artist community pic – would you join in?

  • This topic has 149 replies, 33 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by TC2.
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  • #46818

    There are some fine pics being posted here!


    whether it's a computer screen or a tv screen. the big screen or the wide screen the resolution is always 72.

    what counts after that is the actual size. the only reason to make something for a screen that's more than 72 in resolution is for zooming in (like stretching for close up etc).

    Kulli, 300 is meant for high quality prints. most probably your home printer doesn't deal with more than 100, 150 tops.

    another tip:

    after putting your resolution to 72, if using photoshop, don't save as but save for web.
    you can make your files pretty small without seeing much difference (like the difference between 32 million and 16 million colors which is big on a file but isn't noticeable for our eyes in most cases).
    and also, gif saves transparency, which is fun on it's own. (and this site supports it)

    (just don't forget to leave a higher res version if you ever intend to print it).

    hope I helped.



    I don't have a home printer so dpi for that doesn't matter to me. I use 300 because that size I can work with and manage easily to look at details. Plus for example I am going to be colouring something which is going to be printed 1.8m long for a project, so being used to working at higher dpi is good for me.


    Yeah like Kulli said, it's always better to work at the highest resolution you can so you can put in as many details and color as possible, and then shrink it down so the quality of the picture still remains very high and easy to post, since it's easier to shrink down than to scale up.

    The Muffin man

    EVERYTHING here is a contest…a contest for popularity.


    So take Lings advice and remove yourself from the running?


    There are some fine pics being posted here!

    tsk tsk… do your job 😀
    [me=gettar82]is a hound who smells the….bunny!! ;D bwahahaha!![/me]


    Okay, okay, the question was about posting, not about the resolution you work on it with.

    72 dpi is the ultimate resolution for a final screen product that isn't made for print.



    No, Bicepsual, that's exactly backwards. I wanted to know what size file Syber wants to have the characters to assemble them into a new image. Some characters are going to look pretty sorry "standing" next to others if they're not in the same resolution as originals. I realize we're not going to print with this thing, but are we going for some kind of quality?


    Okay, here's a picture of Genica sporting an Amazons tee.
    She's a relatively petite  6' 3''

    Full size image behind the link:


    It just needs to be rather large size, like the others have been (say 800 pixels for the smallest side, if you want a guideline) the finished product I don't want to make rediculously huge, so, as has already been said, I can scale it down without worrying if I have to scale it up a little.

Viewing 10 posts - 71 through 80 (of 150 total)
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