BBC America dropping Benny Hill!

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  • #49738

    Ah, yes, Norfolk was a county.  In the U.S., Norfolk is the home port for a good chunk of the U.S. Navy, not far from the original Jamestown fort.

    Next month is the 400th anniversary of the successful English settlement of North America at Jamestown, btw.  Queen's comin' over; big hullabaloo.


    Ah, yes, Norfolk was a county.  In the U.S., Norfolk is the home port for a good chunk of the U.S. Navy, not far from the original Jamestown fort.

    Next month is the 400th anniversary of the successful English settlement of North America at Jamestown, btw.  Queen's comin' over; big hullabaloo.

    Yes, and there was an article on our local TV news about some legal documents held hereabouts that were written-up as a draft constitiution for the settlememt by an English guy who based them on the Magna Carta.  They're going to donate them to the Jamestown museum.


    Whoops, sorry Ritz – it would seem that we're actually quite close in age after all.  Perhaps "poons" is a Bristolian expression that, as a Norfolkman, I wouldn't understand.

    Oooh ooh… Alan partridge land, awesome


    Oooh ooh… Alan partridge land, awesome

    A*** P******** is a dirty name round these parts – Steve Coogan did the best (or worst) hatchet job on us with that character.  Norwich is actually a very historic and (mostly) beautiful city – very intimate and comparatively friendly.  We're not all straw-sucking inbreds, you know (and we do NOT bloody well speak with the sort of accent that is spoken down your way, despite what TV dramas and adverts would lead you to think – the Norfolk dialect is completely different to a West Country burr).

    Bane Dorrance
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