Attention lurkers!

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  • #25204

    In my life I've observed that people only really value things that they pay for, or that have been taken away from them.  The cost to be a member here is very low – it's effectively zero – and people in general clearly don't value the site.  That's fine, but now I'm going to set a price for full access, and that price will be participation.

    The only straightforward argument against this that I've heard is that people might leave and start a new board in protest, but since we're specifically talking about lurkers, I doubt that will happen.  And if it did?  That would be great.  More boards = good.

    The Muffin man

    You get just as many page views with lurkers as you do with members(or are those retardedly huge, border-breaking ads on the side "special" because you care?) so why bother forcing them to spam up the place to see art that's not even YOURS?


    Because artists need their ego's stroked.  Debates and discussion should be happening in the board and there should be a constant influx of news as to where to find muscle babes.

    If you lurk, there are no updates, no comments, and no website alerts.

    Which in turn defeats the purpose of the boards.

    The Muffin man

    No, saying "Hey you can't see anything until you have signed up and have 40 posts" defeats the purpose of having this place. because then why not just go to Unreal Muscle or a Yahoo group?


    No, saying "Hey you can't see anything until you have signed up and have 40 posts" defeats the purpose of having this place. because then why not just go to Unreal Muscle or a Yahoo group?

    You're the only person saying "Hey you can't see anything until you have signed up and have 40 posts".  I was thinking more like three posts, and only restricting access to the story boards.

    People who are members here still set up Yahoo! Groups.  I don't know why they do this, because I would gladly create news boards or member groups here for them, but they do.  And that's fine. 

    As for the ads, the ads don't bring in much money.  I'm trying to remedy that by playing around with placement and ad providers, but I don't expect them to ever be a significant revenue source.  And the ads don't have top priority – my number one concern is contributing members.  That means looking after the existing contributing members and trying to develop more contributing members.  And that's what this is about.


    or you could just post more entries about controversial BOFH moderation policies.  After all, it got me to post, right?  😉

    And I admit that it was my intent to provoke a response.  Otherwise I would have posted this in the moderator forum.

    So how about if I create an introduction board?  New members and lurkers would be encouraged to post a bit about themselves to a new post or an existing introduction thread.  Does that sound workable?


    So how about if I create an introduction board?  New members and lurkers would be encouraged to post a bit about themselves to a new post or an existing introduction thread.  Does that sound workable?

    Indeed it does, dear Linger.
    We have tried such things upon other boards and found that they do work well. Especially if people are encourage to post their interests (FMG, GTS, FBB, etc) and how such a thing came about.
    But we shall have to create it before we can know how effective it shall be.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    I would maybe have more post on this board if it wasn't for the fact that I go to deviantart first before coming here.  I post comments there and pretty much skip the topic they made here over the same thing they post there.


    Mmmh, must say that this is not the first time I see someone trying to stir up the lurkers into posting, many groups have tried that and those few that had a reaction only lasted for a few days and mostly it were post of "don't ban/limit us" but once the storm have passed all went back to lurk.
    So it may be a good idea the 'price' thing to gain access but what when the aforementioned price is paid? the lurker will go back to silence feeling safe now that the three pennies are in the box.
    Personally I stopped posting/contributing once I saw the near-to-nothing comments on the admitedly few contributions I did, and those were from friends mostly, Collector said that creators live from feedback so basically I starved till stopping creating -five months and counting-.

    Well, just paid a penny more to not being limited, I'll see where else I can do the same.

    Back to the shadows.


    To a certain degree the problem isn't just cussed Human nature to lurk and leech (a phrase I picked up from Zombiewoof / Zombiegiant, anyone else here remember him from ^^Brigid's forums?) from the creativity of others, but simple timidity in coming to the forefront, despite the anonymity of the online environment.

    Now, in my case, from day one I jumped in feet first and I have never regretted my participation on the many forums I've been involved with, taking enjoyment in my interactions with others.   😎

    Now directed at Lonebeetle –

    Whether or not I got feedback for my stories and collages, I will admit is important, (in the past I've waxed on this to great length in other threads as to the various reasons why this occurs) but that shouldn't stop you (or anyone else) from participating/contributing in other ways, especially if you expect to have place like this to come to at all.  😀

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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