

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