APB muscular female characters

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  • #93627

    I started a thread on APB forums in suggestions box… About adding muscle bulk to muscularity slider to female models… Please contribute… ๐Ÿ˜‰


    I hate enforcers, stunguns and those concussive shotguns drive me nuts and thats totally unfair, we have nothing to counter that… AND theres less criminals almost on every turn. Every mission is 6vs3 or 3vs1 criminals being lower number… Totally unballanced


    I have had the OPPOSITE problem on Zombie server. In the Zombie server it seems the criminals outnumber the Enforcers by a big margin and I have a really hard time calling for backup. The stun weapons are pretty powerful, but the only one I use I have to use at melee range. I don’t know about the beanbag gun but I expect that to get changed if enough people complain about it.


    Im not saying nerf it or take it down just give opposite faction something more to play with… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    That thread about muscularity got pretty big! Did you post there?


    I did in secret ๐Ÿ˜‰


    So is this worth it? Just trying to get the final word or not.


    I say it is, dependiong if you like shooting games. Basically when youre on a mission its like a deathmatch with objectives… Which is fun as hell. Closest game id compare it to would be Counter Strike, except it was first person APB is Third person…

    I say its fun ๐Ÿ˜‰


    If you like Police chases, GTA, mugging people, jacking cars, arresting criminals, making your own fashion designs, creating logos, making music, and getting into insane shootouts. APB will not fail to deliver.

    However, it has a very steep learning curve in that you can quite possibly join the game and get completely decimated for several levels. Or you’ll get lucky and do very well, either way this game is notorious for being very difficult. Sometimes you get shot 3 times even after you landed the first shot and you’re like “How the f*** did I DIE FIRST!?”

    Or another player will have a superior weapon and just completely destroy you in seconds. It can be a very, VERY fun game but also extremely frustrating and aggravating. If you can get past the frustration then this game is very fun to play.


    Asking for some assistance at our APB muscle thread on APB Forums. We need to flush another ignorant idiot that argues our proposal… If some of you can please help… ๐Ÿ™‚


    I think we may have squashed another moron, my nick is obviously not TC2 on the APB forums, but I think it’s obvious who I’m posting as. Who else is going to know about Karen Zaremba and that Swedish babe?

    Hopefully the devs will see the thread and consider it.


    Just baught it off steam, may be on soon.

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