Amateurs are trying genetic engineering at home

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  • #78831

    Chris, he must think you're actually Cindy, and with the "cp" in your ID it's an easy mistake to make…   :-[

    LOL – I wish!

    I must admit that embryonic stem cells are not my area of expertise.  However, non-embryonic stem cells are only just coming nto use.  They took a long while to develop, because adult stem cells are, I believe, programmed to a degree.  Embryonics are not.  Certainly, if a line is even slightly contaminated with foreign DNA, it's next to useless.  It's like PCR, which I have used – RNA or DNA samples must be as close to 100% pure as possible, because, with the enormous levels of amplification, a small impurity ends-up being a big problem.  As far as embryonic cells are concerned, there is a simple choice – do it properly and accept the moral implications, or wait until other techniques are developed, with the understanding that you're delaying development of treatments for some unpleasant diseases so that many wil suffer who might not.  Neither way is ideal, ut that's just tough – somethings got to give. :-


    I saw that on-line and in the newspaper;.  I don't know if that a good thing or bad thing.  I guess only time will tell!!


    Pretty sure it isn't a good thing at this time as it would apply to muscle growth. Maybe down the road, but not now. You'd be a walking lab rat and most likely not any more muscular or stronger than you could be with other forms of training and nutrition.


    Apparently not here in the US. Researchers can't use stem cells to cure Alzheimer's but some guy in his garage can engineer a new plague.  ::)

    Bzzzzt! Wrong. Stem cells can be used in the U.S. Former President Bush said that he would limit the FEDERALLY funded EMBRYONIC stem cell research to a limited number.

    Big difference.

    Robert McNay

    Bzzzzt! Wrong. Stem cells can be used in the U.S. Former President Bush said that he would limit the FEDERALLY funded EMBRYONIC stem cell research to a limited number.

    Big difference.

    Not much, that limited number are contaminated to the point of being uesless for any real development. That leaves the research with viable lines to private companies, who can then patent their discoveries and monopolize them. Federally funded research is shared amongst researchers.


    Then don't use Federal money.  When the heck did the Federal teat become a necessary element in medical research?


    OK, how about this for an example…


    How about what?  ???


    Lets see if this works



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