Attention lurkers!

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    I do not comments on the art work or stories that are posted on this site as I have no expertise in these field, but I respect the talent that goes into their efforts.  I note that alot of the comments that are made are usually just good job and well done type comments (not that many of the contributor do not deserve it).  If the creators wish to get more pats on the back, I do not think that it would be difficult to encourage people to provide short good work comment, for work they like, as it this forum seem to be more a support group then a place to get a critical review of your work.  That Alex G. and Lonebeatle would be looking for this kind of feed back is some what of a surprise to me.  I can understand Lonebeatle's comment about feed back and believe to improve you need to get both positive and negative feed back.  Possible a separate heading should be created for Stories and Art Work that needs to be Evaluated.  But the creator need to be prepared and be able to accept the uneducated review as well as the legitamite comments.  I


    One other idea I had was post count depreciation.  So maybe everyone's post count is cut by 1 or 2 posts on the first of every month.  That way lurkers would still have to put in periodic posting effort.


    As a certified lurker (hmmm… do I still count if I post this?) I find Lingster's depreciating post count to be an excellent suggestion.  I'm quite happy to post a compliment when I see something interesting, or to help someone find a story, pic or vid, if I know where it may be. 

    I'd also like to say that I appreciate Lingster being quite reasonable about this.  Some sites get absolutely tyrannical about their post requirements, and I haven't the will or the time to be blathering (re: typing) nonsense every 12 hours just to satisfy their neuroses. 

    If all it takes is a few posts a month from each of us to help keep this community alive, I'll consider it time well spent.


    As a certified lurker (hmmm… do I still count if I post this?) I find Lingster's depreciating post count to be an excellent suggestion.  I'm quite happy to post a compliment when I see something interesting, or to help someone find a story, pic or vid, if I know where it may be. 

    I'd also like to say that I appreciate Lingster being quite reasonable about this.  Some sites get absolutely tyrannical about their post requirements, and I haven't the will or the time to be blathering (re: typing) nonsense every 12 hours just to satisfy their neuroses. 

    If all it takes is a few posts a month from each of us to help keep this community alive, I'll consider it time well spent.

    Thanks.  My thinking is that if there are 500 people who post and 6000 who don't, there are probably at least another 500 who would gladly post if nudged just a bit.  So I want to nudge them.


    I'm in 2 minds over all the ideas.

    Back at Wreckshop's I wouldn't shut up. I'd always post my thoughts on everyones work.

    These days, working all the time, which does mean I have only a limited amount of time at home (awake) means I pretty much only have time to sift, view and close.

    While it would be good to get alot of people posting their thoughts on things posted, I can just see the forum becoming an endless list of posts along the lines of "cool", "great stuff", "I love your work", ":boobies:", "God John Davis sucks"… you get the idea.

    Also, like the ol' place, I'm still noticing the same people posting new work. While some of the old names aren't posting any where near what they used to. (present company included)

    Maybe instead of looking forward to a massive increase of bandwidth costs for you Ling by people posting the generic "great stuff" posts, you could organise something similar to what they have at the forums, with a "Thank you" bot.

    :boobies: Old habits die hard 🙂


    I have nothing worthwhile to add to this conversation.


    While it would be good to get alot of people posting their thoughts on things posted, I can just see the forum becoming an endless list of posts along the lines of "cool", "great stuff", "I love your work", ":boobies:", "God John Davis sucks"… you get the idea.

    Maybe instead of looking forward to a massive increase of bandwidth costs for you Ling by people posting the generic "great stuff" posts, you could organise something similar to what they have at the forums, with a "Thank you" bot.

    First off, I think if people start writing "Thanks" or something similar, that's a big first step toward getting them further engaged.  Secondly, we are running at about 10% of our bandwidth allocation, and I'm not sure how having people reply (a process which only loads one extra page) would impact that in any significant way.

    ze fly

    People who either cannot do something like this, or otherwise don't want to, are still perfectly capable of commenting on another person's work. This limitation is trying to influence people to respond to things that have been submitted to these boards. If they respond, it will push some of the contributers onto greater projects.

    I agree with you. And begining by doing so will encourage shy or non confident people to go further after some time.

    Of course, there is the barrier of language… AmazOn being "broadcasted" all other the world some have difficulties to read and furthermore answer the posts (my case :-P)… 😐 This could explain some of the 6000 mute people…

    And it can take time for people to get involved, they begin by lurking , "feeling" the board before taking part in it… So, if it's really necessary, I would be in favour of restrictive measures rather than punitive ones :wink:…


    Question:  Since April 9, 2006, is there an increase in the number of posts?  I know that it has gotten my attention.


    I have data from 29 March.  It looks as if there's some bit of a bump, but new Newbies (1 post min) are not enough to make up for graduating Tenderfoots.

    Member Title 29 March    24 April
    Newbie 433 429
    Tenderfoot 87 102
    Site Regular 48 49
    Pillar of the Community    46 50
    Site Elder 29 27
    Site Hero 25 25
    Site Legend 3 6
    Site Superhero 0 0

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