Another Gwen morph

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  • #9677

    Not bad.

    David C. Matthews

    That's the same size dress she was wearing in the "before" pic… so I'm waiting for the seams to rip  đź‘ż


    Ripping is some thing i want to try and work on maybe in my next few pics, but i wont let you see till i think i have made a convincing rip….. gunna get some old clothes rip them, photograph them, and study them a lil.

    I have tryed drawing them on befor, but i have never been happy, you have to think about what would happen to the item of clothing as a whole, not just the local area of where the rip is to make it look convicing i think….


    She looks SO scrawny when comparing her to your buffed up version. She has a really good face for muscle gain, very sharp. I hope she puts some on. I know she used to, but then I think she stopped.

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