"After Workout" pics in my gallery

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  • #30286

    Debido, thanks!  For Rina ("The one on the left" 🙂 ), I actually used something called a "second skin".  It's not a separate 3D piece of clothing, but it actually takes over part of her skin texture.  Hard to explain, but it causes the super-tight fit.  It also eliminates poke-through (body parts popping through clothes).  The disadvantage is that it looks unrealistic in some places (butt, chest), because it doesn't stretch like clothes would.

    manga, I am backlogged on requests :-(, but if you post a few pictures, I'll see what I can do!



    My piece of advice. If you want more realistic muscles (anathomically) get
    yourself Stephanie 1 model (not SP3 Petite) I'm using her…


    manga, I am backlogged on requests :-(, but if you post a few pictures, I'll see what I can do!

    I perfectly understand if you cannot do my request, I appreciate you consider it. Here is a blog that is full of screen caps of each chapter so far released. The lead character (Aoi Nagisa) is the only red-head (that should explain why her sex-appeal to other characters is beyond the scale) in the series.


    Looking good.

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