Amy’s Conquest – muscular schoolgirl art

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    A while back I commissioned some art by Femfortefan for a series of stories I also commissioned (Amy's Conquest at  The stories are about a beautiful 18-year old Amazon schoolgirl named Amy who's favorite pasttime is raping guys.  When the roughs came back I was amazed — Femfortefan did a phenomenal job.  So, myself, the author (DTM) and Femfortefan talked, and we decided it was worth sharing these.

    We've produced a 34-page PDF (with 20 illustrations).  It's now available for purchase at for $9.95 (free previews are available).  This is to help pay DTM and Femfortefan for their work.  If you want to support DTM and Femfortefan, please do so.  If not, that's cool too (the stories, as always, will be freely posted on

    Please note that this site is for ADULTS ONLY and contains sexual content.  Have fun and let us know what you think (Femfortefan's working on the art for Amy 1 now)!


    tag-team rape

    Sometimes I really do question my fandom. Is the term above really okay just because it's girls on guys? I know it's fantasy starring fictional characters, but still…tag-team rape? Really?


    Sometimes I really do question my fandom. Is the term above really okay just because it's girls on guys? I know it's fantasy starring fictional characters, but still…tag-team rape? Really?

    *Shrug*  Hence the "adults only" warning.  😛

    To be serious, though, the topic was discussed earlier in another post (the one where I was commissioning the art).  I guess in its purest sense it's not "rape", because the male characters do enjoy it, to an extent.

    But, of course, it's just fantasy.  Many people from the original post were simply interested in seeing the art, particularly because Femfortefan draws so well.  Besides, I don't know any 18 year olds as big and muscular as Amy off the top of my head.  😛


    Sometimes I really do question my fandom. Is the term above really okay just because it's girls on guys? I know it's fantasy starring fictional characters, but still…tag-team rape? Really?

    Let's say you like STAR WARS. Do you question your fandom when a character in the film murders someone? Murder is a horrific immoral crime, just like rape.

    Stories with rape aren't my thing or particularly interesting to me, but like many other crimes and other activities I don't particularly care for, I don't question others simply because they like something I don't.

    I'm not trying to call you intolerant or anything – your point of view is very common and understandable indeed – I'm just trying to allay your worries about your fandom.

    These guys like it, these guys enjoy it, and you shouldn't let that make you doubt your own enjoyment of something in a similar vein. ^___^


    I'm reminded of a similar topic brought up on dustybottom's ManKillers blogsite.

    Look at "A serious question" as you scroll down this page, then read the comments:

    It's a pretty interesting read…


    Purcha$ed ;D!!

    Well done on bringing these two excellent artists together to create such an entertaining illustrated story. I've always been a fan of DTM's stuff on DtV's site and it's good to see some new work from the always awesome FemForteFan.

    People shouldn't worry about the rape angle too much. The tone of the writing and the style of the drawings keep it light and fun. Just don't take it too seriously.

    Hope this project is successful so we get to read many more stories like this one.


    Purcha$ed ;D!!

    Well done on bringing these two excellent artists together to create such an entertaining illustrated story. I've always been a fan of DTM's stuff on DtV's site and it's good to see some new work from the always awesome FemForteFan.

    People shouldn't worry about the rape angle too much. The tone of the writing and the style of the drawings keep it light and fun. Just don't take it too seriously.

    Hope this project is successful so we get to read many more stories like this one.

    Thank you!

    We've actually quite a number of buyers already and are continuing the project.  Femfortefan has sent me some roughs for Amy 1 and they're absolutely amazing. 

    Here's a sample (WARNING – ADULT CONTENT):

    By the way, for those who haven't been to the site, there's a number of pictures you can download for free.  Please check them out:

    Lastly, we're working on all new stories.  DTM is working Amy 4, where Amy and Jessica hold a slumber party with their teacher/boy toy — and Amy's mom walks into the room!  I'm working on the first Amy side story.  Can't go into any many details yet, but it's shaping up as the largest batch of guys Amy and Jessica have taken on at once!

    The stories will ALWAYS be free at (the free versions are linked at  So, please enjoy!


    Purcha$ed ;D!!

    Well done on bringing these two excellent artists together to create such an entertaining illustrated story. I've always been a fan of DTM's stuff on DtV's site and it's good to see some new work from the always awesome FemForteFan.

    People shouldn't worry about the rape angle too much. The tone of the writing and the style of the drawings keep it light and fun. Just don't take it too seriously.

    Hope this project is successful so we get to read many more stories like this one.

    Why thank you.  :):)

    As for the subject of Amazon raping stories, those are really just the tip of the iceberg as far as what I write, and what we have (and will have) on Amys Conquest.  Sure the role reversal of the woman raping the man (most times, if not always, its with the men liking it, just not realizing it until its underway) is a popular one, but I definately tackle other types of Amazon themed stories as well.  From mutally loving to sexual to playful to dominating (non sexual) to revenge themed, and sometimes a mixture of one or all of them.  Lord knows Im not promoting sadistic raping to anyone, even girl on guy rape, though to those of us who like a bit of muscle on our women, the act of a woman using her superior strength to take a man sexually (watching as he enjoyed it to no end, and actually asked for more when done – even if only through his massive erection) is quite the turn on.  🙂


    Unless the erection is artificially induced it's kind of difficult to says it's rape, isn't it?


    True, as obviously to some degree the man is enjoying it, but that doesnt mean he thought he would beforehand, or wanted to do so with said girl before she forced him onto the bed and took him.  🙂

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