A thinner Gen13’s Caitlin Fairchild?

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  • #37297
    ze fly

    I personally loved the way Caitlin was depicted by Arther Addams with Monky Man and Obrian. Now you talk about some muscles! Caitlin was like a bodybuilder but Obrian made her look like a runt!

    Yep! Art Adams sure draw her quite built… I remember him drawing Kat in a short story where she is in her "civies" with bare arms…
    I concur, give it a chance…  :-


    Adam Hughes' Caitlin was built. So's his Wonder Woman. He doesn't mind drawing big, muscular women. He draws them that size regularly and has a reputation as drawing sexy women.

    In other words, Adam Hughes' work, I think, is proof that muscles have little to do with sexiness. It's all about how it's carried.

    My opinion is set in stone and infallably correct.


    The buffest I recall her appearing was in Stormwatch, where she was heavyweight FBB sized.  That was in an issue where Stormwatch assembled a big contingent of superhumans for some purpose I don't now recall.

    Oh SWEET I missed those what numbers or they if you don't mind me asking. I would love to purchase them at one of my local shops and would it be to bold to ask if you have any scans?

    ze fly

    Art Adams sure draw her quite built… I remember him drawing Kat in a short story where she is in her "civies" with bare arms…


    Thanks for you continuing hard work Ze…


    ze fly

    Thanks for you continuing hard work Ze…

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