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January 30, 2008 at 5:02 pm #66656
ParticipantAmazon Cruise
(part 1)John Thomas was starting to get a little nervous as he got off the plane in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Sure, it seemed like such a good idea several months ago when he was planning it, but now, waiting for his luggage, so close to his destination, he felt butterflies in his stomach.
John Thomas was an average fellow at 5’10”, 175lbs. He tried to keep in good health. He was a member of a gym, which he went to four times a week. He ran three miles a day (well most days anyway) and never shied away from a pickup game of basketball or a set of tennis if a friend was playing. He was a fairly handsome man who could clean up with the best of them and was charming enough to have plans on most weekends. Financially, he did very well for himself, scoring a low six figure income at an early age of 27.
Despite all this, John found himself in Florida, grabbing his suitcase off the conveyer belt, alone. It’s not that John had a hard time finding a girlfriend, although he didn’t have one at the moment, it’s just that John didn’t think any girl he’d ever met would be interested in the trip he was taking
In fact, while John had little problem meeting women, keeping them was quite another story. Not that he was mean and didn’t know how to treat a lady; in fact, John was quite courteous and kind to all his friends. It’s just that John had a pretty specific idea of the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and he’d yet to meet her.
Sure John wanted what all men wanted, a woman who was attractive and fun to be with; a woman who was loyal and honest and had all the qualities that a man looked for in a woman. But there was one quality that John looked for in woman that no woman he’d ever met had. John was attracted to strong, powerful women. Not mentally or emotionally strong women, though that didn’t hurt, but physically strong women. John didn’t know when this attraction started, but it was there, and sometimes it was all he could think of. In fact half the reason he went to the gym as often as he did was so that he could meet the girl of his dreams.
Though so far that woman was still just a dream. Oh, John had met and dated some physically fit women before. He’d even known a woman who was stronger than he was, but only just barely. She was hardly able to overpower John like the girl of his dreams would be able to, and in the end he was unable to hide the frustration that he felt to be with a woman so close to what he wanted. It drove them apart.
So sadly, John’s only outlet for his fantasy was the internet. Living alone, John spent probably too much time surfing the myriad of sites devoted to people who shared his interest in strong women. Where some men had secret boxes of porn, John’s collection consisted of fantasy videos of women performing feats of strength that no woman on earth could possibly do. Women lifting hundreds of pounds of weights (that were so obviously fake it was sometimes laughable), or a woman bending equally fake bars. There were women who would lift men in different ways, either huge women lifting minutely small men, or women using camera tricks to make it look like she was able to lift a guy. Some were of women arm wrestling men who were obviously only pretending to try, while others were of women wrestling men who were trying even less. It wasn’t much, not really, but it was all he had.
John was pleasantly surprised at the temperature as he stepped through the door out to the road. Boston at this time of the year would have at least a foot of snow on the ground and would be cold enough that he would be covered head to toe in clothing, but here in south Florida, he was hot even in the relatively light weight outfit he wore from his home to the airport. He couldn’t wait to get into some shorts and a tee shirt.
He didn’t have to scan far across the arrival area of the airport to find a cab. In fact two guys almost raced over to him to get his business. The winner, a thin middle aged fellow of Hispanic origin, hardly smiled a lick as he grabbed John’s suitcase and led him over to a station wagon that he must of bough during The Great Depression. John helped him put the two bags into the truck and got his own door as the driver moved up to the passenger seat.
“Where are you headed, senior?” The accent was thick, and made even harder to hear as the man was too busy getting the car started to turn around to ask the question.
John cleared his throat and tried to act casual. He was a pretty private person, especially about what he considered his not so natural infatuation, but the guy had to know where he was going. “I’m, uh, going to the umm, port. I’m going on a cruise.”
“OK, what boat?”
“Um, the uh, Amazon Cruise ship.”
The driver shot him a look through the rearview mirror that John couldn’t see very well, but could guess what it was for. Most people that John knew were disgusted by women with muscle. They thought they all looked like men, or at least were trying to look like men. John could understand how they felt. Several women that he’d seen on the internet were clearly abusing steroids and had developed distinctly manly features. But there were other women who didn’t look manly at all. In fact, John thought women with the right amount of muscle only enhanced their femininity. In fact, he thought muscular women looked far more feminine than the stick figure, anorexic model that most guys went for. That just didn’t look healthy at all.
Along with the look, every man John knew was terrified about being with a woman who could possibly stronger than they were. John never understood why strength was equated to masculinity, but it was there whether he understood it or not. Not only that, but the one woman he did date that was stronger than he was, Nicole, wasn’t all that interested in being the stronger partner. Nicole liked being strong, but she always tried to get him to lift more and build up his strength more. That only server to drive them further apart as John actually tried to lift less to get weaker so that the strength difference between him and Nicole would be greater in her favor.
Besides the look, the driver said nothing, and sped off into traffic a little faster than John would have liked, but he said nothing.
John found out about the Amazon Cruise line through one of the amazon women sites that he frequented. It was a brand new ship, and seemed like it was right up his alley. The entire boat was crewed by women of amazonic proportions. The ad made the women sound like superwomen, claiming that every member of the crew was stronger than any man alive. It was an insane boast. John had looked it up before. Most of the women’s weight lifting records were barely half of what the men’s records were. At first he discarded the entire affair. It seemed like some kind of scam, not to mention tickets were far more expensive than a comparable ship. Yet as the ship’s maiden voyage got closer, ads came out with amazing deals, half price tickets! Special sessions with the crew provided for all first class passengers!
Money really wasn’t the problem, John made plenty. What decided him was that he’d just broken up with Nicole, and while she wasn’t nearly as strong as John’s dream girl, she was still the strongest women that he’d ever met. He was missing the feeling of her power. Watching her work out, lifting weights that most other women could hardly budge. In the end, he thought, what the hell. They might not be superwomen, but if they’re at least as strong as Nicole, it will still be the best vacation I’ve ever had.
And so it was that John found himself in the back of his cab, pulling into Ft. Lauderdale’s port. It was a wholly unimpressive sight. Huge warehouses dominated the scenery holding god only knew what. Wherever there weren’t warehouses, there were rows of silos, or stacks of freight cars in various states of disrepair. Most of the ground was dirt or cracked concrete, and heavy moving equipment sat like lumbering mules waiting for someone to prod them into action. At first the only boats John saw seemed to be barges just as decrepit as the cab driver, but then a tall building gave way, and John saw his first look at a cruise ship.
He had never been on a cruise before, though he’d seen picture of boats. No picture could ever prepare him for the enormity of the boats he was seeing. The ship was easily the size of the largest warehouse in the lot. Hundreds of sections of balconies sat like seats in a stadium, all covered by protective glass that was probably waist high. The whole thing was bleach white, and looked as though it was either brand new or cleaned thoroughly. Two towers stood up from the top, which must have been well over a hundred feet tall.
With a small sigh of regret, John watched as the cab drove by the mammoth boat which had the Princess Cruises emblem printed brightly on one of the towers. And then watched as an equally mammoth boat from Royal Caribbean was also passed. The cab traveled all the way around the port before finally coming to a much smaller ship than the two previously passed. This boat was much smaller than the other two vessels, though still very large. It was clearly newer than the other two ships, with a sleeker, sexier, almost futuristic look to it. The boat only had one tower with a teal AC printed on the side.
The cab pulled up slightly past a smaller sized warehouse. A sign over the only door read Amazon Cruises. There was a desk sitting between the boat and the warehouse tended by what pair of attendants. Next to the desk were several large carts that were filling up with luggage. The cab got as close to the desk as he could and then stopped and went to the trunk to grab my luggage. He did nothing to hide his contempt toward the boat every time he glanced at it, but he thankfully kept his opinions to himself. John paid him, giving him a moderate tip, and he left mumbling something in Spanish that John couldn’t understand.
He grabbed his bags and carried them over to the check in counter and was met by his first pleasant surprise of the trip. The girl at the check in counter was gorgeous. She wore a sparkling white crewman outfit that molded to her body like a second skin and set off a very dark and even tan. Her short sleeve shirt did little to hide the obvious thickness and definition of her arm, and she had the top several buttons undone, showing more than a modest amount of cleavage on what seemed to be a pretty sizable chest. Her face was as pretty as anyone John ever met with soft feminine features. Two dimples emerged as she shot him a warm smile with dazzling white teeth that emphasized both her tan and the jet black hair that was cut down slightly past her shoulder.
“Good afternoon, and welcome to the maiden voyage of Amazon Cruise Lines!” Her voice was almost musical with the energy of a cheerleader. “My name is Amy, how may I help you today?”
“Hello,” John tried out a smile of his own, which seemed to please his host. “my name is John Thomas, I have a reservation.”
Her fingers quickly moved over the keyboard typing with swift precision. John couldn’t help but to stare as the muscles of her forearms danced up and down as she typed. Her eyes flickered up from the screen and caught him staring. John felt awkward for just a second before she smiled what he thought was almost a teasing smile.
“Ah, first class, Mr. Thomas. Well, I’m sure that we’ll take very good care of you on your voyage. Do you have your documents?”
As he went to grab his documents, Amy reached up under her hair to scratch the back of her neck. John’s jaw nearly dropped as her bicep bulged up into a huge ball of muscle. There was no doubt the girl’s arm was bigger than his. Hell it was probably bigger than Nicole’s. He couldn’t help but to stare at the bicep bouncing up and down as she scratched. It was a few moments before he realized that he was just standing there with his paperwork in his hands. He didn’t think she saw him stare, she seemed to be intent on her monitor, but she had a grin on her face that was more playful and amused than it was happy.
The entire check in process was filled with Amy taking every chance to seemingly flirt with John. If she wasn’t nonchalantly flexing her muscles, she was thrusting out her chest as she yawned, or pushing her arms into her chest as she typed, pushing her breasts further out the top of her shirt. At one point, while she was inputting John’s passport information, she started to hum. While humming, she’d occasionally emphasize a few notes by bouncing her pecs up and down. She bent down to his luggage, giving John the best view down her shirt yet, and seemed to spend an awful lot of time affixing the travel tags.
The most amazing thing that happened at the checkout though, wasn’t even done by Amy. As Amy put John’s luggage on a cart that looked filled to the brim, two other ladies, dressed and built just like Amy, came out of the ship talking. They walked to the full luggage cart and moved to either side of it. Then, without missing a beat, reached down, grabbed the underside of the cart and lifted it up off the ground! There must have been at least 30 pieces of luggage on the cart! Yet the two ladies were carrying the cart as easily as if their hands were empty!
This time John had such a shocked expression on his face, that Amy couldn’t help but to laugh. “Like what you see, Mr. Thomas.”
John looked back to Amy who now treated him to a full double bicep pose. If her arms were large when she casually flexed, they were absolutely huge now. Amy’s laughter renewed at John’s continued look of awe. She walked around the counter, grabbed Johns arm, and gentled pushed him toward the boat.
“You are absolutely adorable. Now why don’t you get yourself on the boat, and enjoy your amazon cruise!”…to be continued
January 30, 2008 at 6:22 pm #66657randy guillotte
ParticipantExcellent start! Can't wait for more…
January 30, 2008 at 9:38 pm #66658ratlaf
ParticipantI'd do most anything to get on the maiden voyage of that cruise!! Awesome story and I'm definitely looking forward to more!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
😮 😮 😮 😮 😮January 31, 2008 at 11:30 am #666590n1zuka
Participantcan't wait for the next one!!!
January 31, 2008 at 3:21 pm #66660Mermoz
ParticipantAwesome and exotic. I like the story and I like the style!!
January 31, 2008 at 7:32 pm #66661The Mole
ParticipantAbsolutely fantastic start!
Very much looking forward to the next part.
Thanks for posting!
January 31, 2008 at 9:51 pm #66662cpbell0033944
ParticipantVery promising and tantalising start! 😮 8)
February 1, 2008 at 4:08 am #66663fbbfan
ParticipantI too would be interested in a cruise like this.
it would be nice….great idea for a vacation.
February 2, 2008 at 3:22 am #66664Fonk
Lord, that's good stuff. 😉
February 8, 2008 at 4:46 am #6666500tree
ParticipantWhat I want to know is when's the next cruise and where do I sign up?!!!
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