Another… Birthday Request!

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  • #50925

    You know I would love to do something for you Ritz, to get out the rest of the Birthday spirit within me (which fell on April 22), But school is being an unholy bastard due to finals…so I dont think I could get anything to you any time soon. >_<


    Ritz: may all your birthday wishes come true!


    Both of them! 😀



    Thannnnnk yoooou Jedi man, My birthday is now as golden as the picture you've just drawns. if I had the physical power, I'd google find you, take planes and trains, and personally hug you myself ^_^

    And thanks Yatz for Your rendition of Ritz :3 And a big thanks to ashlee, who's magical kawii hug and kiss has transported me from a land of considering a lot of sleeping pills to the land of "Fuck yeah, let's get boozed up"

    And of course, boozing up is boozing up  8)

    ze fly

    Geez! Since your birthday's date is the same as mine, I felt obliged and  made a biiiiiig effort to try to make something for you, but now that i see what Jebriodo and Yatz did for you, i'm quite ashamed to pollute the topic with my doodle…
    Well as we say here: it's the thought that counts. I hope you'll be lenient…



    Fly. God damn does that look nice!


    Ritz- hope the hangover is now fading, and many happy returns of the day.
    And Zefly- let's have none of your self-disparagement, that's a sweet wolf-woman drawing!


    Yep, I'm not blind form a bank holidays worth of hooch, and of course your wonderful arts made it oh so the much better to the max.


    Hee hee, Woah. That's some pretty stunning wolfess you have there! Apart from the rather feline tail, I think you pulled it off awesomely Ze Fly ^_^ Thanks very muchatchy

    ze fly

    Apart from the rather feline tail, I think you pulled it off awesomely Ze Fly ^_^ Thanks very muchatchy

    Mea Culpa! Here is the same with little alteration featuring a tail more canis than felis

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