Are your growth fetishes secret?

  • This topic has 93 replies, 50 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Fett.
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    No one knows about it.

    Oh, crap…

    It's just something I never discuss with anyone. Just like my sex life, or indeed, the deep sense of loathing I have for certain gelatin based sweets and likewise named shooters or cocktails.


    Well, about four years ago I held an office Christmas party at my house, and one of my co workers was dating a female bodybuilding.  I was shocked when she came into the house and saw her arms.  Anyway, that evening, my wife mentioned she thought she thought her arms were impressive and inquired to what I would think if she arms like that!  I actually had to ask my wife what she said again because I was in shock, and also feared she found some of my WPW magazines.  She tried no retract the question, but I could not let it go, I had to tell her how much I loved the look of female bodybuilders; and to my further surprise, she said she did too!  Well four years later, my wife has competed in two figure contest, and now is planing on competing in her first bodybuilding contest, next summer.

    As an added treat, we recently went to Disney World and rode the Mission Space ride, it was empty so we rode about three times before I started to get sick, but when we got off the ride, her arms were pumped with a nice vain protruding!


    I don't know if I'd call it a 'growth' fetish. I don't wish to see all women become athletic or muscular. But some of my friends do know I like some women bodybuilders and fit chicks.

    Dark Phoenix

    Can't remember when I got into the FMG scene. But I do know that I have wanted to come out and tell someone every now and then. But then somehow, the discussion came up on its own where I work. There have been a couple instances where a really muscular woman walked in and the other guys just said she was ugly. Obviously I thought the exact opposite. But I didn't dare lead on that I loved what I saw. They would never let me hear the end of it.

    I've since just kept it completely secret from everyone I know personally. What's more, my wife isn't exactly what you would call muscular, but I love her as much as if she were. To me, the world of FMG and muscular women altogether is my private world. I can vicariously enjoy their presence, stories, and pictures, and still LOVE my wife. So it's like having my cake and eating it too. Besides, I wanted to tell her, but even she at one point said on her own that women should NOT be muscular. That pretty much shut me up about ever telling her.

    You know one would think there were more conventions or gatherings in more places around the country. Such places would be great for people who would want to physically interact with other people who share the same passion. Having female bodybuilders in attendance would really enhance the fun.

    Unfortunately, my "fetish" for FMG is also a curse. I am afraid that if I get to know one and become friends, I'll lose control and risk cheating. You have no idea how much more arousing it is to actually be in the presence of a woman with big muscles. Looking at pictures and videos online hardly does it justice. I met one at work before I got married and was just mesmerized. I almost asked her out. But I was seeing my wife as my girlfriend at the time, and I snapped out of it and broke down emotionally. I swore I would never cheat on anyone ever.

    So while I can enjoy this online, I would be taking a risk to meet one in real life. The power of their presence is just intoxicating to me. I know many of you could understand this.

    Michael Pouliot

    What's more, my wife isn't exactly what you would call muscular, but I love her as much as if she were. To me, the world of FMG and muscular women altogether is my private world. I can vicariously enjoy their presence, stories, and pictures, and still LOVE my wife. So it's like having my cake and eating it too. Besides, I wanted to tell her, but even she at one point said on her own that women should NOT be muscular. That pretty much shut me up about ever telling her.

    My wife has no issue with the fact that I find body types other than hers more attractive.  I think that's simply an honest look at reality.  You don't marry a person because they match your optimal physical appearance level.  If they do, that's a nice bonus, but it's almost always not the case.  And both parties should be well aware of something that I think is really obvious.  Of course, there should be a level of physical attraction between married people, and it's best if its a high level.  But there should be no misconception that it's of the highest level.

    Being married has not neutered me of the desire to be physically intimate with other women, and it hasn't neutered my wife of the desire to be physically intimate with other men.  There are clearly many reasons to keep those desires in check.  But that doesn't mean a couple can't be open about those desires.  Of course though, there's a difference between being open about it (i.e. both parties are aware of the other party's optimal physical body types) and continually injecting that factoid into your lives.  Nobody wants to be constantly reminded that they aren't their partner's peak of attractiveness, even if its true.  Because even though it is true, it is unlikely that its particularly relevant to the overall health of the relationship.


    My preferences are secret in that I don't discuss them with other people, but that isn't to say that people don't know.

    There have been quite a few instances where my hand drawn comics and collected artwork have been discovered more than once.  So people know about it but they don't discuss or ask about it.  I also even told my ex-girlfriend about it and she didn't really care, the reason she's my ex was certainly not because of the preference though.  There were other issues that took more priority.

    But I look at it this way…

    There are far worse things you could be holding as a secret than enjoying fantasizing about your wife, significant other, or best friend as someone who "hulks" out.  Some may find it flattering while others just won't get it.  It is certainly much more relieving to get it off your chest though, and for me if more people discover that I have this preference; I won't really care because it isn't that bad compared to 'other' things out there.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Yeah, I think that – if we exclude those uptight religious types – most reactions are going to fall somewhere in the spectrum of amusement to indifference.

    When explaining BE to some girls, I've had "What? That's no big deal." to "That's the dumbest thing ever." Although, the latter is from a girl who is rather objectionable about such things. Still, I've never told anyone that totally freaked out.

    randy guillotte

    Perhaps if they weren't "fetishes" there would be no need to keep them secret? I would rather look at my own 'obsession' as being an integral part of my whole being i.e.: it has helped to shape the person I am today. As such, I feel no need to either expound upon it nor hide it.




    I finally revealed my secret to my fiancee last night.  She knew that I had a fetish of some sort but I was not willing to tell her.  Finally she told me last night that she was worried about what that fetish might be (children, men, animals, etc.)  So in order to ease her mind that I was not gay, a pedophile, or into beastiality, I just revealed that I am into "Strong Women……..Physically" and after that she was completely ok.  She even made the comment "well that's not that strange really."  So while I may not want to bring it up in casual conversation, she now know my "dirty little secret."  I gotta say, this is one major weight lifted off my chest as well.

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