Amazonfan’s stories lost

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  • #48182

    Thanks for all your kind comments and remarks.

    To set the record straight and to end any speculation, I requested that all my stories be removed from the DTV website. Without going into the gory details, I fundamentally felt that my long standing contributions to that site were not valued or appreciated, so I decided to end my association with it.

    Personally, I find that site to be in a prolonged death spiral, but that's just an opinion, not a condemnation.



    You know, I sort of agree with you on many levels, at times I feel my stories are underappreciated, I hardly get any comments on them anymore, I get maybe 1 or at the most 2 comments for every new story I put up there. I also believe that there has been a downturn in the quality of the stories there, the only one that's putting out consistently good stuff is DTM, and he only posts once every couple weeks or so. I still support the site though, as I believe it still is the foremost place to find female muscle and strength stories on the web, and I want to be a part of it because of that reason. But I respect your choice and the reasons for your choice.



    Have you thought of creating your own website, or posting your stories on another story archive?  Your stories are really good, and I hope you keep on writing more.

    As to DTV, you guys are right. Lately, there has been nothing but crap there. The story archive has been taken over by a group of terrible and very proliphic writers who write nothing but violent, sadistic ball-busting stories with horrible 2d characters and practically no muscle element in it.  I used anxious to visit that archive everyday, but lately I just browse there on occasion just to see if there's any new or good author among the usual daily trash.


    I really enjoy your stories Amazonfan. I hope you find a place to archive the great ones you've written in the past and I am looking forward to new fantastic posts from you.
    I certainly wish for all you’re writing endeavors to bring you satisfaction so I support your boycott of DTV.


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