Amazon Fighter – Completed (Updated: 09/17/06)

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    Author's Note: A friend wrote for me a transfer story as part of a story trade. I enjoyed so much his story that I began to work with it expanding the dialogs and scenes in coordination with him. I will be posting this story in parts as we continued working with it. Hope you enjoy it.

    Amazon Fighter
    By Koren and Max

    It was midday when Chun Li arrived at the house mentioned by the strange call she received early. The call was done by a girl with a low voice asking for her help. She mentioned being one of Chun Li friends but didn’t tell her name.

    The house seemed big and old. As Chun Li was inspecting it, she saw a teenage girl waving her hand behind a window. The door was electronically opened and the chinese fighter got inside the house.

    The entrance guided her to a large saloon when she saw at the girl that waved her moments ago. Chun Li couldn’t believe how weak the tiny girl was looking. She appeared to be bones and skin only as she was sat in a wheelchair.

    “Please. Help me” begged the girl as she coughed loudly. “My medical doctor is on his way to help me, but it will take him another couple of hours to get in here. I don’t have much time left” she said coughing again. “Please, help me or I may die” asked the girl with a squeaky voice

    “I will like to help you, but I don’t even know your name?” said Chun Li feeling worried for the girl’s degrading health.

    “My name is Sarah and I need someone strong enough to stabilize me. My father built a device that can equal momentarily my condition with the one of another person. Normally my father will do this but now he is a business trip and I’m all by myself. I didn’t know at who ask help” said the girl sobbing.

    “Don’t worry Sarah. I will be more than glad to help you. Tell me what I need to do” said the fighter

    Sarah used the joystick of her wheelchair and moved to the next room. There, Chun Li saw a weird metallic table with several sucking cups attached to the table by wires and few feet away was a white chair with also sucking cups and some buttons on it. Then, she noticed that suspended above the chair and table were glass capsules.

    “In order for this procedure to work, we need to be naked. You will need to sit me in that chair and stick all those sucking cups in my body. Then, lay on the steal table and wired your body too. Once we are connected, I will activate the machine from my chair. It will help me to live longer until the doctor arrives” said Sarah.

    Nodding, Chung Li did what Sarah said. After helping her with the chair, she attached lots of sucking cups around her body. “It’s funny” smiled Chun Li.

    “What is funny?” asked Sarah.

    “That you pronunciation of ‘steel’ sounded like ‘steal’. That’s all” giggled Chun Li as the cold surface of steel table touched her skin.

    “Yeah. Funny indeed” grinned Sarah pressing a button of her chair.

    Suddenly leather belts secured firmly at Chun Li against the table as the glass capsules lowered isolating her and the girl. Then, the machine started working and the fighter felt something been pulled out from her body. Great tiredness invaded her body as she felt very weak. For some moments she felt something weird going on her body until she couldn’t feel anything anymore. Then, the wires attached to her head produced a strange sensation like if her brain was split in two.

    After the glass capsule closed around her, Sarah punched a sequence in her chair. “It’s working. It’s working!!” she gasped as she could feel her body getting healthier. “I’m acquiring Chun Li’s vitality and health. I feel great!!” moaned Sarah. Then, she realized that her body was slowly aging allowing her to mature and become a young woman.

    “It seems that as part of the transference of her vitality I also obtained part of her age. That is great, but I want more…” she said punching another sequence. “… much more” she exclaimed.

    The machine accessed the command and Sarah started to grow. Her body enlarged as she was transferring the height of the chinese fighter to her. Through the glass, Sarah watched as Chun Li was getting smaller.

    When the transferred ended, Sarah smiled as how the chair looked smaller and more constricting to her. Quickly she punched another sequence and she gasped as she felt her muscles itching with electricity. She smiled widely as she observed her thin arms finally gaining mass. “I feel so strong!!” she roared enjoying how her muscles were expanding until reaching a perfect fitness status.

    “Well, I’m tall athletic girl. Now for the breasts!!” she grinned with lust in her eyes as she pushed the right code. Sarah moaned as she felt her nipples being shocked. Soon the electrical charges turned into a pleasant massage as she saw her breasts begin stimulated and quickly began to expand.

    With each breath, her breasts swelled in size. Sarah laughed as the once proud D-cup breasts of Chun Li were deflating and collapsing on themselves as she was sucking their mass and firmness. She smiled as her captive was too weak to realized what was happening to her.

    “I got her body now. It’s time to acquire her knowledge” said Sarah pushing another code. She gasped as her brain received all the memories and skills Chun Li has in her brain. All her training and techniques quickly became her on and years of practice and discipline were assimilated in an instant. “It’s all done” smiled Sarah as she pressed the button and to lift the glass capsules.

    As the glass capsule began to retrieve, the leather belts released at Chun Li, but still she could hardly move. She turned her head to see at the girl but she couldn’t see her clearly as a kind of fog filled the capsules. When a computer voice said “Operation Complete” Chun Li smiled thinking that she had save the life of the girl.

    When the fog finally dissipated, Chun Li couldn’t believe her eyes as instead of a fragile girl, she was seeing an 5’ 8” feet tall amazon as muscular as she was. Maybe even more muscular than her as her 6-pack ridges of her stomach looked very hard as well as her tennis ball biceps and massive muscled shapely legs. Her rear was full and firmer and she even had a perfect pair of C-cup breasts that proudly stood perky from her chest.

    Sarah tried to walk for the first time in her life. She smiled pleased as her strong left moved allowing her to give her first steps. Once she was confident enough, she did a cartwheel and landed gracefully next to Chun Li who was still laying on the table.

    “Thanks for the body” Sarah said to Chun Li with a big smiled on her face “Wow, I haven’t feel so healthy in my whole like. Not to mention being this big and strong” she said flexing her arms and enjoying the bulging bicep that appeared from them. “Or be so well stacked” she grinned cupping and checking out her round breasts.

    “Hey… my squeaky voice is gone. I have such feminine voice now. Cool!!” she said very pleased. “I am an AMAZON!!” she said proud shaking her luscious ass while holding again her breast to enjoy the pleasure she received for massaging them.

    “I am glad you are..” started to say Chun Li but her voice appeared weak and squeaky. For a moment, she though it was a temporal effect the machine left on her. Certainly the machine was done something hard on her body and by the time it recovers, she may have her voice back to be normal again. She was about to ask at the girl how long it will take her to regain her senses when she saw at the girl pulling a facial mask attached to a tube from under the table.

    Without losing time, Sarah put the facial mask on Chun Li’s face and activated a hidden button. Suddenly, Chun Li’s face was socked by the powerful vacuum. She felt like if the mask was taking off something surrounding her face. Then, the suction stopped and Sarah removed the mask.

    “You will like to see this” smiled Sarah as she put the mask on her face this time and pressed another button. Chun Li gasped as a pink dust flow inside the tube toward Sarah’s face washing it completely. When all the dust was filling her mask, the process stopped again.

    “Ahhhh! Refreshing” moaned Sarah as she lift the mask from her face. Chun Li only gasped in horror. “Do you like what you see?” grinned Sarah as she knew what Chun Li was seeing. Now her eyes were slanted and her lips were fuller. Her eyes had a deeper look and she was truly exotic. She now possessed Chun Li’s beauty. Sarah only laughed at how wide opened the round eyes of her captive were.

    Chun Li tried to stand up but she found herself too weak and with no power. She sat on the table and gasped to see that the table seemed to be higher as her feet couldn’t reach the floor. She jumped from the table and felt pain in her feet as she landed. The chinesse fighter hardly was able to stand up next to Sarah on her own feet.

    “This is weird. I feel so weak” said Chun Li getting a hold of Sarah’s leg to stand up. Just then, a thought crossed her mind as she saw her hand holding the girl’s leg. “Not her arm, not her waist, but her leg” Chun Li thought in loud voice as she noticed that her eyes were at the same level of Sarah’s womanhood.

    “Enjoying the view?” grinned Sarah placing her hands on her waist as she swung erotically her pelvis giving a close up of her matured womanhood to her captive. Chun Li was forced to crack up her neck to look at Sarah, but her face was hardly visible as it stood behind her firm breasts.

    “Oh my…!!” gasped truly shocked Chun Li as she finally realized how bizarre was her situation. “I’m as tall as her hips” she cried in disbelief. Since both still were naked Chun Li looked at herself and almost faint to notice that she was even skinner, plainer and smaller than Sarah was before activating the machine. She estimated she should only weight 30 or 25 kg while the amazon in front of her should weight around 70 and 90 kg.

    To be continued…


    I have the terrible feeling that more street fighters are going to go the same way…

    Great work, Max! Thanks for posting. ;D


    Hoooly…crap! Not COOL. lol. I feel soo bad for Chun-Li…


    Thanks for the comments my friends. Here is the next part of the story. Hope you enjoy it.



    Amazon Fighter
    By Koren and Max

    Part 2

    “What you have done to my body? What's going on?” demanded Chun Li completely freaked out. The giantess girl laughed as her little captive hadn’t realized how powerful she was now.

    “The machine took all your body muscle and curves from you and give them to me. Unfortunately in this kind of transference there is always a lost of mass. You maybe believe that I’m stronger than you were, but that will only mean that you are way weaker than I ever was. That will explain also how your wonderful D-cup breasts only filled me up to a C-cup. It’s a shame that such size got lost” sighed Sarah.

    Chun Li couldn’t believe what she had heard, but for impossible as it sounded, it should be the true because her body was the mere prove of that. Her skin was almost stick to her bones. Not a single trace of muscle was left on her as well as any sign of puberty. Her chest, rear and hips were as plain as boards. She touched her flat chest and felt her puny nipples. Tears ran her cheeks as her great breasts, her pride and joy, were totally gone. She had now the maturity of a 5 years old girl.

    “But those aren’t the worse case of mass lost. It’s during the height transference were the lost can be very big. For example, before you arrive here, I was 4’ 10” tall and you were 5’7” tall . Now, I’m 5’ 8” tall while you are…” said Sarah’s puzzled as she didn’t knew Chun Li new height.

    Suddenly, she grabbed Chun Li’s head and pressed it against her sex. “Oh!! Yes!!” moaned Sarah as Chun Li tried in vain to break free. “Judging for the way the your face fits perfectly in my womanhood, I think you should be around 3 feet tall” Sarah said holding easily at the shocked fighter. “That means that you lost 20 inches in order to let me gain 10. Well, as least it was for a good cause”. Satisfied with her displayed of power, she let at Chun Li free from her grip.

    “Even there are some reductions during a mass transference, the good thing is that those are compensated by an increase of the physical abilities” grinned Sarah making at Chun Li took the time to digest what she had said.

    “Right now, all your fighting skills and chinese martial arts training that was saved in your head was siphoned. Then, they were improved 3 times better and send them to my brain leaving you with only the basic fighting knowledge that I had. Be grateful that due my kindness you still have about 4% of your power” giggled Sarah.

    “Grateful?! I came here to help you and you did this to me?” Chun Li said in anger. “Turn my back at once you little freak or I will…”

    “Or you will what?” interrupted Sarah imposing her almost 3 feet in height over Chun Li overshadowing her. “HA! I am stronger one now and you don’t have a chance to fight me. If you will, you will regret that. Believe me…” she threaded flexing her arms to show her bulging muscles

    “You bitch!” Chun Li threw herself on the air flying sending a kick to Sarah’s face. She realized that her kick was a bit out of direction but even so she it will it the target. Sarah didn’t even care to move her face as she hit Chun Leg with her palm causing Chun Li to fall on her butt. The pain she received from her fall made her drop a tear.

    Sarah lifted her foot to squashed at the little chiness, but miracously Chun Li move on time and she miseed her. Then, Sarah sent some kicks but Chun Li managed to evade them hardly.

    “So you still have some skills huh…”  said Sarah trying to sound impressed. ‘If she only knew that I’m using only a small amount of her enhanced abilities. I will continued toying with her until she get tired’ thought Sarah.

    Chun Li run as fast as she could but the effort done evading Sarah’s attacks had made her very tired. She run with all her might toward the door as Sarah was happily jogging behind her. By the time Chun Li reached the door, she was out of breath. She rested her back against the door to catch her breath and suddenly Sarah was over her.

    Sarah placed her hands on the door trapping at Chun Li between her muscled arms. “I got you” grinned Sarah.

    Without other choice, Chun Li decided to attack. Putting all her strength in her right fist, she launched an punch toward Sarah’s face, but with an incredible agility and cat reflexes, Sarah moved her head barely enough to let at Chun Li’s fist pass next to her. “You are so adorable” she said kissing the arm of Chun Li making fun of her attack.

    Humiliated, Chun Li tried to hit her again with her left fist, but the result was the same. Just as Sarah was about to kiss the left arm of the fighter she caught the sudden move of Chun Li leg. In a blink of an eye, Sarah connected a kick on Chun Li’s torso sending her flying 5 meters away from her.

    “You almost caught me with that distraction little one” said Sarah walking to where Chun Li fell. “But you forget that I’m now almost 3 times faster than you and my reflexes are incredible” she said standing next to her

    Chun Li tried to walk on fours but she didn’t have a shred of strength in her body at all. Suddenly, she found herself being smashed against the ground as Sarah let her wonderful ass fell right on top of Chun Li’s back sitting on her. The weight on top of her fragile body caused her great pain as well as few broken bones.

    “I think I am going to like this!” said Sarah enjoying the power she had over the once fear street fighter. She stood up and grabbed Chun Li’s face with her fingers. Then, she pulled her up and dragged her almost lifeless body to an empty room.

    The room appeared to be a kind of jail as there were cells inside and no windows. Sarah opened the bar door of one of them and threw at Chun Li inside. Then, she locked the cell and closed the door of the room leaving at the sobbing Chun Li in total darkness.

    “Well, certainly she didn’t represent a challenge for me. Not even for a warm up” sighed Sarah as she had easily overpowered at the chinese fighter. “I was looking forward to see what this new body was able to do” she said looking at her adult body. “I guess, that I will go outside and enjoy the day” she smiled at the idea of actually standing under the sun and enjoy its warm light. An experience she hadn’t done before due her illness.

    Going out represented a challenge for Sarah as she realized that her clothes were now too small for her. “A little inconvenience of being this big. I don’t think that even the clothes of my older sister will fit me now, specially since all of them are skimpy, but there must be something I could wear…” she said looking around “Aha!” she exclaimed as she spotted the clothes Chun Li was wearing when she arrived at her home and took off before the transfer.

    Sarah took the chinese outfit and slid it over her head. Once the outfit was in place, she couldn’t avoid grinning as the tightness of it reminded she was now better than Chun Li was. “It seems to be a little tight and short but this will have to do it for now” smiled Sarah enjoying her extra muscles and height. The only thing that spoiled her fun was that the chest area was hanging lose. Her breasts couldn’t fill the worn out front material dented by D-cup breasts.

    Completely dressed, Sarah decided to visit her backyard. “Wow!! I can walk so easily now” she smiled happily as her now strong legs carried her without problem. “In fact, I think that I have walked these last minutes more than I have done in a month” she giggled.

    Once she was outside the house, Sarah stretched her amazon body and inhaled the fresh air in her healthy lungs. “Ah!! This feels so great!!” she exclaimed happily as she felt the sun warm in her face without getting worry of burning marks. “I can’t believe that I have been missing all these great sensations” she said.

    “Certainly my father had the best intentions when he built the transfer machine, but the idea of receiving small infusions of strength from people to survive isn’t exactly a life” she said picking up a rose and smelling its perfume. “Fortunately he had to go in a business trip and let me at the care of my older sister. This was a golden opportunity and certainly I took it” she said flexing her arm as she couldn’t get enough of her new strength. “Well, it’s time to see what this new body of mine is capable of do” she said before starting to jog around her backyard.

    Sarah enjoyed the sense of power that her jog was giving her. She could felt her muscles expanding and contracting with every step she gave. Also, she enjoyed the bounce of her breasts showing off how well developed she was.

    Her healthy heart was pumping constantly and its pace wasn’t distortion or accelerated even Sarah was increasing her speed. Soon she found herself running at great speed and she couldn’t felt any different. Her endurance was incredible and she had become the vivid image of a healthy woman instead of a barely alive girl.

    “Now that all the vitality and strength of Chun Li is mine, I won’t have to worry about being ill ever again” she laughed as she had been running at her top speed for more than 10 minutes and she didn’t feel tired at all.

    Then, the new amazon stopped running and decided to practice some martial arts moves. Sarah began to throw kicks and punches in the air unaware that a figure watched her from the shadows. A woman dressed in a tight sexy command uniform was following her movements very closely.

    “My sources were right. I don’t know which the reasons that brought you here Chun Li are but this yard will be your grave” whispered the mysterious woman.

    “Oh yes!! I’m a total kicking ass machine. How I wish I could be able to put in practice all this knowledge and training” said Sarah as she had barely sweat at all the effort she had just done. Then, her tuned up senses registered a low cracking sound between the bushes. “Who is there?” she yelled.

    Suddenly, the trespasser jumped into the air yelling “Get ready to die Chun Li!!”

    “Chun Li?” said Sarah wondering where the chinese fighter was. It took her a second to realize that the intruder saw her as Chun Li due her clothes and looks. “Well, I finally have someone to play with” grinned Sarah as she knew who the other woman was.

    To be continued…


    Yes! I'm really looking forward to the next part! 🙂 Thanks for posting!


    Great story. I must join the chorus though in hoping that Chun-li gets a fair shake. Maybe somewhere down the line. Or not! It's your story, but…. She's such a Chinese hottie!  And didn't the back story of street fighter have her as a disadvantaged youth or something? Thanks regardless.  -ibp


    Aww…Im enjoying the story…but after what happened…I do hope Sarah gets whats coming to her. Lmfao. Cause I fele real bad for Chun-Li lol. 😀  Nice work though. 🙂


    Thanks again for the comments my friends. I promise that you will have a nice surprise later, so don't fear  ;D


    Amazon Fighter
    By Koren and Max

    Part 3

    The mysterious woman descended toward Sarah with a flying kick straight to her face. Sarah quickly caught her attacker her leg and spun her around to then threw her against the wall.

    “Listen Cammy. I’m not Chun Li, can’t you see it?” mocked Sarah showing off her muscles. Cammy gasped as the she noticed that the woman in front of her was a bit taller than Chun Li but more muscular. “I’m the one that defeat at Chun Li and I will enjoy doing the same with you”.

    “In your dreams!!” yelled Cammy turning upside down. She put her foot on the wall and jumped again toward Sarah making a fist while flying.

    Sarah smiled as she dropped to the floor by extending her legs in different directions. Cammy gasped as her attack was easily evaded. As Cammy was flying on top of her, Sarah connected a hard punch on her stomach causing at Cammy flew several feet high.

    When Cammy landed on the ground, she ignored the terrible pain her fall had caused her as she took a fast look around looking for the girl. “Where did she go?” asked Cammy as the girl had disappeared.

    Suddenly, as Cammy was standing up, Sarah appeared from nowhere and surprised her with a kick attack. Cammy barely had time to avoid the mortal attack by jumping high into the air.

    “You won’t get away so easy. I’m just starting” grinned Sarah as she used her muscled legs to propel herself into the air too. Cammy was surprised as the amazon fighter was quickly catching up in the air even she had jump after her.

    Cammy simply froze at the power that girl possessed. Sarah smiled evilly as she got at the same height of Cammy and then passed her. Both fighters were still in the air but Sarah didn’t find any problem in swinging her lower body and kicked Cammy with her muscular power leg using an improved version of Chun Li’s move.

    As Cammy was falling, Sarah kicked her again with the left foot and again with the right and left, right, left, right, left. Sarah laughed as she was walking literally on top of Cammy. Finally, she used her right foot to kick hard her head sending her up down toward the ground as a missile. The impact made at Cammy smashed hard her face on the ground.

    Cammy’s body hadn’t fully fell on the ground when Sarah landed with her two feet on her back. She could have avoid such punishment, but she decided to test the fighter’s endurance by putting all her weight increased by the fall. Cammy screamed of the terrible pain inflicted.

    In anger and agony, Cammy tried to roll over and make Sarah get off from her, but there was no use. Sarah was too heavy

    “You have a very long hair. I will be glad to have it” Sarah grinned as she held the two golden ponytails of her hair. Then, Sarah got off from Cammy and holding tight her hair, she lift her up to later spin her around like a helicopter.

    Sarah laughed maniacally as she was pulling the ponytails so hard that Cammy’s head almost was chopped off from her neck if it wasn’t for the fact that Sarah let her go in the last minute just to let her crashed against a wall. Cammy finally was knocked out.

    “Another fighter down. She certainly was tough” Sarah said cleaning the sweat from her forehead as she stood next to the unconscious Cammy. “At least, I know what this body is capable of do” she said lifting at new captive and dropping her body over her shoulder. “It will be interesting to see what else I will be able to do once your skills and strength are transferred to me” she laughed carrying at her new donor into the house.

    As she was walking in her house, Sarah passed near a large mirror. With all the excitement of her new body, she missed it in her way out. Now that she was more relaxed, she noticed it, or better said the image reflected on it.

    “Oh my…!! I’m beautiful!!” gasped Sarah as she watched her face with the asian features she stole from Chun Li. Then, she saw how well her body looked like. Tight and Fit. The image of the unconscious Cammy on her shoulder gave her a sense of power and dominance.

    “What a babe. I should take a picture of me like this” she grinned placing her hands on her hips. Then, she realized an object hidden in her clothes. She searched and phone a cellphone. “Oh! Chun Li keeps giving me great things” Sarah smiled as she dialed a number.

    “Hello? Jimmy? It’s me Sarah… Yeah… My voice sounds different because I feel very good today and that was why I was calling you. Can you bring your digital camera here? I want that you take some pictures of me… Yes, me. OK. Hurry!!” she said hanging down the phone at the same time that she put at Cammy on the ‘steal’ table.

    With a simple pull of her strong arm, Sarah ripped off the military outfit that covered at Cammy. Then, after she connected the sucking cups over Cammy’s body, she went to the white chair and stripped off her clothes to later attached her own sucking cups. Pressing a button of her chair, the belts grabbed tight at Cammy and the glass capsules descended over them.

    “Since Jimmy is coming, I better take all Cammy can offer me at once” said Sarah pouching all the codes one after another. Then, the computer start working and the machine began to transfer Cammy’s characteristic to the greedy amazon.

    “Yes! YES!!” moaned in ecstasy Sarah as she felt her body receiving the energy and vitality of the fighter “More power!! I like it! I can feel it!” she roared in pleasure as she felt a great sum of power coming inside her. Then, her body started to change.

    The first noticeable change Sarah experienced was her height. She enjoyed as the 5’ 5” frame of her captive was quickly diminishing resulting in her expansion. Sarah grew a few inches more as Cammy was losing feet of height. Then, her muscles got denser and her body became buffer as Cammy’s tone muscularity was sucked from her.

    Sarah smiled as she felt her hair tingling. Soon, she felt her hair lengthening and when ir reached her shoulders, she saw golden rays on it. The happiness of her new hair was spoiled as she notice the poor development of her breasts. Her bust hardly expanded since Cammy’s small A cup couldn’t provide enough mass to let her move to the next letter of the alphabet.

    After all her physical changes, Sarah gasped as her mind was filled with the knowledge Cammy possessed. New and improve fighting moves were integrated into her brain making her even more deadly.

    When the capsules retrieved, Sarah stood up with a body close to the 6’ feet tall. Her muscles haven’t increase notoriously in size, but certainly they were denser making her stronger that she was. She forced Chun Li’s clothes on her as now the outfit was small for her enlarged body. When she managed to put it on, it was erotically stretched.

    Cammy began to regain her senses but without her vitality, the beating she had received moments before didn’t let her focus well. When her eyes finally decided to work, she gasped as the amazon fighter looked even taller. As Sarah moved toward Cammy, she shook her head to her sides letting at Cammy appreciated her now wavy and long hair that shine with a light brown color that giving her an even more exotic look.

    Taking her eyes away from the amazon, Cammy gasped to realize the changes in her own body. She was smaller than 3 feet tall and she had become extremely skinny as well as bald. Cammy tried to get away but her body was too weak to response. After pulling out 3 sucking cups from her body, she found herself extremely tired.

    “Your body didn’t give me much” sighed Sarah as she stood next to the little Cammy. “But… I got some new moves now and soon I will have your beauty” she giggled.

    Sarah bent to reach the mask under the table when Cammy stretched her arm and squeezed Sarah’s face with her hand. “Give my body back you….ah..” Cammy was cut off as Sarah placed the mask on her face. The suction power was so strong that Cammy couldn’t talk and soon got unconscious releasing Sarah’s face. Her arm fell on the table.

    With the suction done, Sarah put the mask on her and activated the device letting her acquired Cammy’s beauty and added it to the beauty she stole from Chun Li. When Sarah took the mask off, her face was a mix of two different ethnics. Three, if she counted her own. The mixture gave her an irresistible and exotic beauty that could slave men.

    The door of the empty room was opened and Chun Li covered her eyes as the light blinded her. After all the time she had spent in darkness her eyes took a moment to adjust. Then, she saw that Sarah had changed again and she was placing another sexless woman in the cell next to her.

    “You have a roommate” said Sarah to Chun Li as she threw an outfit over the woman. Chun Li barely had time to recognize the outfit before Sarah closed the door and let her in total darkness again.

    “Cammy? You too?” gasped Chun Li fearing who will be next.

    As Sarah was walking away from the jail room, she heard the bell of her door. Quickly she rushed to the door and she was surprised at her improved speed. She opened the door and smiled to look down at a young boy with a camera in his hand.

    The boy gasped as he cracked his neck to look up at the giant girl that was in front of him. “Excuse me Miss. Is Sarah in home?” asked the boy.

    “Why are you telling me Miss? It’s me. Sarah” giggled Sarah.

    “Sarah?! Wow!! You look huge!!” he gasped noticing how small and weaker he was compared to her.

    Sarah smiled enjoying the look of shock and admiration her friend was experiencing as his eyes scanned her from her head to feet. “What took you so long?” she said breaking his stupor state “Come on and take some shot of my beautiful body and face” she giggled grabbing his arm and pulling him in. The poor Jimmy just flew inside the house.

    To be continued…


    As much as I loved how quickly Cammy was dominated… I still feel bad… maybe this villianness will be defested… cause from the way shes action…sure aint no heroine…lol.


    from the way shes action…sure aint no heroine…lol.

    He he. Nobody said that she was one.  ;D

    More to come… and thing is sure… You will hate her more.


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