Again, I don’t think this is the right forum for this, but…

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    The other guys here aren't really much for heavy issues to be honest. I don't have a problem with discussing it, but whenever you try to talk to these guys they prefer more lighthearted things it seems :p
    But if you want to drop it then sure.


    That was part of the reason I suggested dropping it – Amaz0ns isn't perhaps the place for this sort of thing.  I also felt that discussing it here was perhaps in slightly poor taste.  I just find it so saddening, having just watched BBC "Look East" to hear women saying that they won't stay out after early twilight without their father/husband/boyfriend being with them – it just seems so wrong.  I suppose I've read too many stories on Diana the Valkyrie's site where muggings etc. are prevented by physically strong women, and then to be brutally reminded of what happens in the "real world" (which I think is getting more and more polluted by dreadful events like this) is desperately depressing.  Dammit, why can't the evil bastard who's done this come up against a real-life Amazon, and get hauled into a Police station by his collar by her after she's beaten seven shades of whatever out of him?  I know that in itself might be in slightly poor taste, but I wish for it purely out of a desire to see justice done, and to me, it just feels "right" for him to get his comeuppance against a woman.
    Perhaps I'm too much in the "eye for an eye" tradition (although I'm an atheist), but I want some real vengeance to be wrought.
    Ugh, I hate it when I feel like this, but it just gets me so sad and angry.  I won't post on this again, so the topic can be dropped quietly.  Now that I've had my rant, I feel much better.  Thanks SyberStyx.


    Interesting tidbit – serial killing didn't really exist prior to the invention of the motorway. Today, one could conceivably, say if they live in London, drive 2 hours to Bristol or Bath, kill a prostitute, and drive home before anyone noticed, including your neighbours (who gets up at 6am to check whose car just parked in the driveway?), and remain unsuspected since there's no way to trace you. Apparently, some police officers believe the serial killer could be from a European country and comes into England to do just this, for their own sadistic pleasure, and then – off they go.

    But as terrible as this is – when you consider how easy it could be for people to get away with such callous murder, it's kind of reassuring that it happens so rarely. Perhaps we're not the crazy, horrific, fucked up species we've been told we are since the second world war.


    Sometimes I wonder if there's not a whole class of serial killers we know nothing about – the ones who don't want to play games with the police.  I mean, how hard is it really to dispose of a body such that it would never be discovered?  It seems like it would be easy.  Thus the only serial killers we know about are the ones who are too incompetent to manage this feat or want the bodies to be found for the gratification of the chase.  A serial killer who was competent and didn't want to be found would never raise suspicions that a serial killer was even operating.  All he'd leave in his wake would be a vague trail of missing persons reports.


    Not if Vincent D'Onofrio has anything to say about it!


    Not if Vincent D'Onofrio has anything to say about it!

    Who's he?


    Fett is apparently a Law & Order fan.


    Ah, that explains it – I've never watched Law & Order.

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