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  • #66401

    Well thanks very much for the good words, Mimi.  Im really enjoying reading the incredibly well written story on your link (though my family and their commitments today have kept me from reading it fully – rest assured, I definately will do so).  ๐Ÿ™‚  Thus far your story is superb, and puts my rather average writing style to shame.  :p  Is this solely fictional, or based on actual events?  ๐Ÿ™‚

    As for needing original stories on our AC site, thus far we really dont have any just text stories there (though if we were to start, yours is definately worthy of such treatment).  If you wanted to write something FB/Amazon related, had someone there to illustrate your work, and were willing to give it to us to use on our site, Im sure we would be more than up with awarding you and your potential artistic partner with Lifetime Memberships both to AC as well.  (if you are interested in such an offer, feel free to email me and we can discuss via emails).

    Until then, thanks again for your good words about our offer and AC site, and I look forward to getting back to your story and be able to read it In Full, SOON!  ๐Ÿ™‚


    That Sounds like an awesome preposal. I will be able to take you up in it in about a month or so.  ๐Ÿ˜€


    Sounds good to me, well always be looking for new artists, Id say, and with us adding new material to our Amys Conquest site, this offer is just going to get better and better for any artists willing to take us up on it.  ๐Ÿ™‚


    Speaking of adding new material :), we have just added 1 new illustrated story and 2 new audio stories to our Amys Conquest catalogue today, making that 9 fully illustrated and 6 audio stories (the financial total of all of the material currently on Amys Conquest to $95) which would all go to anyone willing and able to draw one of my stories for our AC site – as will Any and All such stories that will be appearing AC – and there are Definately more coming, thats a fact!  Adding in a link to any site of the artists choosing on our sites Links page, a permanent plug for them on each and every one of my new text stories on Diana The Valkyrie, and having your artwork available for our full list of AC members and legions of FBB fans to watch and adore.  Again, sounds like a pretty fair deal to me.  ๐Ÿ™‚  So if anyone is interested, and can draw a mean Amazon girl, just send me a PM here or email me, and well get the ball rolling.  ๐Ÿ™‚


    I don't know, if I should try it, since I've never done something like this before and can't say I would very good at it.


    Well, like they say, you never know until you try.  ๐Ÿ™‚ 

    Do you have some artwork online somewhere where I could see, or maybe send me something via my email address, and we could go from there. 


    I've posted some of my older work here, I'm still learning to upload:


    Well the stuff that I could see (as it was a bit hard to find things on that site…..or that could just be Im an idiot) :), was really quite good, and Im sure something we could use.  If you have anything else youd like to show off, feel free to PM or email me, and of course if youd like to work together and take us up on our AC site offer, just get a hold of me and well see about getting the ball rolling there.  ๐Ÿ™‚


    I've posted some of my older work here, I'm still learning to upload:

    Got your PM here, and posted the below reply, though not sure if it went thru or not (as I check my Outbox afterwards and it was Empty), so figured Id post it again here.  Feel free to contact me via email if you wish (as I at least am smart enough to use that……kinda :)), on  ๐Ÿ™‚

    "WOW, well youre easily good enough in the artwork dept, let me tell you that.  If you are interested in joining our AC team, Im sure wed love to have you.  Feel free to get back to me with your answer and well go from there.  ๐Ÿ™‚

    PS: Just wanted to point out that my site partner and I are really good people to work with, really quite easy going and laid back, and wed had several Deviant Art artists say that it was some of the most fun theyve had working on such illustrations before (as Ive heard some horror stories about people like us, and I just want to say, That Aint Us) :)"


    and angles hereโ€ฆ

    Best of luck, darlingโ€ฆ



    Oh, and I finally got to finish your story Mimi, and I think I speak for ALL of us here when I say – WE NEED PART 2 ALREADY!!  ๐Ÿ™‚  Seriously, an amazing story with writing that puts me to shame.  Truly a great job there.

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