Angry, much?

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  • #29900

    Okay, I guess mostly I just was wondering what would happen if Freak got really really pissed off, and considering she's just so much like her father this could happen… since… demons… and… ah hell, I dunno….
    I'd like to colour this one but… I don't actaully think I will now.
    I'm pretty proud of that lineart tho.
    Big version!

    Also this is my 300th post o.O woo?


    Let I be one of the first to congradulate you on your 300th both, dear Kulli, and on bringing us another fantastic art work.

    I's must also apologise for not being more attentive to your own Forum but my's leisure time is so limited these days.
    I's hope all is well there.

    Thank you again for your time and incredible works.

    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Eh, don't worry about that Pimp, the place is pretty dead anyways, seems all my members are all waiting for someone else to say anything. Kind of annoying…


    Eh, don't worry about that Pimp, the place is pretty dead anyways, seems all my members are all waiting for someone else to say anything. Kind of annoying…

    Yes, such is the fate of any Forum when it is young and new.
    I's do remember when She-Grew (the original form of this Forum) was such.
    Give it time and it too shall grow.

    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Like her very much, especially her big, excuse me, titanic arms. 😀 To answer your question, I don’t think we human couldn’t make much about it so we just should hope or even pray that she calms down before she has destroyed the entire planet. Unfortunately I don’t know enough about humanoids, so you would have to tell me if there is one that could actually stop her!


    Haha, actually Freak is my biggest girl and I haven't really seen anyone bigger than her who could take her on :p
    Good thing she's usually so sweet and innocent.. hehe.
    And hey look, I did colour it. xD Well it's not like anyone else is colouring these..


    Beautiful!  😉 She doesn't look sweet and innocent though.  🙄


    Nice one Syberstyk chook. She NOT  happy. So dont NObody get in her way.


    That is incredible!

    Your going on the list of peoples brains I need to surgically attach to my own.  😀

    Amazon Lover

    That is incredible!

    Your going on the list of peoples brains I need to surgically attach to my own.  😀

    …and Freak is on a list of my own… my list of people to NEVER, EVER get PO'd!

    And PNB's right, Kulli.  It's just a young forum.  I once rarely checked She Grew! once a week, but when Lingster gave it a makeover and turned it into Amaz0ns, that changed, and now I try to check it out every day (except Sunday… long story).  I'm sure that your forum will grow, too.  B'sides, I think people have just been quiet because you've been quiet on the forum.  As soon as you're able to post more often, others will post more, too.

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