Alison part 5 – bet you never thought you’d see this (NSFW)

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    Bet no one ever thought they'd see more of this story.  I was (and still am) pretty stuck, not sure where to go with it.  Who knows when/if part 6 will make an appearance.  Who knows, maybe I'll put it all up on as an interactive story and let the community go nuts…

    Parts 1-4 are somewhere a few pages back, I wasn't about to add this as a reply to that thread so started a new one.  So I included the last few paragraphs of part 4 to jog memories.

    Alison had never been one to spend much time in the sun before, so she was, to quote Naomi, "fishbelly white", so sunscreen was going to be a necessity.  As she rubbed the SPF 30 onto her skin she marveled at the feel of her new body.  The muscles were firm and toned, but they moved as she massaged them.  Unless she flexed.  Then they instantly transformed into warm marble.  It was amazing how hard they got.  She realized that she was enjoying this self-rubdown a lot more than she expected to.

    Sunscreen applied – except to her back.  That wasn't going to happen with the changes.  Alison used to be able to reach almost any spot on her back, with her long, thin arms, but with all the added musculature, this wasn't going to be the case anymore. 

    "Maybe there will be someone at the pool to help me out", she cringed, picturing herself playing a part in such an old cliche.

    No such luck when she got to the pool though.  She was the only one there.  Ah well, just have to lie on my back to read, not a problem.  She plopped down a stack of papers beside a lounge chair, thanked God that it wasn't a windy day and lost herself in her reading.  Alison was always a harsh critic of science, soon she was marveling at how many morons were able to get published in prestigious journals these days.  She was lost in her own thoughts and didn't notice Greg, the guy from the gym last night walk past the pool three times while he worked up the courage to talk to her, before he retreated in silent shame.

    She also couldn't have noticed the sound of a camera shutter coming from a van in a nearby parking lot as it took picture after picture of her.

    The computer in Mike Sullivan's office chimed cheerfully, he had new
    mail, but Mike was a little too preoccupied to notice.  Sandra was gyrating wildly on top of him, he was inside her, lost in the moment of anticipation.  Her blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders and contrasted with the black bra that clung to her perfect breasts.

    Sandra, on the other hand, heard it clearly.  It was time to end this little love session, there was work to do.  She reached down to support herself better on his thigh, and started rubbing her clit against his pelvic bone, and clamped down to increase the pressure on his member.  She bit her lip as a few well rehearsed gasps and moans escaped her lips.  In a matter of seconds Mike was over the edge.

    She rolled off of her boss, who soon got up and retreated to his private bathroom to clean himself off.  While he did, Sandra quickly jumped up, grabbed her memory stick and downloaded his email, and anything else he'd been doing off of her boss' computer.  It didn't take long, and she had the memory stick hidden away again before Mike was done and she was able to clean herself up.

    When she was done and came out, Mike was at his computer, reading his email and chuckling to himself.  Although she had a copy of all of it on her memory stick, Sandra came up behind Mike, kissed his neck and looked over his shoulder at the pictures he was viewing.  A muscular blonde, who looked oddly familiar, sitting beside a pool.  She didn't have to ask him what they were about, Mike was never the quiet, secretive type.

    "I can't believe the idiot tested it on herself", he mumbled, to no one in particular.  "We are going to sue the pants off of her.  Look at her, she's turning into a freak!  God, but could you imagine if this stuff worked on men?  Talk about your blockbuster."

    "Although…" Mike paused, paying particular attention to a picture of Alison bending over to pick up one of her papers, her breasts dangling ponderously below her, barely concealed by her blue bathing suit.  "Those aren't muscle…and she definitely didn't have them two days ago.  I wonder if this stuff might have some commercial viability after all?  Sandra, remind me to talk to Dr. Galloway's assistant, what's his name… on Monday about this.  If we can strip the muscle crap out of this drug, but keep the tit growth…"  His voice trailed off, visions of dollar signs dancing through his head.

    "I will, Dr. Sullivan", Sandy replied professionally, as she buttoned her blouse and left her Mike's office.  Five minutes later she was sending all the new information she'd stolen off of her boss' computer, including Alison's pictures, to her real bosses.


    Although Alison had bought a lot of clothes earlier that day, Naomi wasn't really interested in shopping for workout gear, so Alison wasn't much better prepared for her trip to the gym to meet Holly than she was to go out to the mall.  She had managed to pick up a few t-shirts, but they were strictly, going out t-shirts, as opposed to working out t-shirts.  She had managed to find a pair of spandex shorts that fit her, though, and those, along with her new sports bra, and the over-stretched sweatshirt to cover it all up made up her workout attire.  She had no idea how she was going to explain her recent growth to Holly.  Just rely on the facts, she thought.  She was clearly big and muscular, and if Holly didn't notice that yesterday, well she must not be very observant.  Riiight.  But what else could she do?  With some apprehension, she headed out to the gym.

    Holly was late, so Alison waited for her in the lobby, since she'd have to sign her in.  At the staff desk, an short, overly thin woman with enormous (fake) breasts was flirting with a customer.  To say the man was huge would be an understatement.  Marcus Englund was three time New Jersey State bodybuilding champion (heavyweight and overall), and he was a celebrity at the gym, and acted as if he owned the place.  He was the biggest and strongest guy at the gym, and he made sure everyone knew it.  He was tall, 6'2", and in his offseason, like he was now, tipped the scales well north of 300 pounds, and enough testosterone (most of it synthetic) coursed through his veins to power an entire high school football team.  He was the alpha males alpha male, and this gym was his lair.

    As the desk clerk went on with her story, Marcus' mind wandered.  She wanted to fuck him, he knew she wanted to fuck him, why did he have to listen to her crap? 

    'Just wait here honey until my workout's done, then I'll take you back to my place, and rock your world.', he thought to himself.  'When we're done, if you're any good, maybe I'll drive you back to your car.  Blah, blah, blah… oh my God shut up!  I can't believe she's still going on about her stupid mother.  Maybe she won't get lucky tonight, after all.  She's not really my type anyways, too skinny.'

    Marcus had always been partial to the thicker, curvier look, rather than the 'boys with breasts' look that some men liked. 

    'Nice tits though', he reconsidered.

    Marcus wasn't the only one getting annoyed by the chatty receptionist (although he was the only one admiring her breasts).  Alison had stepped up to the counter, eager to get a headstart on the inevitable paperwork she'd have to do to get Holly signed in as a guest to the gym.  She was trying to get the receptionist's attention away from Marcus, but to no avail. 

    Marcus, on the other hand, didn't take long to notice the new amazon at the counter.  She was dressed a bit oddly, but it was clear from the bulges in her sweater that the new girl had a hell of a body.  And her legs, damn!  Long and hard and covered with shapely muscle.  She must compete, he thought to himself, strange I don't know her.  Well, that's going to have to change, he thought to himself, the receptionist and her boring story long forgotten.

    "Excuse me, Diane", Marcus interrupted, hoping he remembered the receptionist's name correctly.  "This lady here looks like she needs to speak with you."

    The receptionist (who's name was Danielle) turned to Alison with a cold look, unhappy to be upstaged.

    "Yes?"  Her voice was less friendly than her stare.

    "A friend of mine will be meeting me here tonight to workout with me, but they're not a member.  What do I have to do to sign them in?"

    Danielle grabbed a form from under the counter, and slid it over to Alison.

    "Fill this out, and it'll be ten dollars."  They usually waived the fee, but she was in no mood.  She turned back to Marcus, but ended up staring straight at his massive shoulder.  He'd turned to speak with Alison.

    "You must be new here …", he paused, waiting for the stranger to offer a name.  It took her a while to catch on.

    "Alison", she added, eventually.  "I'm not really new."

    "Good to meet you, Alison."  He held out a hand, she took it.  Nice firm grip, for a woman. 

    "I'm Marcus, I thought I knew all the serious lifters around here, but somehow I missed you.  Oh well, time to fix that.  We'll go get some coffee after we're done working out."  A statement, not a question.  Marcus never ASKED anyone out in his life.  Meanwhile, steam was rising from Danielle's ears.

    Alison stopped writing for a second and looked up at Marcus.  She of course recognized him, everyone at the gym knew who Marcus was.  He'd clearly never given her a second look before tonight.  Part of her was offended by this, but the arousal she was getting from his confidence, not to mention his incredible body, completely overwhelmed that.  She felt herself smile, but she also felt her new self-confidence prod her.  She didn't know what the old Alison would say in a situation like this, since she'd never been in a situation like this before, but she was pretty sure it wasn't what came out of her mouth next.

    "If you really want to get to know me, why not dinner?"

    It was Marcus' turn to smile.  This was going to be good.  Still, never let the woman have the last word, always escalate.

    "It'll be a little late for that when I'm done working out, but tell you what.  I'll make you supper at my place tomorrow night, say 6 o'clock."  She'd never agree to it, dinner at a strange man's place before they'd even met. 

    "Sounds great", Alison replied, without hesitation.  "Make a lot of food, I'm a growing girl."


    While Alison was setting up her plans with Marcus, Holly finally arrived.  She hated being late, but she'd have been mortified if that Alison lady saw the state she was in before she applied her makeup.  'Come on Holly, hold it together' she thought to herself as she walked in the door. 

    She looked around the lobby quickly.  Crap.  Alison wasn't there, she probably got fed up and left already.  There were just the receptionist and two big bodybuilder types chatting at the desk.  The guy was enormous, like a mountain, and GORGEOUS.  The woman he was talking to was a lot smaller, but still, judging by her legs and butt, extremely muscular, and damn sexy.  'God, would my life be different if I had a body like hers', thought Holly to herself. 

    The woman bodybuilder had her back turned towards Holly, but as the young waitress walked up to the counter she noticed that she looked oddly familiar.  As she got closer, wait… no way, it couldn't be.  But it was.  This was the girl from the restaurant yesterday.  Only she was about twice her size (and had a much better haircut) but it was definitely her.  What the hell was going on here?  Despite her shock, Holly kept her surprise hidden as she walked up and reintroduced herself to Alison.


    Surprisingly, and to Alison's relief, Holly didn't comment on Alison's incredible growth.  The paperwork completed, the two ladies entered the locker room.  Something struck Alison as strange about Holly's appearance, and her bearing.  She was definitely walking with a limp, though she was trying to mask it.  Plus she had clearly caked on a huge amount of makeup, not really what you'd expect of someone going for a workout.  'Probably hoping to pick up a guy at the gym', thought Alison to herself, aware of the irony given that she'd just done exactly that.

    For the next hour Alison took Holly through a basic workout.  She didn't do any lifting herself, concentrating on the younger girl, but she was clearly significantly stronger than she had been the day before.  The weights that she hadn't been able to lift two days ago, and that had felt heavy yesterday, now felt more like styrofoam.  Well, maybe not styrofoam, more like aluminum.  She watched Holly struggle, and eventually succeed in lifting a 45 pound plate onto the leg press machine, amazed in the fact that 48 hours ago she wouldn't even have been able to do that.

    Despite her former frailty, Alison wasn't a stranger to the inside of a gym, and she was able to set Holly up with a solid, basic weight training routine that would certainly help the young girl tone up.  It hurt her a little when the young girl would repeatedly ask how long she'd have to workout before she could be like Alison (answer: never, not without some pharmaceutical help).

    After she'd taught Holly correct form on eight exercises, she sent her off to find a pair of treadmills for some cardio before they ended up her workout.  She'd join her in a few minutes, but being in the gym, Alison couldn't resist a chance to test her strength again.  Marcus had been deadlifting in the corner of the gym earlier, and she'd been watching him as Holly went through her paces.  She idly wondered if he grunted as loudly in bed as he did while he worked out. 

    Regardless, she'd watched him work his way up to a final set of 6 heavy deadlifts, before he wandered off to a different part of the gym.  Of course he left the heavily weighted barbell sitting on the ground, where some poor gym employee would have to unload it later.  She walked over to the barbell, thinking about how this was really stupid what she was going to try.  Attempting a deadlift that is too heavy is a good way to really hurt yourself.  But she couldn't resist.

    She approached the bar and crouched down, careful to keep her back flat, and mentally added up the weight.  Five 45 pound plates on each side, another 35 pound plate on each side.. plus 45 pounds for the bar.. five hundred and sixty five pounds.  This was stupid.  But here goes… she took a deep breath, tightened her core and imagined pushing the world away with her legs, instead of lifting the bar, like the books taught.  Her whole body tensed, muscles bulged out everywhere, traps, thighs, back as she slowly increased the pressure on the bar.  And slowly the weight went up.  It felt strange, wobbly, until she realized that was because the weights were bouncing up and down on the end of the surprisingly elastic bar.  She lowered the colossal weight slowly and under control and backed away, amazed at what she'd just done.  Five hundred sixty five pounds, and it wasn't that hard! 

    She was still stunned by her tremendous strength as she joined Holly on the treadmills for 20 minutes of hard cardio.  She pushed herself hard, and she was happy to note that Holly was trying her best to do so as well.  Holly had no hope of keeping up, of course, but she was giving it her all anyways, gasping for breath, the sweat pouring off of her, soaking through her workout clothes.  Her thick layer of baby fat giggled relentlessly, and Alison was grateful that Holly was wearing a good sports bra.  The bouncing in the young waitress' large breasts looked painful enough as it was.  Until her own recent growth the thought that bouncing breasts might hurt had never occurred to Alison.

    Ten minutes in and Alison was dying from the heat, her sweatshirt soaked through.  She didn't stop to think that it was playing an important role keeping her changes hidden from Holly as she pulled it off and tossed it behind her treadmill.  It wasn't until she heard Holly's barely audible gasp that she realized her mistake. 

    No one could fault Holly for losing it as she saw what Alison was hiding under her sweat shirt.  She tried not to stare as she noticed exactly how massively muscular Alison's body, now only covered by a sport's bra and a pair of stretch shorts, had become. 

    Too late to worry about her mistake now, Alison turned up her treadmill to 14 miles an hour, the top speed of the machine, and maxxed out the incline as well.  She hoped the burning in her legs and lungs would help her avoid thinking about the fact that she was likely was going to have to think up a way to explain what happened to her.  But Holly was busy thinking up her own explanation, as she felt the sweat pouring from her brow washing the makeup from her face.


    Alison hadn't planned on getting sweaty at the gym, so she neglected to bring a change of clothes or stuff to shower with.  She wasn't too surprised when Holly also decided to forgo showering, despite being soaked through with sweat.  By this time the makeup that the younger woman had so carefully applied to her face had pretty much run off, and the bruises she'd been trying to hide were pretty apparent.  She'd put on a ball cap and sunglasses, but it was too late, Alison had seen what she was hiding.  Alison didn't want to pry, but she couldn't just let Holly go back to what she assumed was abuse at the hands of her boyfriend. 

    "Listen, Holly.", Alison started, nervously as they walked through the parking lot.  "It's not really any of my business, but if you want to talk about, you know." she pointed up at her eye.

    Holly started to speak, ready to launch into a joking explanation for her black eye, but as she did, something just snapped inside her.  Her shoulders slumped down like a deflating balloon, her resolve broke and she started to cry.  Alison reached out to comfort her.  She cried for a few minutes before regaining her composure enough to speak.

    "It was Ray.", she started, answering Alison's unspoken question.  "We hooked up not long after I started working at his restaurant, and I've lived with him for a few months now.  He's always had a temper, but this is the first time he's hit me."

    "What happened?" Alison inquired, dreading that it was somehow connected to her.

    "It was the night after you were in the restaurant.  Even though he beat you, he was just pissed about something.  I didn't realize at the time just how mad he was, so I kept winding him up, being the tease that I always am.  I started teasing him about how he almost got beat by a girl, and it was driving him nuts.  Then I told him how I was going to meet you to train and soon I'd be as strong as you, he sort of flipped out.  Next thing I know, I'm on the ground, and I can't see out of my left eye."

    "He was kind of shocked that he'd hit me, neither one of us knew how to deal with it.  He just stormed off into the night.  While he was gone I packed up some of my stuff and took off.  I don't know where I thought I was going to go, I slept in my car last night.  I don't have any close friends I could stay with near here, and my family, well I burned those bridges a while back.  I can't afford a hotel, I don't even know if I still have a job.."  Holly's voice trailed off into sobs again. 

    "Holly, we need to go to the police about this."

    "I can't.  You don't understand, but I just can't.  When I said I burned my bridges, well.. I came here to get away from my old life.  I have to keep a low profile, or else it'll catch up with me."

    Alison didn't press any further.  The girl was in trouble, she wasn't sure why, but she was clearly trying to make a new life for herself.  Her heart went out to her.

    "Come stay with me tonight, we can work all this out.  I have a lot of extra room, and I live alone.  We can work out what to do about this together."

    Holly's sobbing rose up again, she was touched at the generousity of this kind stranger.  After a few half-hearted protests that she couldn't impose, she relented and followed Alison back to her place.

    When they got there, Alison effortlessly carried Holly's four bags inside, and started to cook supper for both of them.  She added an extra chicken breast to the dozen she was going to make for herself and started stir frying in batches in her wok.  As she cooked, the two women talked.

    "You need to go back to Ray's place and get the rest of your stuff," Alison said.  "You shouldn't leave it there."  She was hoping that by minimizing Holly's ties she'd also minimize the chance that she'd move back there.  If Ray hit her once, he'd probably do it again.

    "I can't go back there now.  What if he's there?"  Holly was clearly still frightened of Ray.  "You never really know when he's going to be at the restaurant, he could come home at any time."

    "I'll go with you, he won't be able to hurt me."  Alison thought about her recent lift at the gym.  She was probably as strong as two Rays now.

    "Alison, you might be really strong for a woman with those magic muscles, but Ray's bigger and a lot meaner.  He'd hurt us."  Holly continued, changing the subject.  "And speaking of them, what happened to you in the last two days?  You were skinny when you walked into the restaurant, now you're built like a brick shithouse.  How can you get so big and strong so fast?"

    The question Alison was dreading seemed a lot less important now, but she still tried to dodge it.

    "I was just covered up at the restaurant." she lied, unconvincingly.

    "Come on, don't bullshit me, not now.  You've put on like 50 pounds in 2 days, all muscle.  I want to know your secret.  I want to do the same thing.  If I was as strong as you Ray would think twice, I could go back and everything would get back on track.  So come on, level with me, ok?"

    It was against Alison's better judgement, but she just couldn't keep lying to Holly, not after what she'd been through.  So she told her all about the experimental treatment she was testing on herself.

    "That is so cool!  Oh my God!  You have to give me som.."

    "No!  No fucking way!"  Alison surprised herself with the forcefullness of her rejection.  "No way, no chance.  This stuff haven't been tested on humans before me.  I still don't know what long term effects it will have.  I should NEVER have tried it on myself, that was perhaps the least ethical decision I've ever made.  I'm not going to make it worse by testing it on someone else!  Certainly not without a proper clinical trial and direct physician supervision."

    "What a load.  Look at what that stuff has done for you.  You're a goddess!  Don't tell me you regret trying it on yourself.  I just want a piece of that, how can you turn me down after what I've been through?"  Holly was getting angry. 

    "Holly, look.  I do regret it in some ways.  You're right, the changes have been incredible, I've never dreamed I could be like this.  Being this strong, this powerful is an amazing feeling.  But I still don't know what's coming.  A lot of the animals we'd tested this stuff on originally died after a few weeks.  Their systems couldn't handle the strain.  I can't subject you to that kind of risk."

    "OK, I guess I understand."  Alison was a little surprised at how easily Holly backed down.  All the fight was knocked out of her a few nights back.  She was concerned, though, now that Holly was in the house, along with five more doses of the drug.  It had to be injected into a vein, so she didn't have to worry about Holly doing that, the girl clearly wasn't a nurse, but still.  She might try to take it and hurt herself.  After supper she showed Holly the bathroom so she could shower.  While she was showering, Alison took the formula, the inhibitor and her notes and locked them away securely in her office desk.  That would keep Holly out. 

    Alison wasn't the first person to underestimate Holly Armstrong.  At about 3 that morning, while Alison slept soundly, Holly crept out of the guest bedroom.  She walked slowly and silently to the office where she watched Alison go while pretending to be in the shower.  The desk was an old antique, the lock was pretty simple to force for someone with a bit of experience.  She slid the drawer open carefully, revealing two banks of syringes.  She pulled a short length of rubber exercise tubing that she'd picked up earlier out of her pocket, wrapped it around her arm and with the expertise of a former heroin addict shot herself full of Alison's drug. 

    She made it halfway back to her room before the pain hit, doubling her over.  Thankfully, she passed out soon after that.


    Oh my WOW. I can't wait to see what happens next! ;D


    Might be a while, I'm pretty blocked at this point.  But who knows, kind of getting re-interested in the story now.




    Great chapter!  Truly hope you find the inspiration to continue.



    Incredible!This story keeps getting better….even after a 5 month brake.Take your time though,no one likes a rushed out story.


    Good stuff!  I really hope you have time to work on Part 6 soon.


    very very good, please keep it up, haha


    Any plans for a Part 6 to this great story?


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