Any luck with the writer’s forums?

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  • #72871

    A while back I tried to post a story. Before I could even get a page down though the thread went entirely blank, I couldn't add anything or see what I had already posted. Has this problem been fixed yet or is it still happening? I really don't want to start posting a story only to find I can't finish posting it.


    I'm assuming you mean a previously existing thread that you clicked on, right?

    Well, it's also been happening with some of the artwork threads, too.  Rather then repeat myself, here's what I said in the Feedback section:


    It's my understanding (the Mighty L can correct me if I'm in error here), that like posting too much text (i.e. stories) causes the forum here to time-out, sometimes not only preventing subsequent replies, but even locking out the entire thread.  At a guess, the same thing seems to be happening with frequently posted picture threads where too many ppl post pictures in a single posting, repeatedly.

    The same is even more true with story postings, the answer, again, seems to be to break up your "installment" into smaller bites of several postings, otherwise a single large posting of a block of text will set off the lock-out glitch – which sometimes prevents subsequent reply postings, other times it locks out the entire thread altogether.

    A while back I tried to post a story. Before I could even get a page down though the thread went entirely blank, I couldn't add anything or see what I had already posted. Has this problem been fixed yet or is it still happening? I really don't want to start posting a story only to find I can't finish posting it.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Blast it I give up! I just tried posting For Hire yet again and breaking up each post into 5 page long bits. After I hit the 40th page the forum went blank on me again.


    Alright, then you have two other alternatives left – 1) post it to Lingster's Brawna's site, which is for story posting.  Or 2) get a DeviantART account, post your story there and announce the installments (by link) here on Amaz0ns.

    This last is what Silent One did with his novel-length story "The Necklace".

    Blast it I give up! I just tried posting For Hire yet again and breaking up each post into 5 page long bits. After I hit the 40th page the forum went blank on me again.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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