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  • #11682
    The Muffin man

    Since Muffin decided to comment on my LJ, I wanted to check back here to see what craziness he was talking about with the link he gave me.
    You're right, you aren't my nuber one bestest friend evar, so it was really silly of you to assume that this isn't me. You don't know me. For all you know, I could be a 40 year old man taking pictures of the girl he trapped in his basement, being way worse of a perv I just accused a lot of the board of being. It is me. Don't try to be all cool and play detective and try to get me to praise you for seeing that "it wasn't really me, oh my hero." I think you would have noticed long ago that I'm not all sugar and spice.

    Next time you're going to pull a Sherlock Holmes and try to figure out my motives, you might want to comment JUST to me first before publicly declaring that you don't know what you're talking about.

    So who's the complete fool here. Maybe me for thinking you're an honestly nice person, or you for insulting us all because you finally got an honest critique and couldn't fucking take it.

    And you know what? I fucking knew it was too good to think you weren't a complete and total self-absorbed jarhead christ-fucking cunt. Go on. Say I'm being SO Mean because you're christian. I don't fucking care.

    Unlike the rest of this forum, I'm NOT gonna say "OH BOO HOO STRAWBERRYS LEAVING OH NOES" and be a total pussy because we all have to pretend to like each other. I'm actually gonna stand up to you and tell you fuck off and good riddance.

    I honestly hope your ass gets shot in that desert wasteland your clueless leader seems to love so much. Cunt.

    Also, I thought it was cute how she claimed "OMG UR INTIMIDATED MY ME". No, moron. That's kind of the point of this fucking site. You aren't special at all. In fact, I'd say YOU'RE intimidated by some of US not immedietly latching on and declaring you our god. Or declaring your latest artwork(which I won't be a cock and lie about, you're not a bad artist) a masterpiece.

    Mark Newman

    Hmmm.  Just when it seemed to be settling down.

    Let's make one thing clear.  None of the moderators did anything to delete her posts.  Let's not start dark rumors of persecution by the powers that be.  Although I don't care for SR's perspectives myself, she was as free to post here as anyone. And she's free to leave too.

    I hope no one here takes SR's slurs seriously. We have an interest that's different from many others', and this is a place to enjoy it.

    As I was writing this, I saw TMM's last post.  Please remove it or edit it.  We don't need that stuff here.

    The Muffin man

    Hmmm.  Just when it seemed to be settling down.

    Let's make one thing clear.  None of the moderators did anything to delete her posts.  Let's not start dark rumors of persecution by the powers that be.  Although I don't care for SR's perspectives myself, she was as free to post here as anyone. And she's free to leave too.

    I hope no one here takes SR's slurs seriously. We have an interest that's different from many others', and this is a place to enjoy it.

    As I was writing this, I saw TMM's last post.  Please remove it or edit it.  We don't need that stuff here.

    We also don't need 300 fucking smilies, now do we, Mark? Oh sorry, I guess I should grow tits, pretend to like everyone, and start building muscle before my opinion is valid, I suppose.

    Mark Newman

    No. We don't need a ton of smilies.  We don't need posters telling us we're losers.  And we don't need posters calling others "cunts" or suggesting they die in a desert. 

    I don't know what SR did or said to you.  Having tits and a lot of muscle or a little bit of muscle has nothing to do with it.

    You're free to disagree, show people you disagree and write as much as you want about it.  Flaming isn't welcome here.  That'what I'm saying.  I've said the same to SR.


    Okay, okay, I'm a liar. Last one, I promise.

    With Muffin's outrageous comment (I came back because with the comment he left in my LJ, I knew he wouldn't let this go), I was brought to a realization: I miss flame wars.

    I do. Flame wars are fun because, in my opinion, no one is supposed to get angry. It's just a bunch of idiots online being absolutely stupid, and when you get enough stupid people saying stupid things, you'll eventually find some humor.

    I wanted to leave the forum not because you're all dripping douche nozzles, but because I just was getting bored. It's none of your fault. I just had questions that were answered (thanks, everyone), and posted some stuff I wanted to post, and added comments to things I felt like adding comments to. I figured I had nothing more to add, and that I really, truly was out of place here (some of you have mentioned this here). I wanted to gain muscle, not oggle it, and so I decided to leave.

    Not to leave you all on a sad note, or a "please email me, I love you all note," as this is not my way, I decided to post something so over-the-top that you all would realize it was just excessive sarcasm taken to a retarded level. I guess not everyone saw that (enough of you did, so that was good to know). I don't thrive off of controversy like some people believe. I find flame wars funny because there are people who genuinely do get upset about them, and that's the part I find so funny. Something that I see as so light-hearted people get upset about, so I try to spread the flames in a way that people know it's a joke and stop taking themselves seriously.

    Muffin wished me death because of a post that wasn't even directed at him. A stupid post, and he wants me to die out in the desert. If he's not serious, then his entire post is hilarious, and because I don't get upset about stupid things like this, I took it as a joke. I hope he did, too…like I said, I post flames so people stop taking themselves seriously.

    I also wanted to post to give ya'll a chance to respond to me. I will probably check back here but since I want to cut back my time on different sites (I don't like keeping track, I'm lazy, sue me), you can feel free to comment on my latest LJ entry where I ask people to flame me. So if you were the dude following me around the forum and smiting me (because being smote by a random person for no reason REALLY hurts me, no, REALLY, it's not stupid AT ALL), or if I've rubbed you the wrong way, or if you're like me and appreciate a good flame, then please feel free to post:

    Anyway, it's been fun. For those of you who listened to me and knew about my intentional flaming to try and ease the tension or to add a little laughter, I thank you and wish you the best. For those truly hurt by my words, I apologize.

    And for those truly upset by my words, I want you to know this: I mean nothing to you. I am a stupid idiot on the internet saying stupid idiot things. I do not know you. I do not know who you are, what you are, what you stand for, etc.. My words should mean nothing to you because I should mean nothing to you. Never let idiots rile you up, it only bothers you and, in some cases, may cause you a heap of trouble. Don't take yourselves so seriously. There is a time and a place, and on the internet with random strangers is not the time or place. If any of my words have stung you, then maybe you should look inside yourselves to see why…but don't get mad at me because I don't know what I'm talking about; it's just a lucky guess and means absolutely nothing (although for those of you that do privately tell me about yourselves, this does not apply as I do not use your words to mock you).

    You have my email address, and if you are lazy bastards, it's
    You have my LJ, and a link to that flame post.
    You can contact me if you want, and if not, enjoy your lives. Hope those of you still looking find the woman of your dreams, and those of you not looking stay happily married. Do well, get things done, don't compromise what you believe in, and all kinds of "have a good life" speech parts that you've heard throughout your lives.

    Mark Newman

    A nicer way to leave.  Thanks Strawberry.


    Goodbye, Child.
    You did bring I much mirth in your fasle statement that "The Pimp is seriously the best guy here, and you guys should all look up to him".

    But, still, it has much been said that you did little to endear yourself to others here and took little into account of the Forum you were joining nor the type of people who would possible be here. You also engauged in your share of flame wars and were not the best accepter of criticism -whether justified or not. There is much blame on both sides of this sorded affair but that shall all soon be forgotten -as are all things. You posted all things fair and harsh and shall be remember for both yet forgiven for none. You tried to be honest -to us and yourself- yet could not bare thing true. As is the fault of us all. Of all humankind.
    You shall be missed by all and none. Your words to past to Eternity and to Dust. Like the way of all things.
    No blame shall lie here. No accusations made upon anyway. We are all at fault. This is merely the fact of being. Nothing more. Nothing less. No all given to Dust. Such is our way.

    For now, The Shadow shall keep a close eye on you and pass on any advice or messages. You shall know him when you see him.

    Until our next encounter -in this life, this Realm or all those next- be well, dear Child.

    Neon Black

    EDIT: to make my's meaning clearer and say what I's meant to have said.


    Wow, Neon Black, I never had a guy get so mad at a compliment.

    I've also never had a guy try to lecture me after I already covered what he was talking about.

    Unless, of course, this is your version of a flame, in which case it's much too eloquent 🙂


    sorry to see you go.i know i dont post much here. i for one dont know much about building muscle so you have a lot more knowledge on it than me. but its interesting to read what u have to say on it.


    There are more people in the forum that know about muscle gain, so if you want to know about it, ask. They are always good on getting to you.

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