Auf Wiedersehen

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  • #11712

    I decided to check back here, but then I asked myself why. I already said what I needed to say, and, as usual, I had to repeat myself at least twice more and some of you still didn't get it.

    Some of you guys have contacted me off of the forums. Awesome, look forward to speaking to you on a one-on-one basis. Have a good one, you guys.

    Oh, and Tommy, sweetie…if you're going to sign in under an anonymous name, please do a better job of covering it up. "Guest" only quoted my comments to you, rehashed your tired, unfounded argument, and then ended with telling me that it's a girl who never went to college, showing me that
    a) you tried to "knock me off my high horse" by talking down to me under the guise of a gal with big muscles and
    b) it's you, because no one would be so stupid as to brag that they didn't go to college.

    Tommy, Tommy, you're a full-grown man. Why do you have to act like a little boy all the time? This is why you're on Amaz0ns and not out with your girflriend or wife. Goodness, I would love to see you in action, trying to score with some chick.
    You: "So, what do you like to do?"
    Her: "Well, I like to paint, listen to music, and take long drives."
    You: "You hate to take long drives? What, you like only short drives…to the street corner? You're a WHORE!! Gah, get out of my face, you filthy whore!"
    Her: "That doesn't make sense…I didn't say…"
    You: "Yes you did, you just said it. Oh, what, you embarrassed because you're such a whore? You can't take it back, WHORE! Damn it, I hate women!"

    I took some liberties, but I think it still would ring true. Your idiocy is utterly mind-boggling, my friend. I'm honestly unable to properly describe it, but if I did you still wouldn't listen because you've made it abundantly clear that reading comprehension was never, ever your forte.

    Anyway, take it easy guys. See some of you off of Amaz0ns, and I'll still be laughing at Tommy even after I leave. Seriously, hahaha, dude, freakin' seriously…you're a joke of a man. A joke. Part of me feels bad because you're a walking tragedy, but at the same time, it's your own fault and you refuse to change, so I can go back to laughing. Hahaha, damn!



    For notice.
    This topic shall soon be locked by The Powers that Are because of what is now transpiring here.
    Do not post further. Any issues left unresolved shall remain unresolved.
    If you wish further agrument, Strawberry was good enough to supply us all with her e-mail and Live Journal address, so make good use of them and take your pettiness from out this public areana.
    All points have thus been made and nothing can be said hence to change the matter.
    I's expect a certain level of maturity within this Realm and I's have been sadly let down (even by my's self).
    This shall probably be the last discussion here in this thread, so say what you have already said and let it all lie.
    Others have more important things to be concerned with then these petty and childish actions.
    Is all understood?


    it sounds like to many guys are jumping on stawberry she sounds like a nice woman  we should more woman like her around


    I guess it's my fault of why you wanna leave, so I would like to apologize.
    I would have done this sooner, but I'm so busy with study and other stuff, I usually only connect Wednesdays till early night.
    Because it was getting late, my comment looked vacuous, but that was mainly for leak of time.
    I didn't mean the picture was awfully bad, it only didn't liked to me, and I like lots of things other people doesn't.
    So, if you still wanna leave, please don't go angry at me.


    Id have to agree that its pretty apparent whats happening here. To be completely honest, my initial impression of Riddick was something like… "shes a narcissistic nutcase." I thought she had a superiority complex. Her website was so full of little "Im so ridiculously smart" quips, it lost my interest in record time. Granted, I dont visit or post here too often, and my limited interaction with her (supplemental advice) was the usual business. However, it was impossible to ignore the nuttiness that resurfaced from time to time in otherwise casual conversation. Yes, some guys here are lonely. But none are losers. And yet, Riddick never hesistated to point out how miserable we (her 'esteemed followers') made her online life. Continually. Every day.

    Im totally convinced its all a farce. She came here for attention, and perhaps to abuse people. Probably hoping for a sick, twisted symbiotic relationship. Ive seen this before, its called " crazy." Yep, just plain old "crazy." Im sure this will annoy her to no end, knowing that even in her insanity shes nothing special. The sting of truth. Owie. So what should she do? Try to analyze this post and pick it apart, hoping to reach her defensive snooty remark quota? Let me do it for you, in fewer words… "What a stupid post with absolutely no semblance of reason. Im vastly superior to you in every way. Ive memorized the dialog of every single episode of Chico and the Man  broadcasted in the 70s. And I wasnt even born till the 80s. Bwahaha!!"

    Sociopaths are boring. But dont worry, Im sure there are some great mental illness support boards online. Oh, and thanks for the 300 smilies.


    I had just heard about it, but just now got the time to check. Yes, P0cky needs to get her ass off her butt. Being sarcastic? You know well that it dosen't works on foruns. You outright went and offended a lot of people, then tried to cover you ass saying you was just kidding. Then everytime someone made a comment about you, you tried to put them down with more insults.
    I've been seeing you act like this in various places, and I can attest, that online at least, you are being purposedly a jerk, and is an attention whore. Hey guys, you wanna make a bet, that if she check here again, she'll make another comment about "how I can't examin her psychologicaly online", or some other crap like she just said in a previous post?
    Sorry for fanning the flames a bit, but this is something I had to say. And P0cky, flames are fun, only to 13 y.o. kids with too much free time. You are adult enough to know you are just being silly.

    And to finish:

    GUEST: “She noted the fact that having her Karma rating go down distressed her” What are YOU reading? I’ve only ever posted that I think it’s HILARIOUS that someone is following me around and knocking down my Karma rating. Any comment you see regarding the “smite” feature is one where I view it in a positive way. If you’re going to give sage advice, you should pay attention first.

    cough.. cough…

    I also wanted to post to give ya'll a chance to respond to me. I will probably check back here but since I want to cut back my time on different sites (I don't like keeping track, I'm lazy, sue me), you can feel free to comment on my latest LJ entry where I ask people to flame me. So if you were the dude following me around the forum and smiting me (because being smote by a random person for no reason REALLY hurts me, no, REALLY, it's not stupid AT ALL), or if I've rubbed you the wrong way, or if you're like me and appreciate a good flame, then please feel free to post:

    And just for the record, I dont care for the karma system too. I'd rathe haver someone tell me direcly what they like or not.

    Just a last piece of advice, P0cky: the majority of users in this forum are adults. Not kids like the one on that other forum, that you can offend and walk away laughing, and still pretend you are "cool".

    And as much as you don't believe in knowing people online, you know me, and know that whatever crap you want to tell me, won't work. I don't have a girlfriend? Check. I dont have friends in real life? Check. I may have a problem? Yes, I do. I have light depression. What is *your* excuse?

    Amazon Lover

    Strawberry's no longer part of the forum, and odds are she'll never read what you wrote.  And you're right; you are, indeed, fanning the flames.  As I suggested in another post about Strawberrry, I think it's best that we move on with our lives and put this behind us.

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