And the winner iiiiiis………. Rampage!!

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  • #19847
    ze fly

    So, I wouldn't dare to say that the heroine and her unique iroquoian-haircut met with universal approval, but she has the majority, so here are the pics  :-D:


    So, I wouldn't dare to say that the heroine and her unique iroquoian-haircut met with universal approval, but she has the majority, so here are the pics  :-D:

    And we Thank You for your support, Sir Ze Fly.   😎

    Oh, not so unique – Jack Kirby's original OMAC / Buddy Blank (grandfather of Kamandi, who also had a  storyline where he transformed into OMAC) had a mohawk hair-style, too.  😉

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Oooh, another GREAT Rampage scan Ze,
    You beat me to this one as I was about to post it, oh well. 😀 Rampaghe really shines through in this issue as earlier in her career she was drawn muscular and sexy -yup, she IS!- Sadly, as Rampage entered the later issues of Starman, the artists stopped drawing her without muscles. I have all of Rampage's Starman appearances, Ze, did you have plans to post these? If not, I can for everyone. 🙂 -Kitty was younger and prettier in Starman for those who havent read her in that series-

    Good stuff!



    The writers seemed to had kind of powered her down for that title for some reason. I remember a super villain appearing that Starman and Rampage were fighting and getting their clocks cleaned by. Then Power Girl showed up and pretty much defeated the antagonist herself. Afterwords she made a comment to Starman that he must be losing his touch. Kitty was then boo-hooing about not being able to keep up. This from a character that gave Superman (the oh so boring godhero of DC) a good fight? 😕 I don't get it. I know Power Girl is like ueber tough (and not to mention my favorite DC character, something sexy about super strong muscle girls in tight clothing) but that seemed a bit over the top. Now Power Girl did used to be the strongest female superhero in DC but the writers obviously favor an overly preachy Wonder Woman as the top muscle girl of DC.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    You know how these things go – power levels aren't set in stone, they vary over time and from writer to writer.

    In the case of Rampage – being able to give Supes a run for his money was probably her mistake. Angries up the fanboys that kind of thing.

    Just speculation. Now though, I imagine the new Supergirl is the most powerful female.

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