Ann O’Brien in Dark Horse Presents No.80

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  • #92098
    ze fly

    A really short one. 😛

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    Source: Dark Horse Comics, Dark Horse Presents No.80, December 1993.
    Story & art by Arthur Adams.


    Great find Fly!

    This has to be one of the few stories of monkeyman & O’Brien that I don’t have.

    And I miss this stuff from Art Adams. He should bring them back.

    Zespara Alathar

    Oh yeah, that was a nice little tale by Mr. Adams. I have that one stashed away in the vault for safekeeping. 🙂

    Nice scan.



    Oh yeah I especially like the last panel with Ann standing there all muscular fine! 😉

    ze fly

    Zespara wrote:

    I have that one stashed away in the vault for safekeeping. 🙂

    :laugh: And thanks for the kind words. 😉

    fasola wrote:

    Great find Fly!

    I miss this stuff from Art Adams. He should bring them back.

    Thank you! 😉 And I sure miss his stories too. :dry:
    I liked Jonni Future too… 🙁


    At last years Comic Con 2009, I spoke to Art Adams.

    I asked him if he was ever going to continue the stories of Monkeyman and O’Brien.

    He said it is just to much work, that he is busy.

    He also said “Never Say Never”.

    I really wish that he would try tackling this story again. I personally think we will get to see those characters in a special print or something down the road, but I would be willing to wager that he is probably never going to continue that comic again, which is a damn shame. I liked how he would not skimp on Ann O’Brien’s muscle, it was awesome to say the least.

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