artist community pic – would you join in?

  • This topic has 149 replies, 33 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by TC2.
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  • #46848

    She's around 1.65m (5' 5" ? )
    My girls are always doing strength feats. Loosing the 4×4 kinda defeats the main idea of my characters.
    What do you guys think? Should I replace the 4×4 and use another strength feat?

    Anyway. The same pic with gray background (noticed some white lines in the skin that would get erased if the background was white):



    My girls are always doing strength feats. Loosing the 4×4 kinda defeats the main idea of my characters.
    What do you guys think? Should I replace the 4×4 and use another strength feat?

    I like her just flexin' 🙂

    The expression is awesome as well!  VERY cute!


    Is it OK if I start archiving these in a single gallery?

    I specifically gave my permission to Amaz0ns in general to use my image of Tina for any purpose, with no compensation or permission asked of me.  Since SyberStyk represents Amaz0ns, she can use it as she sees fit, and Lingster can do whatever he wants with that image of Tina as well…  And the lineup is cool as well (As you can see, I'm not too anal about it :-))

    Perhaps we ought to include permission statements?  Or maybe a lack of permission indicates that you don't care how it is used??  I don't want to tangle the whole awesome idea down with legal crap, but maybe it's a good idea to just make a small note??



    Well Kulli doesn't really represent Amaz0ns, the people who visit this place do.

    Lingster is the head honcho, and if he wanted to put them all in a single gallery he could have.  But he was being thoughtful and considerate enough to ask if Lu would want the images consolidated into a single gallery so that way all this artwork wouldn't get lost.

    There really isn't no need for permission statements because no one is going to making money off this project and posting stuff here, you pretty much already know the rules.

    I will be submitting my picture soon I just need to get a few intergal assignments out of the way and I'll pop it in this thread ASAP.


    Hmm…. I could try something too. Just need to get a good idea going. Funny that only now I noticed I have no defined character I could use.


    Wow people seem to have got this a little bit.. confused ^^;
    I just came up with the idea is all o_O; And I will stick them all together when everyone's done with their part. See, I won't just have them in a line, I'll have them in a group, which is why I did my part lying flat because I wanted to put her at the back a bit.

    Also CDR. I like the flexing pose just on it's own but because of the way I want to do this group pic she'd probably be blocking other characters, if you see what I mean.
    Also, I need it on a white background. The way I put things together isn't quite like I know others do, and the white wouldn't be lost.

    I'm saving all these images as they go along anyway but if you want them in a gallery you don't have to ask me.


    May I ask HOW are you joining this?
    Im quite sure we can work an alternate way than using a white background since, as I already said, the character border includes white zones (due to the kind of light reflections in skin that you find at the beach) that would be chopped out if you just select white as transparent or border the character silhouette with an eraser. I'm a quite good photoshop user and I can give you a hand on this if you need it.
    Maybe you are not using photoshop. Lets talk about it.


    Daniel Matera

    Joining into a community with a lot of real good artist it's a honor for me….
    Here, a pic i had done sometime ago:

    Thanks Lingster for this amazing forum!!!
    P.S. Sorry for the bad english… I'm Italian!!!  Bye Bye!!!!!!


    I am using photoshop and you know what? I know what I'm doing. I don't NEED a hand and I asked for pics with a white background for a reason, because I know what I'm doing, and it doesn't involve selecting white to cut out OR erasing.
    But I have already asked you twice so… if you want to do it then fine, do it, and do it your way, since you don't trust I have a method apparently. I regret even starting this fucking topic.


    Jesus Christ, Kulli, calm it down a notch or too. There was nothing in CDR's post that would deserve a response like the one you just gave. He's completely unaware of how you're doing it and wants to make sure that what gets done gets done right. It's not a question of trust in your method, but a question of curiosity. He doesn't know how you're doing it. He's posted the pic without the bike as you've asked, and no doubt he'll post the pic with a white background again, but he's asking how you're doing it because he doesn't get how you can do it without ruining his work. And asking you politely, and offering you help if you need it. He's been nothing but cooperative. It's a completely reasonable post that doesn't deserve to be responded to with a tantrum.

    Let's try and keep this topic in the same cooperative atmosphere you started it with, please?

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