Are your growth fetishes secret?

  • This topic has 93 replies, 50 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Fett.
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    So in order to ease her mind that I was not gay, a pedophile, or into beastiality, I just revealed that I am into "Strong Women……..Physically" and after that she was completely ok.  She even made the comment "well that's not that strange really."  So while I may not want to bring it up in casual conversation, she now know my "dirty little secret."  I gotta say, this is one major weight lifted off my chest as well.

    And no doubt, I suspect she's greatly relieved as well.  🙂

    Its far better that you came clean and were up front about your interests in "strong" women now, then have her accidentally discover it (dear, what's this very muscular woman doing on your computer?) at a later date.  8)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    And no doubt, I suspect she's greatly relieved as well.  🙂

    Indeed she was, much to my relief.

    Its far better that you came clean and were up front about your interests in "strong" women now, then have her accidentally discover it (dear, what's this very muscular woman doing on your computer?) at a later date.  8)

    I had been keeping my computer password protected just for that reason, but I knew it was inevitable that she would stumble across something sometime in the many years ahead.

    drum monkey

    Has this thread actually helped encourage anybody to come clean about this?  Are we just the most awesome support group, or what?


    It's a secret, but I think my best friend suspects.


    I don't know if it was this thread in particular, but knowing that people like DCM can do what they do and their wife understands made it easier to tell her, but it was also partially the fear that she might have thought it was something much worse (not that FM is bad, but everyone here knows what I mean.)


    I don't know if it was this thread in particular, but knowing that people like DCM can do what they do and their wife understands made it easier to tell her, but it was also partially the fear that she might have thought it was something much worse (not that FM is bad, but everyone here knows what I mean.)

    Well, don't dwell on it.  You did the right thing, you got it over and your lady fair is cool with your interest in FM / Strong Women.  What more could anyone possibly ask for?   😉  ;D  8)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I've only really ever told two people in my life about my interest in bodybuilding and muscle.  The first one being my sister, and she has never told anyone else that I know of.  She is not a fan by any means, she thinks that the bodybuilding look on a woman is to much though.  I told her that was what I would like to become someday, and that is kind of where the conversation ended.

    I did tell a boyfriend a couple of years ago, and he was a bit shocked to say the least, and did not have any interest in me becoming a bodybuilder or supporting me in that way.  So since then I have kept it in, and I am working to get the courage one of these days to really hit the gym hard (I do workout and stay in shape) and transform myself.



    See if I was the boyfriend I would have been supportive all the way!  Guess you just got a bad luck of the draw.

    drum monkey

    Well there are plenty of guys here who would support the HELL right out of you hitting the gym that hard.  And they're out there in the RL too.  Even if they won't be into it as much as some of us here, they'd be open minded enough and would support you.  Just don't let anybody else keep you from doing it.


    I've only really ever told two people in my life about my interest in bodybuilding and muscle.  The first one being my sister, and she has never told anyone else that I know of.  She is not a fan by any means, she thinks that the bodybuilding look on a woman is to much though.  I told her that was what I would like to become someday, and that is kind of where the conversation ended.

    I did tell a boyfriend a couple of years ago, and he was a bit shocked to say the least, and did not have any interest in me becoming a bodybuilder or supporting me in that way.  So since then I have kept it in, and I am working to get the courage one of these days to really hit the gym hard (I do workout and stay in shape) and transform myself.


    That really is a shame; women today are sent very mixed messages about what a physical ideal should look like.  I won't digress long; I'll simply note that one of my karate students, a girl, recently was teased about having biceps (never mind that they're barely even convex curves on arms so skinny that I can wrap my finger and thumb all the way around them)- she immediately tried to cover them up and claimed it wasn't muscle, it was fat.

    I had to interrupt the class to tell the boys to back off and reassure the girl that (a) there was nothing wrong with being in shape, and that (b) a little muscle is a natural result of any physical regimen.  It made me want to cry, though, 'cause this is a girl who is naturally athletic and who could, with a couple years of serious training, be a major hardbody hottie.  Chances are, though, that she'll go the ultra-skinny, anorexic-waif route.

    I guess the bottom line is, whatever you do, you're going to receive the criticisms and value judgements of people around you.  It won't always be easy to ignore them, either, especially when they are coming from people who are important to you.  Ultimately, though, you are the person who has to live in your skin; do what makes you happy and, eventually, they will probably come around.

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