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    Found the website of a futanari artist Dagashiya.  His gallery had some nicely drawn pics if you don't mind the genitalia.  I found his oekaki much more interesting, though, since it had some girls with some definition on them.  The navigation controls are in English, so you shouldn't have too much problem browsing the gallery. 


    Samurai Rocket has some nice pictures on its illustration page.  There's a bunch of NSFW pictures there, so beware if you're at work.  There's a really nice picture of a harpy in there, which I'll let you discover on your own.  Many of the pictures also feature alternate versions (mostly futanari) if you click on the links below the picture.  And yes, it's another site that chooses to use blocks instead of thumbnails to link to its pictures.  Why that's so en vogue on these japanese sites, I'll never know.  Here's a pair of pictures to get you started. 


    The artist behind the Onion Store (??? Tamanegiya)  is a frequent poster at the Oekaki boards at the Page of Boobs.  I could have sworn I've posted about him before, but maybe it was back at the old Wreckshop forums.  In any case, visit the site, and you can enjoy good old fashioned big-breast artwork.  And there's a few muscle and GTS pics in there like the samples below. 


    bash-inc is a great site with lots of muscular game girls featured on the site.  It's pretty obvious that the artist's favorite character to draw is King from SNK's King of Fighters series.  This site has only been mentioned before in Ashlee's new and updated femuscle sites thread, and it's worth visiting the gallery again.  The site is English-friendly, and you shouldn't have much problems viewing all the pictures.  And don't forget to click on those little squares to view the pictures without thumbnails.  Thankfully, bash-inc uses thumbnails for most of his pictures.


    Kairakugasou is another artist who is pretty fond of KoF's King.  I've written briefly about him previously, but thought it would be worthwhile to mention it again now that his site has been updated.  He's got an interesting art style, and his girls almost look like they're off-season bodybuilders.  Check out the work safe gallery and the NSFW gallery for the full story.  As usual, here's a handful of my favorite pictures from the site.


    Serious Graphics is an English-friendly site with some nice drawings.  I recommend checking out the galleries there.  He does feature some futanari, but there's normal stuff there as well.  Some of the site is NSFW, so be warned.  Here are a few of my favorites from the site:


    Sukaruda's website features game characters and boxing girls (this gallery is labeled ??? (Feti) which I guess is short for Fetish).  It's one of the few sites that I can that actually has fan-drawn pictures of Jini/Genie/???, a character from the anime/manga series, Rune Soldier Louie.  Enjoy.


    Dress is a NSFW website that contains some nice artwork.  One image in particular caught my eye.  It's the cover for a doujin called Uni-SexII that's for sale at


    ZigZag Company is another site that features futanari artwork among other things.  The gallery does have quite a few gems, though.  There's a NSFW pic labeled ???? ??? (Muscle Girl) which is quite nice.  Check it out.


    Found this fanart of a character named Isis flexing made by an artist named Sunnie.  I'm not sure if it's safe for work or not, so use your own judgement based on the thumbnail below.

Viewing 10 posts - 141 through 150 (of 189 total)
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