Andréa Bisi

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  • #45779

    The passion for working out recently transformated Andréa from enthusiastic amateur to serious and dedicated fitness athlete. She was very shy about going into stage at first, but it all changed when she won the first of many brazilian interstates championships and the Ibero-South American Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship in 2003.

    Name: Andréa Bisi Alves de Jesus
    Age: 31
    Years training: 12
    Height: 1,63m
    Weight: On: 61kg / Off : 69kg


    Another downright sexy Brazilian FBB!  (Makes note to self – must try and get to Brazil!)  I'm in love with her calves and thighs.  No, wait a minute, I'm in love with her calves, thighs and abs. Then again, her shoulders and back are fantastic as well. 😉  And her eyes…(drools).  😮 Basically, I'm in love. ;D


    Wow heart attack…asap. 😀


    Did you just bump a thread that was a year and a half old, and not even add new content to it?


    Did you just bump a thread that was a year and a half old, and not even add new content to it?

    Yes, then gain, BK is one of the better contributors here, and he is one of our most posting members, so I suggest we can forgive him a minor mistake?


    Did you just bump a thread that was a year and a half old, and not even add new content to it?

    Didnt read the date on it to be honest. Friend sent me a link to this, so I commented like I normally did. I cant find anything new on her. So if thats something not cool to you Im sorry. -_-


    Sorry, just sort of a reflex response when I see people do thread necromancy. I see it happen a lot on other forums I frequent.

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