Amanda Folstad

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  • #78688

    The uber-buffed Amanda, via the FTVideo Tour Page (Dec 19, '08)

    And plenty of her, too – albeit in screen caps,
       starting at the bottom of page 1, and going into pages 2 and 3 . . .

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    What would you do….

    There you are in the den. Your kicked back in the chair shoes off with football game on.

    You see her walk in and standing in the doorway.

    "Didn't I ask you to take out the trash?" She asks as she gives you that look.

    Do you…..
    (a) Get your butt up and do it?
    (b) Sit there till she comes over and makes you wish you had taken option (a)?


    I would take option a.
    What a stunner! 😮 8)


    There is no way that the caption would read…..
    "Honey, does this outfit make me look fat?"


    I prefer option (c) Taking it out on time and without being told.

    Thus you make her happy, and in turn she will make you very happy in those things that matter most in life.

    Or we could do something really original and ask her boyfriend how he handles taking out the trash in the Falstead home.


    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    So just having a little fun with the pictures wasn't enough.

    I really didn't care that she had a boyfriend. It wasn't like I was going to be sitting in her house while he was away and going through the fantasy.

    Option (c) wasn't introduced because that would be no fun to me. Because then you might not have the chance to make it up to her and in return feel her real power.

    I prefer option (c) Taking it out on time and without being told.

    Thus you make her happy, and in turn she will make you very happy in those things that matter most in life.

    Or we could do something really original and ask her boyfriend how he handles taking out the trash in the Falstead home.



    Excuse me?  Why are you sounding so offended?  Or are you?  ???

    I answered the question as placed in my own inimitable manner and since I don't subscribe to options (a) or (b), I supplied what I would do with option (c).  That's me, that’s what I would do.

    Lastly, as a point of clarity, I personally don't care if she has a current boyfriend or not, I only included that as an attempt at humor.  Obviously, such subtly is lost on people, my mistake.

    So just having a little fun with the pictures wasn't enough.

    I really didn't care that she had a boyfriend. It wasn't like I was going to be sitting in her house while he was away and going through the fantasy.

    Option (c) wasn't introduced because that would be no fun to me. Because then you might not have the chance to make it up to her and in return feel her real power.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    She's a beauty!  That bicep picture just won me over.  Thanks for the pictures and the levelheadedness, Alex!  😀


    She's a beauty!

    Oh yah, looks very tight. Ah those shoulders! They look almost too big for her on those pics… almost…


    When you see that shot, what is your reaction?
    1) Sweet mother of God is she gorgeous!
    2) Those thighs look like quite the nut crackers – ouch ! 
    3) Some kind of warning is in order, e.g. "Danger: Keep hands, loose clothing and stray body parts away from this area".
    4) Those abs and thighs both look tense. Time to rub in some massage oil?
    5) Forget the massage oil, pass the butter!

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