An Intresting Opinion

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  • #109703

    Not sure if its viewable without an account, but came across this.

    And for those who cant view it,

    I’m not a fan of women who look like men. That’s why I don’t ‘like’ pages or sites like “Muscle Angels’. However, I wouldn’t ever go there and say “you look like dudes!” I keep that to myself:-)

    The poster’s site is –



    Hmm, something doesn’t add up. Is Pauline the one running the fighter diet FB page, because it says she is the founder.

    If those are Pauline’s words, then it’s quite hypocritical of her to not support muscle angels when they sometimes feature women with similar builds to her own! Also, a lot of mainstream people would still consider and call Pauline manly looking because of her incredible muscles.

    Actually I read more on the blog and it looks like Pauline was disgusted with female fbb’s which is a real damn shame. She never liked being “big” apparently, which is fine but to have such a hatred for it is saddening.


    Perhaps she thinks that the bodybuilder girls give fit girls a bad name in the mainstream, and in turn make things harder for her. People around here differentiate between a fitness girl, a figure or physique athlete and a bodybuilder, but in the general public those distinctions don’t exist.

    I don’t have a facebook account so I can’t read the post in context, but I will say that I’ve never had to be a woman who walks around with muscle definition or a fit physique. When I read comments about a woman with some little visible muscle being ‘manly’ I can only imagine what sort of crap someone like Pauline has to endure. Now that doesn’t justify what she said about the women who chose to be bodybuilders, but I won’t just slam her comment. We are entitled to our opinions.


    Man I don’t get it. Pauline’s got the kind of physique that makes comic book superheroes look like waifs, unless she’s down-sized to a model she looks (to me) every bit as big as a bodybuilder. And with guys being as horridly jaded of muscles of any kind on women already, it seems kind of a shock to see another powerful woman say that.

    But, it is her facebook page and it is her opinion… and she didn’t go to another fbb’s page to slam them on their looks so I can’t say anything against her.


    If this is actually Pauline who’s posting this . . . :unsure:

    This sort of commentary reminds me of another former FBBr turned actress, Victoria Pratt. Whenever the topic of her FBBing past came up in an interview, she had nothing positive to say about the “sport”.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Guys it is her, im just not name dropping. Cause well. Thats not nice. >__>


    Maybe it’s just to keep credibility (translation: marketability) w/ the midstream media.

    Don’t know if its just me, but seems like Jillian Michaels has slimed down a bit.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Ive noticed that myself. Definition is basically not there.


    Whilst I may partly agree with her, I’m a disabled guy, not a muscular woman. Given that she is a muscular woman, I feel there’s more than a hint of hypocrisy in her comment.

    Joe Blow

    I have friends who feel the same way – that is their call. I have one who think WOMEN like Autumn Raby and my namesake are GUYS. I am fine with that because the more guys who think muscular women are gross the fewer guys I have to fight off for the affection of a muscular woman. I will admit – SOME Muscular Women DO look like guys. But the other 90+% do not. Any guy who think Cindy Landolt is a guy needs big time help. Any guy who can look at Karen Zaremba in her prime and not have one body part be Titanium hard is Gay or Dead. To each their own. Gimme Cindy Landolt over some Hollywood Waif any day!

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