Amaz0ns webhosting questions

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  • #137377

    Hey Lingster,

    I notice when Amaz0ns goes down, your hosting provider is through Sitegrounds. I originally wanted to go with Sitegrounds when I was planning on moving one of my own websites to a new hosting provider. Sitegrounds was on the top of my list but then I read about this arbitrary server capacity thing that made it seem like your site could go down whenever it hit that limit.

    Is that what’s happening on Amaz0ns? I read that this mostly applied to lower tier hosting limits, but if you’re paying for the higher tier, then it seems I made a better choice going with Inmotion. My website is also extremely small and doesn’t require the databases Amaz0ns does.

    So just curious about the Sitegrounds thing.


    Yes. It’s an excellent Joomla host but it has a scheme in place to force you to spend much more money if you want the enterprise hosting option. I really can’t afford to be spending that each month on Amaz0ns.

    So, what I’ve done is blocked Google from crawling the site or listing Amaz0ns in search results. Within a few weeks that should reduce the load significantly and make sure we’re up all the time.

    FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder


    Yeah, I saw the Sitegrounds scheme and I was like, “Umm.. how am I supposed to stop it from hitting that cap?” Ah well, good to know. Kind of glad I didn’t go the Sitegrounds route. I can’t afford enterprise hosting either.


    I was wondering why sites keep going down….

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