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  • #11702
    The Muffin man

    Why do you care? Aren't we mostly a bunch of losers who can't take a woman who won't be our plaything, or whatever?

    And didn't you LEAVE? Stop saying "I'M LEAVING" and fucking LEAVE.


    Here.s my attempt at a flame…hehe

    šŸ‘æ Dammit Strawberry Why Can't you just come over here to texas and place your combat boot on my chest and say…"lick my jar jar binks…SuperBoy…or should I say "Super Looser"

    I The Melon Meister do solemly swear I shall cut up rotten cantalouple and put in…strawberry pocky riddick dave's shorts…and then proceed to run out the dooor as she chases me with her alanis morrisette butter knife!


    LOL ok …since im usually a peacemaker i thought id just act a little out of character for a minute to see if I liked it



    Woah!  Come on.  There is no need for this to descend into nastiness.

    Muffin & co – if she thinks people are 'retarded', swearing and getting nasty in her farewell post isn't going to change her mind or endear you to the people reading this.  It's fine to be angry, but please could you express it in more positive ways?

    Strawb – you don't like it here and want to go.  Fine.  Sorry it hasn't worked out.  I don't think the situation was as one-sided as you presented it (and to be fair not as one-sided as some people who disagreed with you thought either).  People (if they can be bothered) can read through the various posts and make up their own minds.

    Holy crap, sorry, sorry. I know how much we all hate double-posts, but I HAD to. I reeeeaaaaaaalllllly want to apologize for how long that last one was. If Tommy had his email address available, I would have mailed it to him. Sorry, sorry. Unintentional. Sorry.

    (It sounds like PMing could be applicable in this situation)

    I wish you well in Iraq, because it sounds like you're going to do something of great value that will help a lot of people, and that's a very noble thing.  And I wish you well in your personal development and training – I'm aware of the great positive impact weights have had in my life since I got off the couch and got in the gym and it makes me feel good to see people enthusiastic about it too.

    Trent Harlow

    While I wouldn't say you were whoring SR, Tommy does bring up a good point.  You came to a Female Growth Fetish forum and posted pics of yourself, "GROW"ing more muscular as you progressed.  If you were expecting maturity (especially over the net), this was not the place to find it.  To alot of the people on here you were they're fantasy come true.  I mean alot of us are afriad to share this interest with others (especially women) because girls with muscles aren't the "norm".  So to have a women who openly admits to wanting big muscles, they couldn't contain themselves.  I'm not saying everybody here is like that, but no matter where you go, you're gonna get some bad apples.  And if you think the guys here are perverts who only call women whores when they don't put-out, wait till you join the Marines, you're in for a rude awakening.  Speaking as one, military men can be the worst when it comes to disrespecting women.

    Ok, I'm done on this subject.  Gonna go read marknew's new story again. 

    YOU RULE MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mark Newman

    Thanks Freak.  Fantasy and fun is what this site is all about.

    The Muffin man

    Woah!  Come on.  There is no need for this to descend into nastiness.

    Muffin & co – if she thinks people are 'retarded', swearing and getting nasty in her farewell post isn't going to change her mind or endear you to the people reading this.  It's fine to be angry, but please could you express it in more positive ways?

    I really don't care if she thinks less of me. As for the others, it's not aimed at them. They're a great group of people. They do not deserve a 'leaving post' that's so harsh and angry.


    Come on guys… the more you address her, the more she'll respond. She noted the fact that having her Karma rating go down distressed her… shouldn't that be a clue that she likes the attention? Personally, I thought it was great when her karma rating went down because for all of her rantings about "I don't care if people don't like me" she actually does because she's INSECURE.  (Not to mention obsessive compulsive and bipolar)

    I say we let it drop, ignore her extraneous diatribes and let her fade away into the background. She's caused nothing but trouble on this board first by intruding, criticizing everyone (including the proprietor of the board), apologizing, and criticizing again. (She's bipolar)

    Ignore her and eventually she'll shut her trap and we can finally have some peace on the board. Personally, I've never seen so much bs even when I was on Wreck-Shop's board. Funny thing is… ever notice how all the major conflicts on the board involve one person?…

    Yeap.. you got it… Strawberryriddick….

    Let her go!!!


    Those are the only things you commented on and accused me of: things that don't even apply. Wait, no, there was a 3rd thing you tried to say: "Have you noticed that when someone online claims they're leaving permanently, they never really do?" It's funny, because I already addressed that: "I will probably check back here…" I hope you were speaking generally and not trying to take a shot at me with that comment, because that would prove that you're just mad at me without reading what I say (and since this is a forum, and reading is all you HAVE, you look really silly).

    The reason this response is so long is because I truly do feel bad for you and wanted this post to not be something quick and sarcastic…and by "feel bad" I mean that I hope you the best and if you want to email me and unload your problems I'm willing to listen, not the "Oh, I pity you, you are such a loser" kind of feel bad. This honestly raised some flags in my head that say "Look, look, be easy on the guy. He obviously has some issues here that he's not talking about. Don't be mean about it, just address them in a way that he sees how silly his comments were and maybe he'll end up dealing with his problems." I know that by even saying that, you might get mad and I apologize. I just wanted to put it out there, that I realize that there are deeper issues here because nothing you said applies at all. It sounds like you were hurt by someone in the past and are lashing out at me because you didn't get to lash out at her. Maybe I said something that reminded you of her, so you assumed that I must be like her, and named two things she was guilty of (attention whore and arrogant twat), and are getting mad at me because she's not here to yell at. Maybe you didn't want to yell at her, and you're only telling me because I'm online.

    I know full well that this whole thing might rub you the wrong way because you may read it as me trying to be all arrogant or something. Well, don't read it that way. Don't assume my personality when you can't see my expressions or hear the inflection in my voice. All you have is what I say. Don't attribute past failed relationships to our conversation, or hate me because that tease you met the other day isn't available to be yelled at.

    LOL…. Whatever you do… don't assume anything about Strawberryriddick… but by the gods.. be prepared for her to assume things about your past..i.e. relationships in how you deal with her!!!

    Isn't she wonderful???


    If youā€™re one of the people that doesnā€™t want to hear me respond, then I ask that you read the block addressed to ā€œeveryoneā€ before you respond.

    MUFFIN: Uh…weā€™ve been over this several times: I said that as a joke. From your comments to me here and on my LJ, you seem to think that Iā€™m some sadistic bitch out there to upset the hell out of everyone and anyone. The funny thing is that if you listened to anything I was saying other than the crap that I say is a joke, youā€™d know that I was joking. As for leaving, I covered that twice on this forum so Iā€™m not going to spell it out a third time.
    This is one great quote: ā€œThey do not deserve a 'leaving post' that's so harsh and angry.ā€ Youā€™re right, thatā€™s why I didnā€™t address this towards them. You arenā€™t their guardian, you know that, right? No one here is crying because some dork online (me) posted something that wasnā€™t directed towards them. And then, just to make sure, I made a new post to clarify what I meant. Your anger and sense of protecting other forum members is completely unnecessary.
    ā€œI really don't care if she thinks less of me.ā€ Sure you do. I mean, you are posting here and you posted in my LJ to tell me that you think less of me. Obviously, you care what I think of you or else you wouldnā€™t be so angry towards me.
    The funny thing about this is that I donā€™t care one way or the other. If youā€™re angry, I get a laugh, and if youā€™re nice, I have an actual conversation. Both are good in my book. One hurts you, one doesnā€™t, but neither hurt me because they are both positive in my opinion. How you act is up to you. I canā€™t change that. But donā€™t think itā€™s my fault that you react a certain way.
    Seriously, dude, youā€™ve got some hatred towards me and itā€™s utterly mind-boggling. The only person youā€™re pissing off is yourself because I know better than to get upset with someone online.

    MELON: I was all laughs until you said that Alanis Morrisette thing. Thatā€™s a prized possession, I thank you very much not to make light of it, good sir!

    RANDOM: PMing would have been great, but I donā€™t think youā€™ve noticed: my account = deleted. That was a pretty funny comment, though. I mean, if theyā€™re mad that Iā€™m getting mad at them…and theyā€™re mad because they think I have no reason to get mad at them…then why are they proving my point…? šŸ™‚

    As for wanting to go, Iā€™ve already covered that I will be checking this, and maybe a couple other threads, and I will slowly leave. This is really the only one I check as I donā€™t like to leave anything open-ended. Thanks for your words of encouragement.

    FREAK: Yeah, I came to a fetish site. Like I said, itā€™s a place I know where people wouldnā€™t be repulsed by my progress like many people have been so far. This does not mean that I should openly accept any and all advances and lewd comments. This does not mean that I should be treated like an object. I donā€™t need respect, but I do want equality. Iā€™ve made it abundantly clear that Iā€™m here to gain muscle, NOT to be an icon, NOT to be a mascot, NOT to be a celebrity on the forum, NOT to be hit on. Even on other muscle forums people have told me that I look disgusting because women shouldnā€™t have muscles, so I leave them. Only here were people supportive, but some took it too far. ā€œSo to have a women who openly admits to wanting big muscles, they couldn't contain themselves.ā€ Maybe THIS is what made me a fantasy woman: I couldnā€™t call the police or reject them to their face. They think they can treat me this way because itā€™s on the internet so itā€™s okay or something…the thing is, behaving this way is NO way to get a woman, and thus they are still single.

    ā€œAnd if you think the guys here are perverts who only call women whores when they don't put-out, wait till you join the Marines, you're in for a rude awakening.ā€ I already said that the guys Iā€™ve met are like this…not the guys on this forum in particular. I know this already, but thanks, I guess…just wish you would have read a little closer.

    ā€œSpeaking as one, military men can be the worst when it comes to disrespecting women.ā€ Thanks for the headā€™s up on that, but for some reason itā€™s a LOT easier for guys to get the message in real life, so Iā€™m not all that worried about it. You canā€™t see my demeanor online, and I canā€™t see yours. I mimic the guys I hang out with not because I want to be a man or because Iā€™m some kind of tomboy, but itā€™s because I figure the more I act like them, the more theyā€™ll treat me like an equal. It works. No one hits on a chick who burps and talks about her penis. Some guys scratch their balls and then apologize, and I just say ā€œHey, Iā€™m just glad YOU did it firstā€ and then pretend to adjust my nuts. They get a laugh, allā€™s well. Hell, I pretend to face fuck one of my friends because I thought it would be funny. He felt gay, and then we both laughed. Around chicks, I behave as they do so they treat me as an equal. I do it because I want to be treated fairly, but also to accommodate the other person, to make him/her feel comfortable that any personality quirks will be accepted by me and even mimicked to some degree. I have my own personality, I know who I am, and I donā€™t need people to accept me…I just behave this way so if they accept me, itā€™s as an equal instead of a sex object or someone to look up on/down to.

    So far, it doesnā€™t work too well online because you can see my actions or hear my inflections. This leaves people to imagine what Iā€™m doing, and theyā€™re almost always wrong, which is why I come off as a total prick instead of just responding how I think theyā€™d appreciate being responded to. The guys here that respond as jerks think Iā€™m a jerk, the guys here who respond as nice as pie think Iā€™m nice as pie, and the guys who I donā€™t talk to donā€™t really have an opinion about me one way or the other. Do you think thatā€™s an accident? Sure, itā€™s not a perfect split like that, as lurker Tommy brought to light, but itā€™s true for the most part.

    You should see me in real life, though. Believe it or not, I have zero enemies. No one hates me. Itā€™s…itā€™s really quite amazing if you ask me. Oh, hell, I used to, but once I realized that weā€™re all people and no oneā€™s better than anyone else so I should stop being such an arrogant bastard, people really havenā€™t had a reason to hate me. In fact, most people I meet online become my friends even after theyā€™ve spewed on and on about how much they hate me. The key to this is that they are willing to listen, and not everyone is. Oh well. I care about people, but that also means I care enough to not try to smother them. Some people REALLY donā€™t want to hear it, and once they tell me that, I stop. Thatā€™s it.

    GUEST: ā€œShe noted the fact that having her Karma rating go down distressed herā€ What are YOU reading? Iā€™ve only ever posted that I think itā€™s HILARIOUS that someone is following me around and knocking down my Karma rating. Any comment you see regarding the ā€œsmiteā€ feature is one where I view it in a positive way. If youā€™re going to give sage advice, you should pay attention first.
    Hereā€™s another quote that you should think about: ā€œNot to mention obsessive compulsive and bipolar.ā€ Why, I had no idea that you were not only a psychologist, but that I was seeing you to talk about my problems. You assessed me on the INTERNET from posts that you obviously didnā€™t read very well (like I quoted you above). Ooooh, Iā€™m really hurt. Some douche thinks I have OCD and Iā€™m bipolar when he canā€™t even read. Yeah, YOU made your way through all those years of college…
    I also love how you try to paint me as a hypocrite:
    ā€œLOL…. Whatever you do… don't assume anything about Strawberryriddick… but by the gods.. be prepared for her to assume things about your past..i.e. relationships in how you deal with her!!!ā€ This is coming from the guy who thinks Iā€™m starved for attention, have OCD, and am bipolar.
    You donā€™t need me to make you look bad, but I help. Iā€™m like a catalyst to some peopleā€™s idiocy. Itā€™s great. Then again, this may be a good flame, the kind which I specifically asked for (although I asked for them on my LJ), in which case I tip my hat to you sir.

    EVERYONE: Iā€™m getting an impression that those of you here to try and ā€œtalk senseā€ into me have missed the point. Iā€™m not leaving because of some of the people here. If that were the case, Iā€™d have left long ago. As I covered in my ā€œletā€™s clear this upā€ post, Iā€™m leaving because Iā€™m bored. The ONE thing the above ā€œGuestā€ said that was true (based on his other comments that were based on 100% wrong premises, I figure it was just a fluke), and thatā€™s this: ā€œCome on guys… the more you address her, the more she'll respond.ā€ As I just said, I donā€™t like leaving things open-ended. I figure that if you write a comment, you want a response. I expect a response when I comment on things, so I figure everyone else does, too. You can either refrain from commenting or just say ā€œDonā€™t respond to this commentā€ and Iā€™ll let it be.

    I deleted my account and will be leaving the forum not because of a couple horndogs, but because this just isnā€™t the place for me. I canā€™t participate in a lot of discussions you guys have because Iā€™m not sexually interested in muscular (or any) women, and Iā€™ve seen a lot of people here with knowledge about working out so I know that itā€™s not necessary for me to stay here to help answer questions. Iā€™m not needed (and according to some, Iā€™m not wanted) on this forum, and thereā€™s not all that much for me here now that Iā€™ve gotten my initial concerns about weight lifting addressed. I liked posting my progress here, but since some people took that to be a ā€œhit on meā€ advance, then I figured I should just leave this stuff to my LJ. No big deal. It didnā€™t work out, but itā€™s not because of the dorks here.

    I already covered this, so letā€™s see if anyone pays attention this time.


    LOL.. Who said I'm a guy or that I went to college? In fact, I'm a female who is FAR more muscularly developed then you but without the immature arrogancy. As for you and the "karma" thing… clearly you're upset about it as I've recall reading a thread about it which you participated in. A little disturbed by a dropped karma rating aren't we?

    As for assuming, maybe you need to read a bit more. Your past posts have been focused on the idea of having people NOT ASSUMING things about you yet you assume things about a fellow poster and his relationships. Hmm… what is that called? Read slowly…

    Go away little girl. Good luck with life, your attitude won't get you anywhere.


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