Amazon Fighter – Completed (Updated: 09/17/06)

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    Oh, wow, what a turn of events that was! This is shaping up nicely. Thanks to Max and Koren! ;D


    Wow. Is there anything else to say? This story went from a simple transfer fanfic into something much more impressive. I think that this story is probably one of the best fanfics like this that I have read in a long time.


    Thank you a lot my friends for your nice comments. I really hope you enjoy the surprise Koren and I are preparing for the next part. You will see.  😉



    Amazon Fighter
    By Koren and Max

    Part 7

    “We made a big monster out there. We must stop him right now” said Sarah to her sister and she nodded.

    “We will help you” said Chun Li with Sakura at her side. “We are the good girls after all. We can’t allow him to hurt innocent people”.

    “Thank you. I really appreciate this” said Sarah. “I promise that I didn’t intend that all of this will happen. I just…, I just…” she muttered.

    “There will be time to talk about this and deal with what you have done. Now, we need to stop at that boyfriend of yours” said Sakura.

    “He is not my boyfriend” Sarah blushed.

    “What about you Cammy? Will you help us?” Sam asked.

    “No. Do as you want. I got my normal body anyway so… I am not going to be there for the party” she said while jumping out for an opposite window and disappearing.

    The 4 girls looked at each other and walked together to the hole Jimmy made in the wall. They saw that he still was in the backyard destroying everything. “He is out of control” gasped Sakura.

    “It will be difficult to stop him since he is far stronger than us” said Chun Li.

    “If only we will be able to make him understand” said Sam.

    Just then, Sarah smiled. “I got an idea, but I will need time. Do you think you can keep at Jimmy busy?” she asked.

    “We will do our best” said Sakura and Chun Li at unison.

    “I will help you too. I guess that the milk give me more than just strength, because my head is full with fighting knowledge” smiled Sam.

    “Indeed. I think that my milk give you a boost in strength and knowledge of what I took. That amount was copied into the other girls as well improving them. I think that all of you have similar knowledge about each other moves.

    Sakura and Chun Li nodded as they recalled perfectly each other moves and even also knew about Cammy’s moves.

    “Very well. I will leave this task to you. Keep him busy for about 15 minutes” said Sarah. The 3 girls nodded and jumped down to the backyard.

    Chun Li was the first to stand in front of Jimmy. “You won’t be able to defeat us” she said bravely.

    “You are insects to me and I enjoy squeezing bugs!!” he roared loud as he lifted his foot up.

    Chun Li managed to avoid the coming down foot as she jumped to deliver a kick into his torso, but even she used all her strength to hit his chest, he didn’t move. In fact, she felt like her leg had hit a thick metal wall. As soon as she landed on the ground, Jimmy slapped her face sending her away.

    “How dare you to hit at Chun Li” yelled Sakura frustrated as she used her new knowledge to do Chun Li’s famous helicopter move. Sakura hit several times Jimmy’s chest, but there was no effect either.

    Jimmy grinned widely as his muscular pectorals couldn’t even feel Sakura’s kicks. With a grin on his face, he stopped her cold on her tracks as he hold both of her legs and split then aside opening them wide. Sakura screamed in pain.

    “Let her go!!” yelled Sam as Chun Li catapulted her into the air. Using Cammy’s knowledge, Sam did the canon drill move and kick hard Jimmy’s face. The impact manage to get at Sakura free, but certainly it pissed off more at Jimmy.

    Jimmy stretched his long arms and grabbed Chun Li’s hair just to pull her up and send her flying away. Chun Li’s fall caused her great pain, but that was soon forgotten when she opened her eyes and saw at Jimmy making a slide on the ground and he hit her in her back. This time, it was Chun Li the one that screamed in pain.

    Chun Li found herself totally helpless as she couldn’t move due the intense pain in her back. Jimmy stood next to her and with an evil grin in his face, he smashed her hand with his foot. The chinese fighter screamed in pain while Jimmy applied all his mighty weight on her.

    Seeing that Chun Li was in danger, Sam knew she should do something before Jimmy will kill her. “Stay right here, I will help at Chun Li” she said to the still recovering Sakura.

    Jimmy rose his foot up and then moved it so it will be a few inches over Chun Li’s head. “You managed to avoid my foot the first time. You won’t do that this time” grinned Jimmy. “Die!!!” he shouted.

    Just then, Sam did an helicopter move and hit Jimmy’s face. Her kicks caught him out of balance and in shock, he stumble a couple of feet back before falling on the ground.

    “Are you alright?” asked Sam at Chun Li.

    “My back hurts me, but besides that, I don’t have any broken bones” Chun Li sighed.

    “Good, let’s get out of here before he reco…” Sam got speechless as she noticed that Jimmy had already recovered and was making a few mini jumps. “Oh no!! It’s….canon drill move” said Sam as she gazed in shock the upcoming attack. Before she could react, she was hit by Jimmy’s attack and was sent flying away.

    Suddenly when Jimmy was standing up, Sakura jumped in front of him and put her arms around his body and squeezed it as hard as she could. Then, she kick with enough strength to break a brick Jimmy’s ark ankles, but he didn’t fall. Grinning, he just grabbed her head and pulled her out of his body.

    Showing resistance, Sakura launched a kick attack, but Jimmy dodged it and hit Sakura with his own leg.  Since his leg was longer than Sakura’s, he hit her first forcing her to stop in middle of the air. Sakura fell on the ground as her stomach had being smashed.

    “Huh…weakling!” said Jimmy. He was getting ready to smash at Sakura and burry her in the ground when Chun Li and Sam jumped against him and held each other one of his legs.

    “You just don’t get it right? I’m too much powerful for you” he said grabbing their heads there heads with each hand and then, he squeezed them so hard that the girls released his legs in order to use their hands to free themselves. He lifted them effortless and threw them on top of the lying Sakura.

    “It looks like I am fighting a bunch of kids…” laughed Jimmy flexing his muscles..

    “In that case, why don’t you mess with someone your size” said a female voice.

    Jimmy turned his head and watched a young woman standing at the edge of the hole he made in the wall. He easily recognized at the young woman standing there dressed in an elastic gym suit, even she was now a foot taller and very muscular. The fact that she was licking some milk drops from her lips made at Jimmy tremble in fear and backed off.

    The young woman jumped down the ground and as Jimmy anticipated, she began to grow before his eyes. “Oh yes!! This feels very good!!” she moaned as her body was getting stronger and bigger. Her muscles ballooned in size while her female curves got also enhanced. Her enlarging breasts and expanding hips were stretching the gym suit to its limits.

    When her growth burst finally subsided, she got taller than Jimmy as she reached the 15 feet mark. Her outfit fit so tight her body, that it was like an almost transparent second skin.

    The new giantess move toward the girls were. “Sorry girls that I took to long to join the party. Let me handle him from now on” she said with a warm smile. Then looking serious to Jimmy she said “It’s time to put you under control little brat”

    “You won’t. I’m stronger than you” he said flexing his biceps.

    “Oh yeah? Tell that to my friends here” said the woman as she flexed her own biceps. Jimmy gasped as her guns were even bigger than his own. “You know what, I will like to know first hand who is the strongest of both” she walking toward him. Her heavy footsteps made the ground rumbled.

    After the new woman left at the girls, Chun Li and Sam assisted at Sakura to stand up. Then, looking at their savoir, Sakura and Chun Li asked at unison “Who is she?”.

    “I can answer that question for you” said Sarah from behind.

    The girls turned around and gasped to see at Sarah sat in an electronic wheelchair. Her body was back to the weak and ill status Chun Li found when she got into her house just a few hours ago. “That is the only person that can make at Jimmy come into his senses. She is his older sister, Natalie” said Sarah as Sam nodded her head.

    Sakura and Chun Li turned their heads and gasped in awe as they were witnessing the most titanic battle between siblings as they were tallest and strongest people in the world.

    To be continued…


    This sounds like a promising climax.


    Uh ohes…I smell an assWHIPPIN comming. 😀


    Another awesome chapter. Growing women, lots of fighting, I think that it is safe to define this story as perfect.


    This sounds like a promising climax.

    Thanks Axel. I'm glad that you find interesting the ending of this chapter. Certainly the last chapter is coming and I hope you will enjoy it.

    Uh ohes…I smell an assWHIPPIN comming. 😀

    A spanking scene, ah? OK, I will see what Natalie can do about that  😉

    Another awesome chapter. Growing women, lots of fighting, I think that it is safe to define this story as perfect.

    Thanks for your words my friend. I'm very glad that you are enjoying so much this story. I just hope that the next chapter will be the perfect ending for this story.

    Thank you for all your feedback my friends. It's very appreciate it.



    Well, here is the final piece of this story. Hope you enjoy it.


    Amazon Fighter
    By Koren and Max

    Part 8

    “OK Jimmy. It’s game over. You will come with me!!” said Natalie as she walked toward Jimmy. Her footsteps shook the ground under her.

    “No. I’m super strong!!” he said flexing his arms to bulge his great biceps. “I won’t do what a silly girl will tell me to do” he smashing his fist against his chest in a manly gesture of power.

    “See ‘little’ boy. I’m your older sister and I’m bigger…” she said stepping on her tip toes adding another foot at her previous 3 feet height difference. “… and stronger!!” she said grabbing his biceps with her hands to squeeze them hard.

    Jimmy yelled in pain as her sister only laughed. “See. You are too soft!!” he giggled as her feminine hands dented easily his hard bicep.

    “Get away from me, bitch!!” said Jimmy as he pushed at her sister backwards.

    Natalie was caught by surprise and she lost her balance. She stumbled backwards and her back ended hitting the wall of Sarah’s house. The mighty impact cracked the wall as well as shattered several windows.

    Sam, Sakura and Chun Li quickly protected at the weak Sarah from the falling debris.

    “That wasn’t nice Jimmy” said Natalie stepping out of the dent she made in the wall. Then after cleaning the debris in her gym suit, she stared at Jimmy with angry eyes. “You will have to pay for this mister and I’m the one that will make you fall” said Natalie doing Chun Li’s helicopter’s move.

    “What the…?” gasped Jimmy as he barely had time to cover himself. His sisters kick were very hard and each one pushed him backwards. When he felt his sister’s attack was over, he uncovered his face just to see her jumping into air. “Oh no!!” he said.

    “Oh yes!!” grinned Natalie as she started to spin in order to do Cammy’s drill move. She executed it perfectly and Jimmy’s chest received directly the damage. Natalie landed gently in the ground as her brother fell backwards with his hands on his chest. “What is the matter ‘little’ brother? Am I too tough for you?” she teased.

    “Not a chance sis” said Jimmy as he stood up. “You will have to try harder than that if you want to defeat me” he grinned.

    “I’m glad that you say said that. There are a few things I want to try out in this strong giantess form. Hope you haven’t forgot that I’m a black belt or that I finished my self defense classes last week. Those courses allowed me to neutralize a grown up men with only my girly strength. Just imagine all the pain those techniques can cause you if I use my current level of enhance strength” grinned Natalie. Jimmy only paled out.

    “Now tough guy…” she said assuming a kung fu position. Then, extending her arm, she waved her hand saying “Bring it all”. After that, Jimmy roared and launched against her.

    A few feet away, the girls watched the battle. “I don’t get it. How is Natalie so calm and Jimmy so agitated” said Sakura.

    “It’s because the machine. It wasn’t designed to take large portions of people strength and traits. A large transfer of strength also modify internally the levels of aggression  and also create a hunger of power. Fortunately, those two vanished from me when Jimmy used the machine on me” explained Sarah.

    “After using the machine on Chun Li, my mind got corrupted. My idea was to borrow temporally Chun Li’s strength and health to be able to walk outside and wander around the house by myself” she said. Then turning to Chun Li, she took her hands before continuing. “You must to believe me. I never intended that all of this to happen. The power corrupted me in the same way that it’s doing with Jimmy. I was weak. Please forgive me” she said crying and burring her face on Chun Li’s hands. 

    “Well, what you did was awful. You don’t only strip at Sakura and me from our traits, but you also humiliated us” said Chun Li. “But I see that you sacrificed all of that in order to control at Jimmy. That takes a lot of courage. A courage that only a noble soul has. For that, I forgive you” said Chun Li.

    “Thank you. Thank you” sobbed Sarah. Before she could turned to face at Sakura, the fighter anticipated Sarah’s move and patting her head said “Don’t worry. I also forgive you”

    “Since we are cool now, can you explained me how Natalie got into this?” asked Sam.

    “When you mentioned about being able to make Jimmy understand, I recalled that the only one with that ability was his sister” explained Sarah. “While you kept him busy, I called her and asked her help. After fixing the machine to allow a large transfer without the horrible secondary effects, I hooked at Natalie and transfer all my strength to her. Only by doing at, I will assure that she will be stronger than Jimmy” said Sarah.

    “Once Sarah was changed, I was glad that she still has her sense of humor and that she still was in control. She gently help me to get into my spare wheelchair and then I gave her the gym suit because she will need it” said Sarah.

    “After we were ready, we got here and I started to breastfeed at Natalie. I knew that she will experienced an even better change that the one Jimmy experience because she was stronger than she was before feeding her, and also, because she drank my milk”.

    “Hey! Are you saying that my milk isn’t good enough?” said Sam cupping her breasts.

    “No. Yours is fine, but looked at Sakura and Chun Li. Certainly Chun Li seems to be stronger that Sakura, and that is because she obtain her power back from my milk. That means that my milk has more power than yours. That’s all”.

    “And it seems that it has the same knowledge proprieties also” said Sakura recalling the moves Natalie used moments before.

    Just then, the girls realized that the ground stopped shaking. Then turned their heads and watched as Natalie was sat over the 7 feet tall fence wall and had Jimmy on her knees giving him a great spanking.

    “You have been a very bad boy” said Natalie as she slapped hard repeatedly her bother’s naked butt. “Say you are sorry, or I won’t stop” she threaded.

    “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry” cried Jimmy as he couldn’t endure it more.

    “Good. Now, it’s time for you to return to normal” said Natalie as she applied pressure on his neck getting him unconscious. “It’s done Sarah. Jimmy will be sleeping for a few minutes” said Natalie.

    “Good. Now, we need to hooked him to the machine. Please put him down under the hole in the wall” said Sarah. “Please girls. Follow me” said Sarah at the other girls.

    Gently, Natalie carried at her sleeping brother and placed him under the hole of the machine room. Then, Sakura and Chun Li threw him some long cables. Natalie nodded and attached them to Jimmy’s body.

    “Now, since there is a lot of strength to drain, I think that we can share it between all of us. What do you say?” said Sarah to the other girls.

    “Sounds good to me” grinned Sakura.

    “It will be a nice way to compensate everything we have passed through today” exclaimed Chun Li feeling the tiredness of the fight.

    “Well Chun Li, please be the first to get a strength infusion. I owe you” said Sarah.

    Nodding, Chun Li got into the white chair where Sam and Sakura prepared her.

    “Uhm… Sarah. Excuse me” called Natalie through the hole on the wall. “I need to use the restroom. Any ideas?” she said twitching her legs.

    “Oh!” gasped Sarah. “You can go at the other side of the mansion for more privacy”

    “Thanks!!” said Natalie as she ran away.

    Moments later, Chun Li and Sakura felt better than ever as their bodies received most of Jimmy’s strength and size. Jimmy was safely reduce to only 6 feet tall and still retain an enviable musculature.

    When Natalie returned from her nature call, she didn’t came alone. “Here what I found trapped between the bushes” she giggled as she held up down at Cammy. “I guess she was weaker than she thought because she couldn’t escape”.

    With Cammy being under the Chun Li and Sakura care, Sam and Sarah proceed to drain at Natalie and returned her to normal. Since Natalie had been a tomboyish girl, Sarah not only granted her the strength and size from Cammy, but also her beauty was transferred to Jimmy's sister for her help

    Even Jimmy looked mostly like a well build man, he had enough strength in him to be the strongest man in Earth, ironically he was a weakling to any of the 5 girls. Sarah, Sam, Natalie, Sakura and Chun Li became strong amazons that passed the 7 feet mark. Her nice toned muscles hide the real strength that they had.

    Chun Li and Sakura said good bye at Sarah and certainly they didn’t hold any grudge on her because they don’t only has better and stronger bodies than before, they also had a weak Cammy to play with.

    Sam and Natalie decided to go shopping as they need a whole new wardrobe for their powerful bodies leaving at Jimmy alone with Sarah in the house.

    “You know something Jimmy. I have feel attracted to you since always, but I didn’t say something because I was too weak. Now that I’m 8 feet tall and the strongest woman in the world, I hope that won’t discourage you to be my boyfriend”

    Jimmy only muffed a few words as Sarah pressed his face against her large breasts. “Yeah. We are going to be very happy” purred Sarah enjoying her seduction game.

    The End.


    A satisfying ending. Very Nice!

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