Attention lurkers!

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  • #25234

    Hello togethert! I am a big fan of this Forum and I would like to post more. But my problem is, I came from Germany and my englisch is very bad.
    And it is simply hard to read all entries and writte a suitable answer.  And a simple super or something similar is mostly written by someone. And I think that must not stand there 10 times.

    But in the future i try to write more.

    Merely write what you feel for what you see, dear Nimrod, and what you feel is appropriate.

    Language is no barrier for the Speech of the Soul.

    I's look forward to what you will contribute to us here.

    The Pimp NeonBlack


    I've seen a lot of provocative posts in this thread and tend to agree with those supportive of lurkers who DO count in the same way that shareware/freeware is distributed to drive up market share, but, Lingster, I'll give you props in that you got this lurker to come out of the closet  😉  However, I suggest that polls may be a better way to get people to respond.  I admit that timidity and laziness have held me back from responding, but I'd add to that even though anonymity is presumed and logically known by the lurkers, many have families with small children and would not want to get caught posting to this board.  There's still a stigma to that.

    Back to the reading for a while, but I may try to pop in from time to time.


    I probably haven't been good enough to give feedback on others work, I've tried to give in a contribution myself, every once in a while but I have no skill in drawing or writing.

    Sometimes when reading my local newspaper I've seen it feature a female athlete in the sport section and tought to myself; this gal should the people at Amaz0n have seen.
    A quick check on the webedition of the newspaper, and I've found a contribution for the female athletes section. 🙂

    The most time consuming stuff I've tried, were the time I spent about a half a day, rigging up a camera, filming, and compressing, and uploading a 11-minute ingame movie from a game in the video-games section since there were only some images from the characther editor there.
    Didn't get a any indication that anyone looked at it tough, so I just figured I wouldn't bother to do the same again in next years edition of the game.

    I've never really thought about that all the great artists or writers wich do original stuff by themselves here might start feeling that they do not get enough feedback, since it seemed like most people get good feedback here allready, but offcourse they deserves some encouragement in work they do here.

    I'm not sure if deleting the the people with less than X messages is the right way to get the lurkers to become aspiring artists, writers or contributors, it might just make them create new accounts in addition to feel unwelcome.

    I would not feel comfortable breaking up a story, with a small 'thanks-message', or saying the same thing as the person writing a message above mine said just a minute ago to get a message.
    And I would also not like to read part 1 of a story, and browse through two pages with 'thanks' before getting to part 2.

    The best way of solving this problem, in my opinion, is to make anothe child-board, called: Stories => Commentaries

    And when a writer posted his story (i.e. Pendant Changes – Friday), he could add another another message right after the story, something along the lines:

    Please have in mind that the only pay the author of this story receives, is your praise.

    So if you liked this story, and would like to encourage the author to write another installment, or a new story.
    It would be very usefull if you could drop a comment to him/her, weather you wish to discuss parts of the story, have any suggestions of what might happen next, or a simple 'thank you' on:Pendant Changes – Friday comentary-thread.

    That would be a way I would be far more comfortable to give feedback, even if the same words were said in the message above, and it would be very nice to be able to give comments on especially on older stories, without making people think that there is a new installment coming along.

    Strangely enough I do not have this problem with art, I think this is because, it's much easier to see the difference on the thumbnails/pictures and the text.

    Anyway, I do believe a good forum is a orderly forum, also see the humble aproach, trying to give the reader a bad conscience by the payment-thingy.
    Pretty devious..

    Anyway, that's my tought.. 🙂


    Well i can't help it if i haven't got anything good to say  ???


    Hello all,
    I totally agree with Ling here, I think that everyone here should contribute in one form or another (material or posts) I'd like to think I had my shars of contributions here as I'm a huge FMG fan and like to share what I have/find with everyone. But everyone can comment on a post, maybe something they liked or saw or a FMG story/fantasy to share with the group. I think the more people we have contributing her,e the more we can keep this legendary forum alive and running. So, even if you don't have any material to share, just let us know you're out there and we'll all be better off in the end. Don't you all think so?



    Within the next two months some boards here at Amaz0ns will become inaccessible to users with few or no posts. 

    I don't ask much of visitors to Amaz0ns, but this is a community and I do ask that all members contribute their thoughts.  "Lurking" is of no benefit to anyone, and so I will soon begin penalizing that behavior.  So start posting, or else. 

    Yes, I am a bastard.  👿

    I totally agree.
    you are an evil bastard….


    I totally agree.
    you are an evil bastard….

    Can't say I don't agree either.  😉 But…. I can't say it's not a bad idea either as much, MUCH MUCH!!! as I hate to admit it, being a fellow lurker myself. Particularly in comparison to other 'post or be banned/lose your account' forums (which I think is rather counterproductive). Encourages more posting, only need to make a very meager amount monthly, and one day, shy lurkers may one day find their voice and become tommorrow's contributors. ;D

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