Amazonianized Polaris (Now w/ improved femuscle!)

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  • #10829

    Interesting, revising the title to the first posted item does not bump up the thread to the top – will have to remember that in future.   😎

    BTW – Scroll up to the first one, the extra scans are posted there.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Alex, you're a godsend with all these scans!

    Heh…how did they get those costumes past the CCA?


    Damn, can you believe I read X-men for years and never realized that Polaris would grow larger when using her powers.  Clearly, it was before my time, but did she keep this ability through all of X-Factor?  I'm gonna have to look at those issues because I don't recall her growing at all.

    Thanks, BTW, for all those awesome scans.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Have you done those scans yet, Alex? I'm pretty sure that those particular pages have been done before… I've got them lying around somewhere. I'll look around for them and see if I can't save you the hassle of scanning them in.


    Have you done those scans yet, Alex? I'm pretty sure that those particular pages have been done before… I've got them lying around somewhere. I'll look around for them and see if I can't save you the hassle of scanning them in.

    If you're referring to the scans from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 / Issues #254 & #255, check out the original posting at the top of this thread, I subsequently added them in with the previous set of pictures.

    BTW – if these aren't the ones you're refering to and/or if you have additional issues with her as a buffed-up Uber-Amazon, please feel free to add them to the thread, I'm certain it will appreciated by the forum patrons.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Sorry – I should have been more specific… I was thinking of the Rogue absorbing She-Hulk's powers scene. Pretty sure I have that kicking around… as well as a far more recent one where Rogue is flicking through a bunch of powers – including the Hulk's.


    Sorry – I should have been more specific… I was thinking of the Rogue absorbing She-Hulk's powers scene. Pretty sure I have that kicking around… as well as a far more recent one where Rogue is flicking through a bunch of powers – including the Hulk's.

    No problem – if you want to post them here, please do, but make certain that they are uploaded onto an outside server, such as Imageshack etal.

    BTW – the one with Rogue / She-Hulk from Uncanny X-Men Annual #7 is already posted here, but I think you're referring to another instance of Gamma Rogue.,com_smf/Itemid,41/topic,1233.0

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Ah, that was the one I was thinking of.

    Zespara Alathar

    The whole storyline was a bizzare mess that I feel was never fully explained.  To summarize, her "sister" Zaladane stole her magnetic powers in X-Men #250.  I believe that she was a clone (I could be wrong) of Lorna which would explain how she could steal the magnetic powers. 

    For some reason, she grew occassionally at the beginning because of the negative emotions of people.  I'm not sure how this was accomplished but I heard that the Shadow King was behind all of that although I've never seen the actual comic where this was explained.  In later issues, she grew more muscular & taller and remained that way until a series of Annual issues where she was controlled by the Shadow King.  Then suddenly she lost her size, strength and height with no explanation.  If someone knows what issues this was explained please let me know.  😐

    The X-Factor issue was great where Doc Samson was psychoanalyzing the team and Lorna was actually getting pretty buff exercising on her own.  🙂


    ze fly

    A little update with a few scans from X-Men Annual No. 15  😉

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